log position : %sybase%\ASE-15_0\install
 kernel  KERNEL structure not padded correctly - size = 5288
 kernel  SySAM: Using licenses from: d:\sybase\\SYSAM-2_0\licenses
 kernel  SySAM: Checked out license for 1 ASE_CORE (2007.1231/permanent/1D6C 07BE B477 A3E1).
 kernel  This product is licensed to: ASE Developer Edition - For Development and Test use only
 kernel  Checked out license ASE_CORE
 kernel  Adaptive Server Enterprise (Developer Edition)
 kernel  basis_dlock: file 'd:\sybase\data\master.dat' already in use by an ASE
 kernel  kdconfig: unable to read primary master device
server  kiconfig: read of config block failed
解决方案:在WIN服务管理,将SYBASE ASE 设为自动启动(之前为手动),重启,即可。
kernel  network name, interface IPv4, address, type tcp, port 5004, filter NONE
 kernel  Failed to log the current message in the Windows NT event log
 kernel  NT operating system error 10049 in module 'generic\ksource\strmio\n_winsock.c' at line 1608: 在其上下文中,该请求的地址无效。
 kernel  Failed to log the current message in the Windows NT event log
 kernel  ninit: bind, Could not bind socket address.
 kernel  Failed to log the current message in the Windows NT event log
Cannot allocate resources for listener with protocol tcp, host, port 5004, engine 0.
 kernel  Failed to log the current message in the Windows NT event log
 kernel  Cannot start any network listeners.
 kernel  Failed to log the current message in the Windows NT event log
 kernel  ueshutdown: exiting
 kernel  Failed to log the current message in the Windows NT event log
 kernel  SySAM: Checked in license for 1 ASE_CORE (2007.1231/permanent/1D6C 07BE B477 A3E1).
解决方案:服务器地址配置出错。使用dsedit(服务器连接性配置工具),配置正确的服务器地址,格式为:SERVERNAME(IP ADD),PORT