Background :google android SDK platform provide emulator & ADB utility tools,it's very useful to

decompile the apk file to dump byte readable file.



if you are ready for it, the sequences as following,


   - create/launch emulator from command line

   - launch the ADB utility tool from command line

   - install apk file from local directory from command line

   - list all system application apk file from command line

   - dexdump selected .dex file from emulator

   - pull dump file to local directory


Detail Section:


    step 1: create your own emulator if you still not create one and then launch the emulator

                launch the windows command line console, then chnage root directory to your android

                SDK Platform/tools directory, for me

                C:/>cd /d D:/android-sdk-windows/tools

                D:/android-sdk-windows/tools>android create -avd -n my_android1.5 -t 2

                D:/android-sdk-windows/tools>emulator -avd  my_android1.5

    step 2: after emulator launched, go to windowns console to start ADB Shell utility tool

                make sure your emulator is running before you start ADB. if it's successful

              D:/android-sdk-windows/tools>adb shell
                # cd /system/app
                cd /system/app
                # ls

               if you want to see how many user applications have been installed on your emulator, just

               cd /data/app,and then ls


                step 3: install your apk file using adb shell commands, if you still not install your application

                on emulator

                D:/android-sdk-windows/tools>adb install D:/android-sdk-windows/tools/a.apk

                after install successfully, you will see your apk file using above command line


               step 4: get the cached dex file from your emulator, we have to enter dalvik VM cache using command

               # cd /data/dalvik-cache

               # ls                              


               data@[email protected]@classes.dex


               step 5: use dexdump file to generate the dump file then use pull command to copy to local directory

               #dexdump -d -f -h data@[email protected]@classes.dex >> a.apk.dump

finally you will get a bit-readable dump file, based on dalvik class format knowledge, the more you dig

the more you get. normally *.apk file is a .zip file, could be open by any winzip tool.

Reference: SDK platform documentation