
Bali resort embraces 'digital detox' trend by banning mobile phone use around swimming pool

巴厘岛度假村 迎合“数字排毒”趋势,禁止在游泳池附近使用手机

As Vienna launches an anti-social media campaign, a Balinese resort has introduced a strict 'no calls, no texts and no social media' policy


A Balinese resort has banned the use of mobile phones around one of its pools.


Ayana Resort and Spa, a luxury hotel on the southern coast of the Indonesian holiday island, prohibits calls, texts and social media use around its River Pool.

位于印尼度假岛南部海岸的豪华酒店Ayana Resort and Spa禁止在其泳池River Pool附近接打电话、发短信和使用社交媒体。

The resort says on its website: “The ethos of River Pool is to create a place of tranquillity, where our guests can truly relax and be ‘in the moment’. To ensure River Pool remains a haven for guests we limit the use of mobile phones, cameras, iPads, and any other electronic equipment between 9am-5pm.

度假村在其网站上表示“RIver Pool的精神是创造一个宁静的地方,让我们的客人可以真正放松和享受’当下’(据说是该度假村的一种鸡尾酒的名称)。” 为了确保River Pool仍然是客人的天堂,我们在上午9点到下午5点之间限制手机、相机、ipad和任何其他电子设备的使用。

“So during your time at River Pool we promise there will be no calls, no text, no pictures, and no social media – just you, River Pool and this moment!“

“所以,我们保证,在您待在River Pool的这段时间里,不会有电话、短信、照片和社交媒体的打扰,只有您、River Pool和这一刻!”

For guests who can’t bear to be parted from devices, the resort has four other pools to choose from. Those desperate to capture the River Pool on camera are encouraged to pay a visit between 7-9am or 5-7pm.

The policy comes amid a growing trend for switching off and embracing the digital detox.  (Independent)

对于无法忍受与设备分离的客人,度假村还有其他四个可供选择的游泳池。那些不顾一切想要用相机拍下river pool的人,可以在早上7点到9点之间或者下午5点到7点之间去参观。

