
大家好,欢迎加入小李君的Kotlin学习之旅。今天是小李君学习 Kotlin 的第八天。



  • https://kotlinlang.org/docs/reference/classes.html

Classes and Inheritance - 类和继承

Classes - 类

Classes in Kotlin are declared using the keyword class{: .keyword }:
类在Kotlin里面就是用关键字 class 来声明的,就跟其他语言一样,除了C语言:

class Student {     // 我是学生类,啦啦啦

class Student(name:String, age:Int) {
    val myName = name
    var myAge = age

class 类名 类头 {        
     // 类体                    

The class declaration consists of the class name, the class header (specifying its type parameters, the primary constructor etc.) and the class body, surrounded by curly braces. Both the header and the body are optional; if the class has no body, curly braces can be omitted.

class Student

Constructors - 构造器 - 构造函数

A class in Kotlin can have a primary constructor and one or more secondary constructors. The primary constructor is part of the class header: it goes after the class name (and optional type parameters).
一个 Kotlin 的类可以有一个首要构造器和多个次要构造器。而首要构造器是类头的一部分。他通常出现在类名的后面。

class Person constructor(firstName: String) {  // 我是首要构造器

If the primary constructor does not have any annotations or visibility modifiers, the constructor{: .keyword }
keyword can be omitted:
如果首要构造器没有被任何注解或者修饰符所修饰。那么 constructor 这个关键字可以直接省略掉。感觉就像 JavaScript 的 Function 声明的类:

// javascript
function Person(firstName) {

// kotlin
class Person(firstName: String) {

The primary constructor cannot contain any code. Initialization code can be placed in initializer blocks, which are prefixed with the init{: .keyword } keyword:
首要构造器不可以包含任何初始化的代码。而初始化的代码可以写在初始化代码块,这种代码块用 init {...} 表示:

class Student(name: String) {
    init {
        logger.info("Student initialized with value ${name}")

Note that parameters of the primary constructor can be used in the initializer blocks. They can also be used in property initializers declared in the class body:

class Student(name: String) {
    val name = name.toUpperCase()  // 我是字段

In fact, for declaring properties and initializing them from the primary constructor, Kotlin has a concise syntax:
事实上,Kotlin 针对于首要构造器的字段的声明和初始化代码,发明了一个简洁的语法糖,小李君表示非常喜欢:

class Person(val firstName: String, val lastName: String, var age: Int) {
    // ...

Much the same way as regular properties, the properties declared in the primary constructor can be mutable (var{: .keyword }) or read-only (val{: .keyword }).
首要构造器里面可以声明 val 常量字段和 var 变量字段。

If the constructor has annotations or visibility modifiers, the constructor{: .keyword } keyword is required, and the modifiers go before it:
如果构造器有注解或修饰符修饰,那么就要在修饰符后面显式地写出 "constructor" 这个关键字。貌似这个前面已经提到了,唠叨~

class Customer public @Inject constructor(name: String) { ... }

For more details, see Visibility Modifiers.
想了解更多,请看 Visibility Modifiers

Secondary Constructors - 次要构造器

The class can also declare secondary constructors, which are prefixed with constructor{: .keyword }:
类也可以声明次要构造器,用 constructor{...} 来写:

class Person {
    constructor(parent: Person) {   // 次要构造器参上

If the class has a primary constructor, each secondary constructor needs to delegate to the primary constructor, either directly or indirectly through another secondary constructor(s). Delegation to another constructor of the same class is done using the this{: .keyword } keyword:
如果一个类已经有一个主要构造器,那么每个次要构造器都需要代理这个主要构造器,无论是直接地代理还是通过其他次要构造器间接地代理。这种代理机制可以用 this(...) 来表示:

class Person(val name: String) {
    // 次要构造器代理调用了首要构造器,有点像 C++
    constructor(name: String, parent: Person) : this(name) {

If a non-abstract class does not declare any constructors (primary or secondary), it will have a generated primary constructor with no arguments. The visibility of the constructor will be public. If you do not want your class to have a public constructor, you need to declare an empty primary constructor with non-default visibility:
如果一个非抽象类没有声明任何构造器,那么这个类就会生成一个无参的主要构造器(就像 Java 那样)。通常这种构造器都是 public 的。如果你不想让一个类有 public 的无参构造器,那么你就需要声明 private

// 私有的无参构造器通常用于单例模式
class DontCreateMe private constructor () {

NOTE: On the JVM, if all of the parameters of the primary constructor have default values, the compiler will generate an additional parameterless constructor which will use the default values. This makes it easier to use Kotlin with libraries such as Jackson or JPA that create class instances through parameterless constructors.
注意:在JVM里头,如果主要构造器上面所有的参数都有默认值,那么编译器就会生成一个额外的无参构造器用于默认值赋值。这样能够更加容易地使用 Kotlin 一些例如 Jackson 或 JPA 这些可以通过无参构造器创建实体的库。

class Customer(val customerName: String = "")

Creating instances of classes - new一个对象

To create an instance of a class, we call the constructor as if it were a regular function:
直接调用构造器函数来创建实体。不用 new 一个:

val student = Student()

val person = Person("Joe Smith")

Note that Kotlin does not have a new{: .keyword } keyword.
Kotlin 就是没有 new 关键字。不服来战。

Creating instances of nested, inner and anonymous inner classes is described in Nested classes.
Nested classes

Class Members - 类的成员

Classes can contain

  • Constructors and initializer blocks - 构造器和初始化代码块
  • Functions - 函数 - 方法
  • Properties - 成员变量 - 字段
  • Nested and Inner Classes - 复合类和内部类
  • Object Declarations - 对象声明

Inheritance - 继承

All classes in Kotlin have a common superclass Any, that is a default super for a class with no supertypes declared:
所有的类都有一个共同的父类 Any,默认就有了的(是不是很像 Java 的Object):

class Student      // 隐式地继承 Any

Any is not java.lang.Object; in particular, it does not have any members other than equals(), hashCode() and toString().
Any 类并非是 java.lang.Object;事实上,Any除了 equals(),hashcode(),toString() 以外并没有任何成员。(没有 wait() notify() 你懂的)。

Please consult the Java interoperability section for more details.
更多请看 与 Java 的爱恨情仇篇

To declare an explicit supertype, we place the type after a colon in the class header:

open class Base(p: Int)    // open 表示该类能够被继承

class Derived(p: Int) : Base(p)   // 有点像 C++

If the class has a primary constructor, the base type can (and must) be initialized right there,using the parameters of the primary constructor.
如果一个类有主要构造器,那么父类就必须在该类的主要构造器那里初始化。(真的很像 C++)

If the class has no primary constructor, then each secondary constructor has to initialize the base type using the super{: .keyword } keyword, or to delegate to another constructor which does that. Note that in this case different secondary constructors can call different constructors of the base type:

class MyView : View {
    constructor(ctx: Context) : super(ctx)

    constructor(ctx: Context, attrs: AttributeSet) : super(ctx, attrs)

The open{: .keyword } annotation on a class is the opposite of Java's final{: .keyword }: it allows others to inherit from this class. By default, all classes in Kotlin are final, which corresponds to Effective Java, Item 17:
那个 open 注解与 Java 的 final 唱反调。这么设计是有根据的,具体在 Effective Java :

Design and document for inheritance or else prohibit it.

Overriding Methods - 复写方法

As we mentioned before, we stick to making things explicit in Kotlin. And unlike Java, Kotlin requires explicit annotations for overridable members (we call them open) and for overrides:
就像之前提到的,Kotlin 一切都是显式设计。不像 Java 那样(这黑的~),Kotlin 要求显式地注解需要被复写的成员(用的就是 open),例如:

open class Base {
    open fun v() {}
    fun nv() {}
class Derived() : Base() {
    override fun v() {}

The override{: .keyword } annotation is required for Derived.v(). If it were missing, the compiler would complain. If there is no open{: .keyword } annotation on a function, like Base.nv(), declaring a method with the same signature in a subclass is illegal, either with override{: .keyword } or without it. In a final class (e.g. a class with no open{: .keyword } annotation), open members are prohibited.
override 注解在 ‘Derived.v()’ 那里是必须要写的。如果没写,则会有编译错误。如果没有 open 注解修饰在一个方法,例如 ‘Base.nv()’,那么声明一个同名的方法于一个子类是不合法的,无论写没写 open 注解。在一个 final 类里面(这个类没有修饰 open),open的成员都是被禁止复写的。反正继承复写这事儿,Kotlin 都是明明白白的,不像 Java那样糊里糊涂的(又在黑 Java ~)。

A member marked override{: .keyword } is itself open, i.e. it may be overridden in subclasses. If you want to prohibit re-overriding, use final{: .keyword }:
一个被标记为override的成员,自身也是 open 的,即,其可以被子类所复写。如果想要禁止这种再复写的行为,可以使用 final 来修饰:

open class AnotherDerived() : Base() {
    // AnotherDerived 的子类不可以复写该方法了
    final override fun v() {}    

Overriding Properties - 复写字段

Overriding properties works in a similar way to overriding methods; properties declared on a superclass that are then redeclared on a derived class must be prefaced with override{: .keyword }, and they must have a compatible type. Each declared property can be overridden by a property with an initializer or by a property with a getter method.
复写字段与复写方法一样;字段声明在父类,想要复写它,就必须要在子类的字段那里修饰override,并且字段类型必须相同。每个声明的字段可以被带有初始化操作的字段或者有 getter 方法的字段所复写。


open class Foo {
    open val x: Int get { ... }   // getter

class Bar1 : Foo() {
    override val x: Int = ...     // initializer

You can also override a val property with a var property, but not vice versa. This is allowed because a val property essentially declares a getter method, and overriding it as a var additionally declares a setter method in the derived class.
可以用 var 字段复写 val 字段,但不可以反过来同理可得。之所以允许用 var 复写 val 是因为一个 val 字段必须声明一个 getter 方法,而且用 var 来复写就需要在子类中声明一个 setter 方法。

Note that you can use the override{: .keyword } keyword as part of the property declaration in a primary constructor.
注意,override 可以用在主要构造器上。

interface Foo {        // 第一次出现了接口
    val count: Int

class Bar1(override val count: Int) : Foo    // 实现了接口

class Bar2 : Foo {
    override var count: Int = 0

Overriding Rules - 复写的规则

In Kotlin, implementation inheritance is regulated by the following rule: if a class inherits many implementations of the same member from its immediate superclasses, it must override this member and provide its own implementation (perhaps, using one of the inherited ones). To denote the supertype from which the inherited implementation is taken, we use super{: .keyword } qualified by the supertype name in angle brackets, e.g. super:
在 Kotlin 的世界里,实现继承是非常有规律的:如果一个类继承父类了多个相同成员的实现,它就必须复写其成员,以及提供它自己的实现(或使用其中继承父类的一部分实现)。为了在一个继承的实现中表示一个父类的类型,使用 super 来表示。例如 super


open class A {
    open fun f() { print("A") }
    fun a() { print("a") }

interface B {
    fun f() { print("B") } // interface members are 'open' by default
    fun b() { print("b") }

class C() : A(), B {
    // The compiler requires f() to be overridden:
    override fun f() {
        super.f() // call to A.f()     // 有点激进啊
        super.f() // call to B.f()

It's fine to inherit from both A and B, and we have no problems with a() and b() since C inherits only one implementation of each of these functions. But for f() we have two implementations inherited by C, and thus we have to override f() in C and provide our own implementation that eliminates the ambiguity.
直接继承 A 和 B 是可以的,而且C 继承了 a() 和 b(),没啥问题。但是 C 的 f() 复写了父类的 f() 。所以,要显式地用 super 来指明调用哪个父类的 f()。

这段虽然讲得复杂点,但是看代码还是能够看懂的,关键都在 super

Abstract Classes - 抽象类

A class and some of its members may be declared abstract{: .keyword }. An abstract member does not have an implementation in its class. Note that we do not need to annotate an abstract class or function with open – it goes without saying.
一个类及其成员都可以声明 abstract 。一个抽象的成员不可以有实现的代码。要知道,修饰了 abstract 的成员不再需要修饰 open

We can override a non-abstract open member with an abstract one
用一个抽象的成员来复写一个非抽象且 open 成员。

open class Base {
    open fun f() {}

abstract class Derived : Base() {
    override abstract fun f()

Companion Objects - 伴随对象(什么鬼)

In Kotlin, unlike Java or C#, classes do not have static methods. In most cases, it's recommended to simply use package-level functions instead.
对于 Kotlin 来说,不像 Java 或 C#,类是不会有静态方法的。在大多数情况下,Kotlin 更加推荐用简单的包级函数来替代。(也许跟内存优化有关)

If you need to write a function that can be called without having a class instance but needs access to the internals of a class (for example, a factory method), you can write it as a member of an object declaration inside that class.
如果你需要写一个函数,这函数可以不用通过任何类的对象来调用但却需要访问一个类的内部部分(例如一个工厂方法),你可以写一个 对象声明 的成员。

Even more specifically, if you declare a companion object inside your class, you'll be able to call its members with the same syntax as calling static methods in Java/C#, using only the class name as a qualifier.
尤其是,如果你声明了一个 伴随对象 于你的类,你可以直接调用它,就像 Java 或 C# 那样调取类的静态方法。


