

namespace Main\Controller;

use Common\Library\Vendor\ElasticSearch;
use Common\Library\Vendor\Page;
use General\Classes\QcloudApi;
use General\Classes\AcloudApi;
use General\Constant\AppDownloadStatus;
use Role\Constant\RoleInfo;

function read_all_dir_and_file($dir) {
    $qcloud  = new AcloudApi();
    if (is_dir($dir)) {
        $dh = opendir($dir);
        while ( ($file = readdir($dh)) !== false ) {
            if (in_array($file, ['.', '..'])) {
            $file_path = $dir.'/'.$file;
            if ( is_dir($file_path) ) {
            } else {
                //echo $file_path."\n";
                //$qcloud  = new QcloudApi();
                $body    = $file_path;
                $keys    = ltrim($body, '.');
                $results = $qcloud->uploadfile($keys, $body);
                echo $file_path . ' 上传成功
'; } } closedir($dir); echo '{$dir} 目录上传完毕
'; } else { echo $dir; } } /** * 应用控制器 */ class AppsController extends MainController { private $listRows = 20; /** * 应用列表 * @param string null * @return array * @author 流川枫 <[email protected]> */ public function index() { $AppsModel = D('Apps'); $ViewAppOwnerModel = D('ViewAppOwner'); $page = I('page', 1, 'intval'); if ($page < 1) { $page = 1; } $kwd = I('kwd', ''); $field = I('field', ''); $where = array(); if ($kwd && $field) { // 这里读视图表,不用使用前缀的,记得更新视图表 $where[$field] = array('LIKE', '%' . $kwd . '%'); // $_field = C('DB_PREFIX'). 'apps.' . $field; } // $where[$_field] = array('LIKE','%'.$kwd.'%'); // 根据是否有mem_id来获取厂家信息 By Jepeng $is_vendor = $this->role_info['role_id'] == RoleInfo::Vendor; $is_channel = $this->role_info['role_id'] == RoleInfo::Channel; $VendorModel = D('Vendor'); $ChannelModel = D('Channel'); if ($this->mem_id && $is_vendor) { $channel = $ChannelModel->getVendorChannelList($this->mem_id); array_push($channel, $this->mem_id, 1); $where['mem_id'] = array('in', $channel); } elseif ($this->mem_id && $is_channel) { $vendor_id = $ChannelModel->getAppChannelVendor($this->mem_id); $map = array($vendor_id[0]['mem_id'], $this->mem_id, 1); $where['mem_id'] = array('in', $map); } if ($is_vendor || $is_channel) { $app_mem_id = $this->mem_id; } else { $app_mem_id = 1; } $_where = my_serialize($where); //搜索条件序列化,导出用 $info = $ViewAppOwnerModel->get_owner_list($where, $page, $this->listRows); $total = $AppsModel->getCount($where); $p = new Page($total, $this->listRows); $paging = $p->show(); $this->assign(array( 'kwd' => $kwd, 'field' => $field, 'paging' => $paging, 'info' => $info, 'app_mem_id' => $app_mem_id, '_where' => $_where, )); $this->display('list'); } /** * 添加应用 * @param string $data 收集的表单数据 * @return int * @author 流川枫 <[email protected]> */ public function add() { //取出应用类型 $AppCategoryModel = D('AppCategory'); $category_info = $AppCategoryModel->getTree(); $this->assign('category_info', $category_info); $this->display('add'); } /** * @desc 添加应用操作 */ public function addProc() { $AppsModel = D('Apps'); $AppVersionModel = D('AppVersion'); $AppsModel->startTrans(); $app_cate_id = I('post.app_cate_id', '', 'trim'); $name = I('', '', 'trim'); $package = I('post.package', '', 'trim'); $size = I('post.size', '', 'trim'); $version = I('post.version', '', 'trim'); $developer = I('post.developer', '', 'trim'); $description = I('post.description', '', 'trim'); $image = I('post.image', '', 'trim'); $apk_path = I('post.apk_path', '', 'trim'); $download_url = I('post.download_url', '', 'trim'); $status = I('post.status', '0', intval); $push = I('post.push', '0', intval); $remark = I('post.remark', '', 'trim'); $is_charge = I('post.is_charge', '0', intval); $price = I('post.price', '0.00', 'float'); $app_exsit = false; $app_info = $AppsModel->where(array('package' => $package, 'mem_id' => $this->mem_id))->find(); //getDataByPackage($package); if ($app_info) { //$this->error('此应用已存在'); $app_exsit = true; } //添加app信息 $data = array( 'app_cate_id' => $app_cate_id, //应用分类主键ID 'name' => $name, 'package' => $package, 'size' => $size, 'version' => $version, 'developer' => $developer, 'description' => $description, 'image' => $image, 'apk_path' => $apk_path, 'download_url' => $download_url, 'status' => $status, 'remark' => $remark, 'is_charge' => $is_charge, 'price' => $price, 'create_time' => time(), 'create_ip' => get_client_ip(0, true), ); // 添加mem_id BY JEPENG $is_vendor = $this->role_info['role_id'] == RoleInfo::Vendor; $is_channel = $this->role_info['role_id'] == RoleInfo::Channel; // 数据是保存在拥有者的表 if ($is_vendor || $is_channel) { $data['mem_id'] = $this->mem_id; } else { $data['mem_id'] = 1; } if (!$app_exsit) { $res = $AppsModel->tianJia($data); if ($res === false) { // 记录日志 $logData = array('module' => '应用市场', 'action' => '添加应用', 'remark' => '添加应用失败', 'status' => 0); recordActionLog($logData); $AppsModel->rollback(); $this->error('添加应用失败:' . $AppsModel->getError()); } // 记录日志 $logData = array('module' => '应用市场', 'action' => '添加应用', 'remark' => '应用编号:' . $res, 'status' => 1); recordActionLog($logData); } else { //如果应用存在,则检测该应用的该版本是否存在 $app_id = $app_info['id']; $res = $app_id; $version_info = $AppVersionModel->getVersion(array('app_id' => $app_id, 'version' => $version)); $have_mem = $app_info['mem_id']; if ($have_mem != $data['mem_id']) { $res = $AppsModel->tianJia($data); if ($res === false) { // 记录日志 $logData = array('module' => '应用市场', 'action' => '添加应用', 'remark' => '添加应用失败', 'status' => 0); recordActionLog($logData); $AppsModel->rollback(); $this->error('添加应用失败:' . $AppsModel->getError()); } } elseif ($version_info) { // 如果版本号也存在,则提示为不能添加 if (($have_mem > 0 || $have_mem == 0) && $have_mem == $data['mem_id']) { $this->error('此版本的应用已存在,如果确实需要上传该应用,请保证包名或版本不重复'); } } else { $res = $AppsModel->tianJia($data); if ($res === false) { // 记录日志 $logData = array('module' => '应用市场', 'action' => '添加应用', 'remark' => '添加应用失败', 'status' => 0); recordActionLog($logData); $AppsModel->rollback(); $this->error('添加应用失败:' . $AppsModel->getError()); } } } //添加app版本信息 $info = array( 'app_id' => $res, 'package' => $package, 'size' => $size, 'apk_path' => $apk_path, 'download_url' => $download_url, 'remark' => $remark, 'version' => $version, 'status' => $status, 'push' => $push, ); $ver_id = $AppVersionModel->tianjia($info); //更新应用版本信息 if (version_compare($version, $app_info['version'], '>')) { // 更新版本表的数据 $update['version'] = $version; $res = $AppsModel->where('id = ' . $res)->save($update); } if ($ver_id === false) { // 记录日志 $logData = array('module' => '应用市场', 'action' => '添加应用版本信息', 'remark' => '添加应用版本信息失败', 'status' => 0); recordActionLog($logData); $AppsModel->rollback(); $this->error('添加应用版本失败:' . $AppsModel->getError()); } $AppsModel->commit(); // 记录日志 $logData = array('module' => '应用市场', 'action' => '添加应用版本信息', 'remark' => '应用版本编号:' . $ver_id, 'status' => 1); recordActionLog($logData); $this->success('添加成功!', U('/Main/Apps/index')); } /** * 更新应用 * @param string $id 需要更新记录的ID值 * @param string $data 根据ID取出的数据 * @return bool * @author 流川枫 <[email protected]> */ public function edit() { $id = I('id', 0); $app_cate_id = I('app_cate_id', ''); $AppsModel = D('Apps'); //根据接收的ID取出对应的数据 $data = $AppsModel->getData($id); //取出应用类型 $AppCategoryModel = D('AppCategory'); $category_info = $AppCategoryModel->getTree(); // 获取区域(省级)列表 $AreaModel = D('Area'); $where = array('pid' => 0); $area = $AreaModel->getList($where); //获取厂家信息 $VendorModel = D('Vendor'); $where = array(); if (!$this->is_super && $this->role != 'system' && $this->role != 'manager' && $this->role != 'operator') { //$where['is_default'] = 0; } $vendor_info = $VendorModel->getAll($where); $this->assign(array( 'id' => $id, 'data' => $data, 'category_info' => $category_info, 'app_cate_id' => $app_cate_id, 'area' => $area, 'vendor_info' => $vendor_info, )); $this->display(); } /** * @desc 修改应用操作 */ public function editProc() { $id = I('id', 0); $AppsModel = D('Apps'); $app_cate_id = I('post.app_cate_id', ''); $name = I('', ''); $package = I('post.package', ''); $size = I('post.size', ''); $version = I('post.version', ''); $developer = I('post.developer', ''); $image = I('post.edit_image', ''); $apk_path = I('post.apk_path', ''); $download_url = I('post.download_url', ''); $description = I('post.description', ''); $status = I('post.status', '0', intval); $remark = I('post.remark', ''); $is_charge = I('post.is_charge', '0', intval); $price = I('post.price', '0.00', 'float'); $data = array( 'app_cate_id' => $app_cate_id, //应用分类主键ID 'name' => $name, 'package' => $package, 'size' => $size, 'version' => $version, 'developer' => $developer, 'description' => $description, 'image' => $image, 'apk_path' => $apk_path, 'download_url' => $download_url, 'status' => $status, 'remark' => $remark, 'is_charge' => $is_charge, 'price' => $price, 'create_time' => time(), 'create_ip' => get_client_ip(0, true), ); $AppsModel = D('Apps'); if (!$id) { $this->error('获取应用ID失败'); } // if(!$name){ // $this->error('请输入应用名称'); // } // if(!$app_cate_id){ // $this->error('请选择应用类型'); // } $result = $AppsModel->update($id, $data); if ($result !== false) { // 记录日志 $logData = array('module' => '应用市场', 'action' => '更新应用信息', 'remark' => '应用编号:' . $id, 'status' => 1); recordActionLog($logData); // 更新版本信息 $AppVersionModel = D('AppVersion'); $ver_info = $AppVersionModel->getInfo($package, $version); if ($ver_info) { // 更新 $data = array( 'size' => $size, 'apk_path' => $apk_path, 'download_url' => $download_url, 'status' => $status, ); $where = array('package' => $package, 'version' => $version); $res = $AppVersionModel->update2($where, $data); } else { // 新增 $data = array( 'app_id' => $id, 'package' => $package, 'version' => $version, 'size' => $size, 'apk_path' => $apk_path, 'download_url' => $download_url, 'status' => $status, ); $res = $AppVersionModel->tianJia($data); } $this->success('修改应用成功!', U('/Main/Apps/index')); } else { // 记录日志 $logData = array('module' => '应用市场', 'action' => '更新应用信息', 'remark' => '更新应用信息失败,应用编号:' . $id, 'status' => 0); recordActionLog($logData); $this->error('修改应用失败:' . $AppsModel->getError()); } } /** * @desc 启用/禁用 */ public function changeStatus() { $status = I('status', 0, 'intval'); if ($status == 1) { $action = '启用'; } else { $action = '禁用'; } $id = I('id', ''); if (!$id) { $this->error('请选择要' . $action . '的渠道商'); } $AppsModel = D('Apps'); $where = array('id' => array('IN', $id)); $res = $AppsModel->where($where)->setField('status', $status); //修改对应的版本的状态 $AppVersionModel = D('AppVersion'); $res2 = $AppVersionModel->where(array( 'app_id' => array('IN', $id), )) ->setField('status', $status); if ($res === false) { // 记录日志 $logData = array('module' => '应用市场', 'action' => $action . '应用', 'remark' => $action . '应用失败,应用编号:' . $id, 'status' => 0); recordActionLog($logData); $this->error($action . '失败:' . $AppsModel->getError()); } // 记录日志 $logData = array('module' => '应用市场', 'action' => $action . '应用', 'remark' => '应用编号:' . $id, 'status' => 1); recordActionLog($logData); $this->success($action . '成功'); } /** * @desc 版本管理 */ public function versionManage() { $id = I('id', ''); $page = I('page', 1, 'intval'); if ($page < 1) { $page = 1; } $AppVersionModel = D('AppVersion'); $AppsModel = D('Apps'); $app_info = $AppsModel->getData($id); // 获取发布记录信息 $AppReleaseModel = D('AppRelease'); $release_info = $AppReleaseModel->getData($id); //获取对应版本信息 $where = array('app_id' => $id); $versions = $AppVersionModel->getList($where, $page, $this->listRows); $total = $AppVersionModel->getCount($where); $p = new Page($total, $this->listRows); $paging = $p->show(); $this->assign(array( 'id' => $id, 'app_info' => $app_info, 'release_info' => $release_info, 'versions' => $versions, 'paging' => $paging, )); $this->display('version_manage'); } /** * @desc 应用版本添加/修改逻辑 */ public function versionProc() { $AppsModel = D('Apps'); $AppVersionModel = D('AppVersion'); $AppReleaseModel = D('AppRelease'); $id = I('', ''); //应用版本ID $app_id = I('post.app_id', 0, 'intval'); if (!$app_id) { $this->error('缺少应用编号'); } $version = I('post.version', '', 'trim'); $package = I('post.package', '', 'trim'); $size = I('post.size', 0, 'intval'); $apk_path = I('post.apk_path', '', 'trim'); $download_url = I('post.download_url', '', 'trim'); $remark = I('post.remark', '', 'trim'); $status = I('post.status', 0, 'intval'); // 允许/禁止下载 $push = I('post.push', 0, 'intval'); // 主动推送 if (!$version) { $this->error('缺少版本'); } if (!$size) { $this->error('大小不能为0'); } if (!$id) { if (!$package) { $this->error('缺少包名,请先上传APK'); } if (!$apk_path || !$download_url) { $this->error('请先上传APK'); } } $pattern = '/version\/(.+?)(\.html|\/)/i'; $matches = array(); $res = preg_match($pattern, $download_url, $matches); if ($res && isset($matches[1])) { $download_url = str_replace('version/' . $matches[1], 'version/' . $version, $download_url); } // 获取应用信息 $app_info = $AppsModel->getData($app_id); if (!$app_info) { $this->error('应用不存在'); } $AppVersionModel->startTrans(); if (!$id) { // 判断当前版本的包是否存在 $ver_info = $AppVersionModel->getInfo($package, $version); if ($ver_info) { $this->error('当前版本应用已存在'); } // 添加 $data = array( 'app_id' => $app_id, 'package' => $package, 'version' => $version, 'size' => $size, 'apk_path' => $apk_path, 'download_url' => $download_url, 'download_cnt' => 0, 'install_cnt' => 0, 'status' => $status, 'push' => $push, 'remark' => $remark, ); $res = $AppVersionModel->tianJia($data); if ($res === false) { $logData = array('module' => '应用市场', 'action' => '更新应用版本', 'remark' => '更新应用版本失败', 'status' => 0); recordActionLog($logData); $AppVersionModel->rollback(); $this->error('应用版本更新失败'); } if (version_compare($version, $app_info['version'], '>')) { // 更新`zh_apps`表 $up_data = array( 'version' => $version, 'size' => $size, 'apk_path' => $apk_path, 'download_url' => $download_url, ); $res = $AppsModel->update($app_id, $up_data); if ($res === false) { $logData = array('module' => '应用市场', 'action' => '添加应用版本', 'remark' => '更新应用信息失败', 'status' => 0); recordActionLog($logData); $AppVersionModel->rollback(); $this->error('更新应用信息失败'); } } // 获取允许下载的版本个数 $where = array('app_id' => $app_id, 'status' => 1); $cnt = $AppVersionModel->getCount($where); // 更新允许下载的版本个数 $where = array('app_id' => $app_id); $data = array( 'valid_cnt' => $cnt, 'update_time' => time(), //更新应用发布 ); $res = $AppReleaseModel->where($where)->save($data); // $res2 = $AppReleaseModel->where($where)->field('id')->select(); // $res3 = array(); // for ($i=0; $i < count($res2); $i++) { // $res3[$i] = $res2[$i]['id']; // } // $sphinx = new Sphinx(); // $sphinx->setUpdated('app_releases',$res3); $logData = array('module' => '应用市场', 'action' => '添加应用版本', 'remark' => '添加应用版本成功', 'status' => 1); recordActionLog($logData); $AppVersionModel->commit(); $this->success('添加应用版本成功'); } else { //版本编辑 $info = array( 'app_id' => $app_id, 'version' => $version, 'download_url' => $download_url, 'size' => $size, 'remark' => $remark, 'status' => $status, 'push' => $push, ); if (!$version) { $this->error('请输入应用版本号'); } if (!$size) { $this->error('请输入应用版本大小'); } // 判断当前版本的包是否存在 $where = array('package' => $package, 'version' => $version, 'id' => array('NEQ', $id)); $cnt = $AppVersionModel->getCount($where); if ($cnt) { $this->error('当前版本应用已存在'); } $res = $AppVersionModel->update($id, $info); if ($res === false) { // 记录日志 $logData = array('module' => '应用市场', 'action' => '更新应用版本信息', 'remark' => '更新应用版本信息失败,版本编号:' . $id, 'status' => 0); recordActionLog($logData); $this->error('更新版本失败'); } // 获取允许下载的版本个数 $where = array('app_id' => $app_id, 'status' => 1); $cnt = $AppVersionModel->getCount($where); // 更新允许下载的版本个数 $where = array('app_id' => $app_id); $data = array( 'valid_cnt' => $cnt, 'update_time' => time(), //更新应用发布 ); $res = $AppReleaseModel->where($where)->save($data); // $res2 = $AppReleaseModel->where($where)->field('id')->select(); // $res3 = array(); // for ($i=0; $i < count($res2); $i++) { // $res3[$i] = $res2[$i]['id']; // } // $sphinx = new Sphinx(); // $sphinx->setUpdated('app_releases',$res3); // 记录日志 $logData = array('module' => '应用市场', 'action' => '更新应用版本信息', 'remark' => '版本编号:' . $id, 'status' => 1); recordActionLog($logData); $AppVersionModel->commit(); $this->success('更新成功'); } } public function versionList() { $id = I('id', ''); $page = I('page', 1, 'intval'); if ($page < 1) { $page = 1; } $AppVersionModel = D('AppVersion'); // 获取发布记录信息 $AppReleaseModel = D('AppRelease'); $release_info = $AppReleaseModel->getData($id); //获取对应版本信息 $where = array('app_id' => $id); $versions = $AppVersionModel->getList($where, $page, $this->listRows); $total = $AppVersionModel->getCount($where); $p = new Page($total, $this->listRows); $paging = $p->show(); $this->assign(array( 'id' => $id, 'release_info' => $release_info, 'versions' => $versions, 'paging' => $paging, )); $this->display('version_list'); } /** * @desc 禁止下载/允许下载 */ public function changeDownloadMode() { $status = I('status', 0, 'intval'); if ($status == 1) { $action = '允许下载'; } else { $action = '禁止下载'; } $id = I('id', ''); if (!$id) { $this->error('请选择要' . $action . '的版本'); } $AppReleaseModel = D('AppRelease'); $AppVersionModel = D('AppVersion'); $AppVersionModel->startTrans(); $where = array('id' => array('IN', $id)); $res = $AppVersionModel->where($where)->setField('status', $status); if (is_array($id)) { $_ids = implode(',', $id); } else { $_ids = $id; } if ($res === false) { // 记录日志 $logData = array('module' => '应用市场', 'action' => '设为' . $action . '应用', 'remark' => '设为' . $action . '应用失败,应用版本编号:' . $_ids, 'status' => 0); recordActionLog($logData); $AppVersionModel->rollback(); $this->error($action . '失败:' . $AppVersionModel->getError()); } // 获取应用编号 $app_id = $AppVersionModel->where(array('id' => array('IN', $_ids)))->getField('app_id'); // 获取允许下载的版本个数 $where = array('app_id' => $app_id, 'status' => 1); $cnt = $AppVersionModel->getCount($where); // 更新允许下载的版本个数 $data = array( 'valid_cnt' => $cnt, 'update_time' => time(), //更新应用发布 ); $res = $AppReleaseModel->where(array('app_id' => $app_id))->save($data); // $res2 = $AppReleaseModel->where(array('app_id' => $app_id))->field('id')->select(); // $res3 = array(); // for ($i=0; $i < count($res2); $i++) { // $res3[$i] = $res2[$i]['id']; // } // $sphinx = new Sphinx(); // $sphinx->setUpdated('app_releases',$res3); // 记录日志 $logData = array('module' => '应用市场', 'action' => '设为' . $action . '应用', 'remark' => '设为' . $action . '应用失败,应用版本编号:' . $_ids, 'status' => 1); recordActionLog($logData); $AppVersionModel->commit(); $this->success($action . '成功'); } /** * @desc AJAX上传图片 */ public function uploadImage() { $error = ''; $msg = ''; $file_url = ''; $id = I('id', ''); $fileElementName = 'image'; if (!empty($_FILES[$fileElementName]['error'])) { switch ($_FILES[$fileElementName]['error']) { case '1': $status = -1; $error = 'The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini'; break; case '2': $status = -1; $error = 'The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form'; break; case '3': $status = -1; $error = 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded'; break; case '4': $status = -1; $error = 'No file was uploaded.'; break; case '6': $status = -1; $error = 'Missing a temporary folder'; break; case '7': $status = -1; $error = 'Failed to write file to disk'; break; case '8': $status = -1; $error = 'File upload stopped by extension'; break; case '999': default: $status = -1; $error = 'No error code avaiable'; } } else if (empty($_FILES[$fileElementName]['tmp_name']) || $_FILES[$fileElementName]['tmp_name'] == 'none') { $status = -1; $error = 'No file was uploaded..'; } else { $saveDir = './Uploads/app/img/' . date('Y') . '/' . date('m') . '/'; if (!file_exists($saveDir)) { mkdir($saveDir, 0755, true); } $result = $this->uploadProc($saveDir); if ($result) { $file_name = $result['savename']; $file_path = ltrim($result['savepath'], '.'); $file_url = $file_path . $file_name; $schema = isSsl() ? 'https' : 'http'; $full_url = $schema . '://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $file_url; $msg = '上传成功'; $status = 1; } else { $error = '上传失败'; $status = -1; } } $data = array('image' => $full_url); $info = $status == 1 ? $msg : $error; $return = array('data' => $data, 'info' => $info, 'status' => $status); echo json_encode($return); } public function uploadTest(){ ignore_user_abort(true); //关闭浏览器也可以执行,只有断开apache httpd连接方可终止了 set_time_limit(0); //可以让程序无限制的执行下去 //$dir = "./Uploads/app/apk/2017"; //read_all_dir_and_file($dir); //exit('全部上传完毕
$dir = "./Uploads/app/apk/2019/06"; if (is_dir($dir)) { $dh = opendir($dir); while ( ($file = readdir($dh)) !== false ) { if (in_array($file, ['.', '..'])) { continue; } $file_path = $dir.'/'.$file; //echo $file_path."\n"; $qcloud = new QcloudApi(); $body = $file_path; $keys = ltrim($body, '.'); $results = $qcloud->uploadfile($keys, $body); echo $file_path . ' 上传成功
'; } closedir($dir); echo '全部上传完毕'; } } /** * @desc AJAX上传APK */ public function uploadApk() { $error = ''; $msg = ''; $file_url = ''; $apk_info = array(); $id = I('id', ''); $fileElementName = 'apk'; if (!empty($_FILES[$fileElementName]['error'])) { switch ($_FILES[$fileElementName]['error']) { case '1': $status = -1; $error = 'The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini'; break; case '2': $status = -1; $error = 'The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form'; break; case '3': $status = -1; $error = 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded'; break; case '4': $status = -1; $error = 'No file was uploaded.'; break; case '6': $status = -1; $error = 'Missing a temporary folder'; break; case '7': $status = -1; $error = 'Failed to write file to disk'; break; case '8': $status = -1; $error = 'File upload stopped by extension'; break; case '999': default: $status = -1; $error = 'No error code avaiable'; } } else if (empty($_FILES[$fileElementName]['tmp_name']) || $_FILES[$fileElementName]['tmp_name'] == 'none') { $status = -1; $error = 'No file was uploaded..'; } else { //$saveDir = './Uploads/app/apk/' . date('Y') . '/' . date('m') . '/'; $saveDir = './Uploads/app/apk/' . date('Y') . '/' . date('m') . '/' . date('d') . '/'; if (!file_exists($saveDir)) { mkdir($saveDir, 0755, true); } $result = $this->_uploadProc($saveDir); if ($result) { $file_name = $result['savename']; $savepath = ltrim($result['savepath'], '.'); $file_path = $savepath . $file_name; // 获取APK信息 $apk_path = realpath($result['savepath'] . $result['savename']); $apk_info = getApkInfo($apk_path); $down_url = U('/Main/Apps/Download', array('package' => $apk_info['com'], 'version' => $apk_info['version']), true, true); if (isSsl()) { $down_url = str_replace('http://', 'https://', $down_url); } $qcloud = new QcloudApi(); //test $body = $saveDir . $file_name; $keys = ltrim($body, '.'); $results = $qcloud->uploadfile($keys, $body); $msg = '上传成功'; $status = 1; } else { $error = '上传失败'; $status = -1; } } $data = array('file' => $file_path, 'down_url' => $down_url, 'apk_info' => $apk_info); //检测这个包名是否存在 if ($apk_info) { $packName = $apk_info['com']; $appsModel = D('Apps'); $package = $appsModel->getDataByPackage($packName); if ($package) { $data['is_exsit'] = 1; $data['package']['name'] = $package['name']; $data['package']['image'] = $package['image']; $data['package']['developer'] = $package['developer']; $data['package']['app_cate_id'] = $package['app_cate_id']; $data['package']['description'] = $package['description']; $data['package']['status'] = $package['status']; } } $info = $status == 1 ? $msg : $error; $return = array('data' => $data, 'info' => $info, 'status' => $status); echo json_encode($return); } private function uploadProc($savePath = './Uploads/') { vendor('UploadFile', COMMON_PATH . 'Library/Vendor', '.class.php'); $upload = new \UploadFile(); $upload->maxSize = '-1'; //默认为-1,不限制上传大小 $upload->savePath = $savePath; //保存路径 $upload->saveRule = uniqid; //上传文件的文件名保存规则 $upload->uploadReplace = true; //如果存在同名文件是否进行覆盖 $upload->allowExts = array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif'); //准许上传的文件类型 if ($upload->upload()) { $info = $upload->getUploadFileInfo(); return $info[0]; } else { $_return = array('data' => '', 'info' => $upload->getErrorMsg(), 'status' => -1); echo json_encode($_return); exit; } } private function _uploadProc($savePath = './Uploads/') { vendor('UploadFile', COMMON_PATH . 'Library/Vendor', '.class.php'); $upload = new \UploadFile(); $upload->maxSize = '-1'; //默认为-1,不限制上传大小 $upload->savePath = $savePath; //保存路径 $upload->saveRule = uniqid; //上传文件的文件名保存规则 $upload->uploadReplace = true; //如果存在同名文件是否进行覆盖 $upload->allowExts = array('apk'); //准许上传的文件类型 if ($upload->upload()) { $info = $upload->getUploadFileInfo(); return $info[0]; } else { $_return = array('data' => '', 'info' => $upload->getErrorMsg(), 'status' => -1); echo json_encode($_return); exit; } } public function release() { $app_id = I('app_id', '0', 'intval'); $version_id = I('version_id', '0', 'intval'); $is_version = I('is_version', '1', 'intval'); if (!$this->is_have_this_app($app_id)) { $this->error('您没有权限发布该应用!'); } $is_channel = $this->role_info['role_id'] == RoleInfo::Channel; $is_vendor = $this->role_info['role_id'] == RoleInfo::Vendor; //dump($is_channel); //dump($is_vendor); //die; //获取设备型号 $devModelModel = D('DeviceModel'); $deviceModel = $devModelModel->getAll(); $this->assign('deviceModel', $deviceModel); //获取所有省份 $areaModel = D('Area'); $province = $areaModel->getList(array('pid' => 0)); $this->assign('province', $province); // 判断应用是不是厂商和渠道商 BY jepeng // 获取所有厂家 $vendorModel = D('Vendor'); $channelModel = D('Main/Channel'); // 根据mem_id和角色区分发布的对象 By jepeng if ($is_vendor) { $vendor[0]['mem_id'] = $this->mem_id; $vendor[0] = $vendorModel->getAppVendor($this->mem_id); $vendor[0]['mem_info']['id'] = $this->mem_id; $channel = $channelModel->getAll(array('vendor_id' => $this->mem_id)); $this->assign('field', 'vendor'); $this->assign('channel', $channel); } elseif ($is_channel) { $vendor = $channelModel->getAppChannelVendor($this->mem_id); //dump($vendor);die; $channel = $channelModel->getData($this->mem_id); $this->assign('field', 'channel'); $this->assign('channel', $channel); } else { $appsModel = D('Main/Apps'); $app_info = $appsModel->getData($app_id); if ($app_info['mem_id']) { $memberModel = D('Member/Member'); $role_id = $memberModel->getRoleId($app_info['mem_id']); if ($role_id == RoleInfo::Vendor) { $vendor[0]['mem_id'] = $app_info['mem_id']; $vendor[0] = $vendorModel->getAppVendor($app_info['mem_id']); $vendor[0]['mem_info']['id'] = $app_info['mem_id']; $channel = $channelModel->getAll(array('vendor_id' => $app_info['mem_id'])); $this->assign('field', 'vendor'); $this->assign('channel', $channel); } elseif ($role_id == RoleInfo::Channel) { $vendor = $channelModel->getAppChannelVendor($app_info['mem_id']); $channel = $channelModel->getData($app_info['mem_id']); $this->assign('field', 'channel'); $this->assign('channel', $channel); } } else { $vendor = $vendorModel->getAll(); } } $this->assign('vendor', $vendor); //dump($vendor);die; //获取该APP版本数据 $appVersionModel = D('AppVersion'); $appVersions = $appVersionModel->getVersions($app_id); $this->assign('app_id', $app_id); if ($this->role_info['role_id'] == RoleInfo::Merchant) { $this->assign('is_channel', true); } $this->assign('version_id', $version_id); $this->assign('appVersions', $appVersions); //表明这是app专题页面读取的发布页面 $this->assign('is_version', $is_version); $this->display('Apps/pieces/release_page'); } /** * @desc 应用发布操作 */ public function releaseProc() { $AppVersionModel = D('Main/AppVersion'); $mode = I('post.mode', 0, 'intval'); $version_id = I('post.version_id', 0, 'intval'); $app_id = I('post.app_id', 0, 'intval'); $model_id = I('post.model_id', 0, 'intval'); $vendor_id = I('post.vendor_id', 0, 'intval'); $channel_id = I('post.channel_id', 0, 'intval'); $province = I('post.province', '', 'trim'); $city = I('', '', 'trim'); $lot_no = I('post.lot_no', '', 'trim'); $sn = I('', '', 'trim'); $release = I('post.release', 0, 'intval'); $push = I('post.push', 0, 'intval'); $is_version = I('post.is_version'); // 限制厂商渠道商发布应用 By jepeng if ($this->role_info['role_id'] == RoleInfo::Vendor) { $vendor_id = $this->mem_id; } elseif ($this->role_info['role_id'] == RoleInfo::Channel) { $channel_id = $this->mem_id; if ($channel_id) { $ChannelModel = D('Main/Channel'); $vendor_id = $ChannelModel->getOneField($channel_id, 'vendor_id'); } } if (!$app_id) { $this->error('请选择要发布的应用'); } $isSingle = false; if (!is_array($app_id)) { $isSingle = true; $tmp_app_id = $app_id; $app_id = array(); $app_id[] = $tmp_app_id; } foreach ($app_id as $id) { $insert_version_id = $version_id; //获取最新版本 if ($version_id == 0) { $new_version = $AppVersionModel->getData($id); $insert_version_id = $new_version['id']; if (!$insert_version_id) { $this->error('该应用没有版本,请确认该应用是否完整再发布!'); } } // 获取允许下载的版本个数 $where = array('app_id' => $id, 'status' => 1); $cnt = $AppVersionModel->getCount($where); $data = array( 'version_id' => $insert_version_id, 'app_id' => $id, 'dev_model_id' => $model_id, 'vendor_id' => $vendor_id, 'channel_id' => $channel_id, 'province' => $province, 'city' => $city, 'lot_no' => $lot_no, 'sn' => $sn, 'is_all' => $mode, 'status' => $release, 'push' => $push, 'valid_cnt' => $cnt, 'status' => 1, 'update_time' => time(), //更新应用发布 'create_time' => NOW_TIME, ); $this->_doAddRelease($data); } $jump = ''; if ($is_version == 1 && $isSingle) { $jump = U('/Main/Apps/versionList', array('id' => $app_id[0])); } else { $jump = U('/Main/Apps'); } $this->success('应用发布成功', $jump); } private function _doAddRelease($data) { $return = false; $AppReleaseModel = D('Main/AppRelease'); if ($data) { $where = array(); $where['app_id'] = $data['app_id']; if ($mode == 1) { $data['vendor_id'] = 0; $data['channel_id'] = 0; $data['province'] = ''; $data['city'] = ''; $data['sn'] = ''; } else { $where['dev_model_id'] = $data['dev_model_id']; $where['vendor_id'] = $data['vendor_id']; $where['channel_id'] = $data['channel_id']; $where['province'] = $data['province']; $where['city'] = $data['city']; $where['sn'] = $data['sn']; } // 获取应用发布记录(如已存在对应的发布记录,则更新,否则新建) $release_info = $AppReleaseModel->getInfo($where); if ($release_info) { $res = $AppReleaseModel->update2($where, $data); } else { $res = $AppReleaseModel->tianJia($data); } //更新应用版本状态 if ($data['status'] == 1) { $appVersionModel = D('AppVersion'); $versionUpdate['status'] = $data['status']; $res = $appVersionModel->update($data['version_id'], $versionUpdate); } if ($res === false) { // 记录日志 $logData = array('module' => '应用市场', 'action' => '应用发布', 'remark' => '应用发布失败,应用编号:' . $data['app_id'], 'status' => 0); recordActionLog($logData); $return = false; } // 记录日志 $logData = array('module' => '应用市场', 'action' => '应用发布', 'remark' => '应用发布成功,应用编号:' . $data['app_id'], 'status' => 1); recordActionLog($logData); $return = true; } return $return; } // 批量发布应用 public function releaseBatch() { $ids = I('app_ids'); $is_channel = $this->role_info['role_id'] == RoleInfo::Channel; $is_vendor = $this->role_info['role_id'] == RoleInfo::Vendor; if ($ids) { $appsModel = D('Apps'); $where['id'] = array('in', $ids); $apps = $appsModel->where($where)->select(); $this->assign('apps', $apps); //获取设备型号 $devModelModel = D('DeviceModel'); $deviceModel = $devModelModel->getAll(); $this->assign('deviceModel', $deviceModel); //获取所有省份 $areaModel = D('Area'); $province = $areaModel->getList(array('pid' => 0)); $this->assign('province', $province); //获取所有厂家 $vendorModel = D('Vendor'); $channelModel = D('Main/Channel'); // 根据mem_id和角色区分发布的对象 By jepeng if ($is_vendor) { $vendor[0]['mem_id'] = $this->mem_id; $vendor[0] = $vendorModel->getAppVendor($this->mem_id); $vendor[0]['mem_info']['id'] = $this->mem_id; $channel = $channelModel->getAll(array('vendor_id' => $this->mem_id)); $this->assign('field', 'vendor'); $this->assign('channel', $channel); } elseif ($is_channel) { $vendor = $channelModel->getAppChannelVendor($this->mem_id); $channel = $channelModel->getData($this->mem_id); $this->assign('field', 'channel'); $this->assign('channel', $channel); } else { $vendor = $vendorModel->getAll(); } // $vendor = $vendorModel->getAll(); $this->assign('vendor', $vendor); $this->display('Apps/pieces/release_batch'); } else { $this->error('请选择要发布的应用'); } } /** * @desc 应用发布记录 */ public function releaseHistory() { $id = I('id', 0, 'intval'); $field = I('field', ''); $kwd = I('kwd', ''); $page = I('page', 1, 'intval'); $vendor_id = I('vendor_id', ''); //厂家 $channel_id = I('channel_id', ''); //渠道 if ($page < 1) { $page = 1; } $is_channel = $this->role_info['role_id'] == RoleInfo::Channel; $is_vendor = $this->role_info['role_id'] == RoleInfo::Vendor; //获取厂家列表 //获取渠道商列表 $VendorModel = D('Vendor'); $ChannelModel = D('Channel'); $channels = array(); $searchArray = array(); $where = array(); if ($is_vendor) { $limit = 'vendor'; $vendors[0] = $VendorModel->getData($this->mem_id); $channels = $ChannelModel->getAll(array('vendor_id' => $this->mem_id)); $searchArray['vendor_id'] = $this->mem_id; } elseif ($is_channel) { $limit = 'channel'; $vendors = $ChannelModel->getAppChannelVendor($this->mem_id); $channels[0] = $ChannelModel->getData($this->mem_id); $searchArray['vendor_id'] = $vendors[0]['mem_id']; $searchArray['channel_id'] = $this->mem_id; } else { $vendors = $VendorModel->getAll(); if ($vendor_id) { $channels = $ChannelModel->where(array('vendor_id' => $vendor_id))->select(); } } if ($id) { $searchArray['app_id'] = $id; } if ($kwd) { switch ($field) { case 'app_name': $searchArray['app_name'] = array('like', "*$kwd*"); break; case 'sn': $searchArray['sn'] = array('wildcard', "*$kwd*"); break; } } // dump($searchArray); if (!($searchArray['vendor_id'] || $searchArray['channel_id']) && !($is_channel || $is_vendor)) { //厂家 if ($vendor_id) { $searchArray['vendor_id'] = $vendor_id; } //渠道 if ($vendor_id && $channel_id) { $searchArray['channel_id'] = $channel_id; } } $_searchArray = my_serialize($searchArray); //搜索条件序列化,导出用 $searchArray['_from'] = ($page - 1) * $this->listRows; $searchArray['_size'] = $this->listRows; $searchArray['_sort'] = array('id' => 'desc'); if (true) { $elastic = new ElasticSearch(); if ($id) { $searchArray['app_id'] = $id; } $response = $elastic->search($searchArray, ElasticSearch::APP_RELEASES); if ($response) { $releaseHistory = $elastic->get_source_from_result($response['hits']); $total = $response['total']; } } else { $AppReleaseModel = D('AppRelease'); $releaseHistory = $AppReleaseModel->getList($where, $page, $this->listRows); $total = $AppReleaseModel->getCount($where); } // dump($releaseHistory);die; $p = new Page($total, $this->listRows); $paging = $p->show(); $this->assign('field', $field); $this->assign('kwd', $kwd); $this->assign('release_history', $releaseHistory); $this->assign('paging', $paging); $this->assign('total', $total); $this->assign('vendors', $vendors); $this->assign('vendor_id', $vendor_id); $this->assign('channels', $channels); $this->assign('channel_id', $channel_id); $this->assign('limit', $limit); $this->assign('_searchArray', $_searchArray); $this->assign('id', $id); if ($id) { $this->display('app_release_history'); } else { $this->display('release_history'); } } /** * 利用elasticsearch 导出 搜索 * @return array */ public function getReleaseHistoryAll($searchArray = array()) { $elastic = new ElasticSearch(); $response = $elastic->search($searchArray, ElasticSearch::APP_RELEASES); if ($response) { $info = $elastic->get_source_from_result($response['hits']); } return $info; } /** * @desc 发布详情 */ public function releaseDetail() { $id = I('id', 0, 'intval'); if (!$id) { $this->error('缺少应用发布记录编号'); } // 获取发布记录信息 $AppReleaseModel = D('AppRelease'); $release_info = $AppReleaseModel->getData($id); // 获取应用信息 $AppsModel = D('Apps'); $app_info = $AppsModel->getData($release_info['app_id']); $this->assign('release_info', $release_info); $this->assign('app_info', $app_info); $this->display('release_detail'); } /** * @desc 修改发布状态 */ public function changeReleaseStatus() { $from = I('post.from', 'release'); $status = I('post.status', 0, 'intval'); if ($status == 1) { $action = '发布'; } else { $action = '取消发布'; } $id = I('', ''); $app_id = I('post.app_id', ''); $AppReleaseModel = D('AppRelease'); if ($from == 'app_list') { if (!$app_id) { $this->error('请选择要' . $action . '的应用'); } $where = array('app_id' => $app_id); $res2 = $AppReleaseModel->where($where)->field('id')->select(); $res3 = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($res2); $i++) { $res3[$i] = $res2[$i]['id']; } $redirect = U('/Main/Apps'); } if ($from == 'release') { if (!$id) { $this->error('请选择要' . $action . '的记录'); } $where = array('id' => array('IN', $id)); $res3 = explode(",", $id); $redirect = U('/Main/Apps/releaseHistory'); } $data = array( 'status' => $status, 'update_time' => time(), //更新应用发布 ); $res = $AppReleaseModel->where($where)->save($data); // $sphinx = new Sphinx(); // $sphinx->setUpdated('app_releases',$res3); if ($res === false) { // 记录日志 $logData = array('module' => '应用市场', 'action' => $action . '应用', 'remark' => $action . '应用失败,应用编号:' . $app_id, 'status' => 0); recordActionLog($logData); $this->error($action . '失败:' . $AppReleaseModel->getError()); } else { // 记录日志 $logData = array('module' => '应用市场', 'action' => $action . '应用', 'remark' => '应用编号:' . $app_id, 'status' => 1); recordActionLog($logData); $this->success($action . '成功', $redirect); } } /** * @desc 删除发布记录 */ public function delReleaseHistory() { $id = I('', ''); if (!$id) { $this->error('请选择要删除的记录'); } $AppReleaseModel = D('AppRelease'); $where = array('id' => array('IN', $id)); $res = $AppReleaseModel->where($where)->delete(); if ($res === false) { // 记录日志 $logData = array('module' => '应用市场', 'action' => '删除发布记录', 'remark' => '删除发布记录失败,记录编号:' . $id, 'status' => 0); recordActionLog($logData); $this->error('删除失败:' . $AppReleaseModel->getError()); } else { // 记录日志 $logData = array('module' => '应用市场', 'action' => '删除发布记录', 'remark' => '记录编号:' . $id, 'status' => 1); recordActionLog($logData); $this->success('删除成功', U('/Main/Apps/releaseHistory')); } } /** * @desc 下载历史 (sphinx) */ // public function downloadHistory() { // $id = I('id', 0, 'intval'); // $type = I('type', 'all'); // 默认显示全部 'all','today','yesterday','week','month','custom' // $start = I('start', ''); // 查询起始时间 // $stop = I('stop', ''); // 查询截止时间 // $field = I('field', ''); // $kwd = I('kwd', ''); // $page = I('page', 1, 'intval'); // if ($page < 1) $page = 1; // $sphinx = (new Sphinx())->getInstance(); // $sphinx->setMatchMode(SPH_MATCH_EXTENDED2); // $sphinx->setSortMode(SPH_SORT_EXTENDED, '@id DESC'); // $sphinx->setLimits($page - 1, $this->listRows, $this->sphinxMaxMatchCount); // $is_search = false; // $condition = ''; // $where = array(); // if ($kwd) { // $is_search = true; // switch ($field) { // case 'app_name': // $condition = '@dev_app_name '.$kwd; // break; // case 'vendor_name': // $condition = '@dev_vendor_name '.$kwd; // break; // case 'channel_name': // $condition = '@dev_channel_name '.$kwd; // break; // case 'sn': // $condition = '@dev_sn '.$kwd; // break; // case 'merchant_name': // $condition = '@dev_merchant_name '.$kwd; // break; // case 'model_name': // $condition = '@dev_model_name '.$kwd; // break; // case 'device_name': // $condition = '@dev_device_name '.$kwd; // break; // } // } // if ($type == 'custom' && !$start && !$stop) { // $type = 'all'; // } // switch ($type) { // case 'all': // $_start = ''; // $_stop = ''; // break; // case 'today': // $_start = strtotime(date('Y-m-d 00:00:00')); // $_stop = strtotime(date('Y-m-d 23:59:59')); // break; // case 'yesterday': // $_start = strtotime(date('Y-m-d 00:00:00', strtotime('-1 day'))); // $_stop = strtotime(date('Y-m-d 23:59:59', strtotime('-1 day'))); // break; // case 'week': //最近一周 // $_start = strtotime(date('Y-m-d 00:00:00', strtotime('-1 week + 1day'))); // $_stop = time(); // break; // case 'month': //最近一个月 // $_start = strtotime(date('Y-m-d 00:00:00', strtotime('-1 month + 1day'))); // $_stop = time(); // break; // case 'custom': //时间范围 // $_start = strtotime(date('Y-m-d 00:00:00', strtotime($start))); // $_stop = strtotime(date('Y-m-d 23:59:59', strtotime($stop))); // if ($_start > $_stop) { // $_stop = $_start; // $stop = date('Y-m-d', $_stop); // } // break; // } // if ($type != 'all') { // $is_search = true; // $sphinx->setFilterRange('down_time', $_start, $_stop); // } // $start = date('Y-m-d', $_start); // $stop = date('Y-m-d', $_stop); // $is_search =1; // if ($is_search) { // //echo "1"; // // 通过SPHINX获取列表 // $result = $sphinx->query($condition, 'app_downloads'); // $error = $sphinx->getLastError(); // $warning = $sphinx->getLastWarning(); // if ($error || $warning) { // //$this->error($error ? $error : $warning); // } // $downHistory = $result['matches']; // // if (is_null($downHistory)) { // // $is_search = true; // // } // $total = isset($result['total']) ? $result['total'] : 0; // } else { // //echo "2"; // $AppDownloadModel = D('Main/AppDownload'); // $downHistory = $AppDownloadModel->getList($where, $page, $this->listRows); // // echo $AppDownloadModel->getlastSql(); // // echo "
"; // // dump($downHistory); // // die(); // $total = $AppDownloadModel->getCount($where); // } // //dump($downHistory);die(); // $p = new Page($total, $this->listRows); // $paging = $p->show(); // $this->assign('start', $start); // $this->assign('stop', $stop); // $this->assign('field', $field); // $this->assign('kwd', $kwd); // $this->assign('down_history', $downHistory); // $this->assign('paging', $paging); // $this->assign('total', $total); // $this->assign('id', $id); // if($id){ // $this->display('app_download_history'); // } else { // $this->display('download_history'); // } // }
/** * @desc 下载历史 (mysql和sphinx) */ public function downloadHistory() { $id = I('id', 0, 'intval'); $start = I('start', ''); // 查询起始时间 $stop = I('stop', ''); // 查询截止时间 $field = I('field', ''); $kwd = I('kwd', ''); $vendor_id = I('vendor_id', ''); //厂家 $channel_id = I('channel_id', ''); //渠道 $model_id = I('model_id', ''); //设备型号 $page = I('page', 1, 'intval'); if ($page < 1) { $page = 1; } $is_vendor = $this->role_info['role_id'] == RoleInfo::Vendor; $is_channel = $this->role_info['role_id'] == RoleInfo::Channel; $ChannelModel = D('Channel'); // 限制权限 By Jepeng if ($is_vendor) { $vendor_id = $this->mem_id; $limit = "vendor"; } elseif ($is_channel) { $channel_id = $this->mem_id; $vendor_id = $ChannelModel->getOneField($channel_id, 'vendor_id'); $limit = "channel"; } //判断是否搜索 $is_search = true; //条件 $searchArray = array(); //mysql的搜索条件 $where = array(); //获取厂家列表 $VendorModel = D('Vendor'); if ($is_vendor) { $vendors[0] = $VendorModel->getData($vendor_id); } else { $vendors = $VendorModel->getAll(); } //获取渠道商列表 $channels = array(); if ($vendor_id) { if ($is_channel) { $channels[0] = $ChannelModel->getData($channel_id); } else { $channels = $ChannelModel->where(array('vendor_id' => $vendor_id))->select(); } } // 获取所有设备型号 $DeviceModelModel = D('DeviceModel'); $deviceModels = $DeviceModelModel->getAll(); $elastic = new ElasticSearch(); //获取下拉框的厂商 if ($vendor_id) { $searchArray['vendor_id'] = $vendor_id; } //获取下拉框的渠道商 if ($channel_id) { $searchArray['channel_id'] = $channel_id; } //获取型号id if ($model_id) { $searchArray['model_id'] = $model_id; } //sn号和设备名的模糊搜索 if ($kwd) { if ($field == 'app_name') { $searchArray['app_name'] = array('like', "*$kwd*"); } if ($field == 'sn') { $searchArray['sn'] = array('wildcard', "*$kwd*"); } } //获取下载的时间范围 if ($start) { $_start = strtotime(date('Y-m-d 00:00:00', strtotime($start))); $_stop = time(); $searchArray['down_time'] = array('between', $_start, $_stop); } if ($stop) { $_start = ''; $_stop = strtotime(date('Y-m-d 23:59:59', strtotime($stop))); $searchArray['down_time'] = array('lte', $_stop); } if ($start && $stop) { $_start = strtotime(date('Y-m-d 00:00:00', strtotime($start))); $_stop = strtotime(date('Y-m-d 23:59:59', strtotime($stop))); $searchArray['down_time'] = array('between', $_start, $_stop); } /*****************原生搜索条件开始**********************/ // if($id){ // $where['app_id'] = $id; // } // //下拉框查询 // if ($vendor_id) { // $where['vendor_id'] = array('EQ',$vendor_id); // } // if ($channel_id) { // $where['channel_id'] = array('EQ',$channel_id); // } // if ($model_id) { // $where['model_id'] = array('EQ',$model_id); // } // //模糊查询 // if ($kwd) { // switch ($field) { // case 'app_name': // $where['app_name'] = array('LIKE','%'.$kwd.'%'); // break; // case 'sn': // $where['sn'] = array('LIKE','%'.$kwd.'%'); // break; // // case 'device_name': // // $where[''] = array('LIKE','%'.$kwd.'%'); // // break; // } // } // //日期搜索 // if ($start) { // $_start = strtotime(date('Y-m-d 00:00:00', strtotime($start))); // $where['down_time'] = array('GT',$_start); // } // if ($stop) { // $_stop = strtotime(date('Y-m-d 23:59:59', strtotime($stop))); // $where['down_time'] = array('LT',$_stop); // } // if ($start && $stop) { // $_start = strtotime(date('Y-m-d 00:00:00', strtotime($start))); // $_stop = strtotime(date('Y-m-d 23:59:59', strtotime($stop))); // $where['down_time'] = array('BETWEEN',array($_start,$_stop)); // } /*****************原生搜索条件结束**********************/ //app下载模型 // $AppDownloadModel = D('Main/AppDownload'); // $downHistory = $AppDownloadModel->getJoinList($where, $page, $this->listRows); // $total = $AppDownloadModel->getJoinCount($where); $_searchArray = my_serialize($searchArray); //搜索条件序列化,导出用 $searchArray['_from'] = ($page - 1) * $this->listRows; $searchArray['_size'] = $this->listRows; $searchArray['_sort'] = array('id' => 'desc'); if ($is_search) { $response = $elastic->search($searchArray, ElasticSearch::APP_DOWNLOADS); if ($response) { $downHistory = $elastic->get_source_from_result($response['hits']); $total = $response['total']; } } //app下载视图模型 else { $AppDownloadModel = D('Main/AppDownload'); $downHistory = $AppDownloadModel->getJoinList($where, $page, $this->listRows); $total = $AppDownloadModel->getJoinCount($where); } $p = new Page($total, $this->listRows); $paging = $p->show(); //app下载状态 $appStatus = AppDownloadStatus::$cn; $this->assign('appStatus', $appStatus); $this->assign('vendors', $vendors); $this->assign('vendor_id', $vendor_id); $this->assign('channels', $channels); $this->assign('channel_id', $channel_id); $this->assign('limit', $limit); $this->assign('deviceModels', $deviceModels); $this->assign('model_id', $model_id); $this->assign('start', $start); $this->assign('stop', $stop); $this->assign('field', $field); $this->assign('kwd', $kwd); $this->assign('down_history', $downHistory); $this->assign('paging', $paging); $this->assign('total', $total); $this->assign('_searchArray', $_searchArray); $this->assign('id', $id); if ($id) { $this->display('app_download_history'); } else { $this->display('download_history'); } } /** * 利用elasticsearch 导出 搜索 * @return array */ public function getDownloadHistoryAll($searchArray = array()) { $elastic = new ElasticSearch(); $response = $elastic->search($searchArray, ElasticSearch::APP_DOWNLOADS); if ($response) { $info = $elastic->get_source_from_result($response['hits']); } return $info; } /** * @desc 下载历史状态弹框 */ public function historyDetail() { $infoId = I('id'); $AppHistoryModel = D('AppHistory'); $history = $AppHistoryModel->where(array('info_id' => $infoId))->order('id desc')->select(); foreach ($history as $key => $hi) { $history[$key]['status'] = AppDownloadStatus::$cn[$hi['status']]; $history[$key]['create_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $hi['create_time']); } $this->assign('history', $history); $this->display('history_detail'); } /** * @desc 应用分类 */ public function category() { $AppCategoryModel = D('AppCategory'); $cates = $AppCategoryModel->getTree('', false); //dump($cates);exit; $this->assign('cates', $cates); $this->display('category_path_list'); } /** * @desc 添加应用分类 */ public function addCate() { $Id = I('id', '0', 'intval'); $this->assign('cata_id', $Id); //获取分类列表树数组 $AppCategoryModel = D('AppCategory'); $cates = $AppCategoryModel->getTree('', false); $this->assign('cates', $cates); $this->display('Apps/pieces/add_category_page'); } /** * @desc 编辑应用分类 */ public function editCate() { $id = I('id', '0', 'intval'); $this->assign('id', $id); $pid = I('pid', '0', 'intval'); $this->assign('pid', $pid); $sort_order = I('sort', '0', 'intval'); $this->assign('sort_order', $sort_order); $name = I('name', '0', 'trim'); $this->assign('name', $name); //获取分类列表树数组 $AppCategoryModel = D('AppCategory'); $where = array(); $where['id'] = array('NEQ', $id); $cates = $AppCategoryModel->getTree($where, false); $this->assign('cates', $cates); $this->display('Apps/pieces/edit_category_page'); } /** * @desc 添加/编辑分类操作 */ public function addCateProc() { $id = I('', 0, 'intval'); $pid = I('post.p_id', 0, 'intval'); $name = I('', '', 'trim'); $sort_order = I('post.sort_order', 0, 'intval'); if (!$name) { $this->error('请输入分类名称'); } $AppCategoryModel = D('AppCategory'); $data = array( 'pid' => $pid, 'name' => $name, 'sort_order' => $sort_order, ); if ($id) { $data['id'] = $id; $act = '修改'; if ($data['pid'] == '0') { $data['path'] = '0'; } else { //新父类 $p_path = $AppCategoryModel->field('path')->where(array('id' => $data['pid']))->find(); //新路径 $data['path'] = $p_path['path'] . '-' . $data['pid']; } //获取子孙path $path = $AppCategoryModel->field('path')->where(array('id' => $id))->find(); $ch_path = $path['path'] . '-' . $id; //找到所有的子孙数组 $where_c['path'] = array('LIKE', $ch_path . '%'); $res_c = $AppCategoryModel->where($where_c)->select(); //将子孙的路径改成新路径 if ($res_c) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($res_c); $i++) { $replace_length = strlen($path['path']); $new_child_path = substr_replace($res_c[$i]['path'], $data['path'], 0, $replace_length); $update['path'] = $new_child_path; $AppCategoryModel->where('id=' . $res_c[$i]['id'])->save($update); } } if ($AppCategoryModel->create($data)) { $res = $AppCategoryModel->save(); } } else { $act = '添加'; if ($AppCategoryModel->create($data)) { $res = $AppCategoryModel->add(); $id = $res; } } if ($res === false) { // 记录日志 $logData = array('module' => '应用市场', 'action' => $act . '应用分类', 'remark' => $act . '应用分类失败', 'status' => 0); recordActionLog($logData); $this->error('分类' . $act . '失败'); } // 记录日志 $logData = array('module' => '应用市场', 'action' => $act . '应用分类', 'remark' => '分类编号:' . $id, 'status' => 1); recordActionLog($logData); $this->success('分类' . $act . '成功'); } /** * @desc AJAX上传分类图片 */ public function uploadCateImage() { $error = ''; $msg = ''; $file_url = ''; $id = I('id', ''); if (!$id) { $msg = '缺少分类ID'; $status = -1; $return = array('data' => '', 'info' => $msg, 'status' => $status); echo json_encode($return); die; } $fileElementName = 'image'; if (!empty($_FILES[$fileElementName]['error'])) { switch ($_FILES[$fileElementName]['error']) { case '1': $status = -1; $error = 'The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini'; break; case '2': $status = -1; $error = 'The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form'; break; case '3': $status = -1; $error = 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded'; break; case '4': $status = -1; $error = 'No file was uploaded.'; break; case '6': $status = -1; $error = 'Missing a temporary folder'; break; case '7': $status = -1; $error = 'Failed to write file to disk'; break; case '8': $status = -1; $error = 'File upload stopped by extension'; break; case '999': default: $status = -1; $error = 'No error code avaiable'; } } else if (empty($_FILES[$fileElementName]['tmp_name']) || $_FILES[$fileElementName]['tmp_name'] == 'none') { $status = -1; $error = 'No file was uploaded..'; } else { $result = uploadOne('image', 'Cate'); if ($result['ok']) { $file_name = $result['images'][0]; //原图 $file_path = C('IMG_URL'); $file_url = $file_path . $file_name; $schema = isSsl() ? 'https' : 'http'; $full_url = $schema . '://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $file_url; $AppCategoryModel = D('AppCategory'); //删掉旧的分类图片 不知为毛删不掉 // $old_image = $AppCategoryModel->where(array('id'=>$id))->field('image')->find(); // //dump($old_image);exit; // @unlink($old_image); //更新数据库地址目录 $AppCategoryModel->where(array('id' => $id))->save(array('image' => $full_url)); $msg = '上传成功'; $status = 1; } else { $error = '上传失败'; $status = -1; } } $data = array('image' => $full_url); $info = $status == 1 ? $msg : $error; $return = array('data' => $data, 'info' => $info, 'status' => $status); echo json_encode($return); } /** * @desc 删除分类 */ public function delCateProc() { $id = I('', 0, 'intval'); $pid = I('', 0, 'intval'); if (!$id) { $this->error('缺少分类编号'); } $AppCategoryModel = D('AppCategory'); //获取子孙path $path = $AppCategoryModel->field('path')->where(array('id' => $id))->find(); $ch_path = $path['path'] . '-' . $id; //dump($ch_path);exit; $where_c['path'] = array('LIKE', $ch_path . '%'); $where['id'] = array('EQ', $id); $res_c = $AppCategoryModel->where($where_c)->delete(); $res = $AppCategoryModel->where($where)->delete(); if ($res === false) { // 记录日志 $logData = array('module' => '应用市场', 'action' => '删除应用分类', 'remark' => '删除应用分类失败,分类编号:' . $id, 'status' => 0); recordActionLog($logData); $this->error('分类删除失败'); } // 记录日志 $logData = array('module' => '应用市场', 'action' => '删除应用分类', 'remark' => '分类编号:' . $id, 'status' => 1); recordActionLog($logData); $this->success('分类删除成功'); } /** * 删除应用 * @param string $id 需要删除记录的ID值 * @return int * @author 流川枫 <[email protected]> */ public function del() { $id = I('id', 0); $delFile = I('delFile', 0); $AppsModel = D('Apps'); $this_mem_id = ($this->role_info['role_id'] == RoleInfo::Channel || $this->role_info['role_id'] == RoleInfo::Vendor) ? $this->mem_id : 1; $del_data = $AppsModel->getData($id); if ($del_data['mem_id'] != $this_mem_id) { // 记录日志 $logData = array('module' => '应用市场', 'action' => '删除应用', 'remark' => '删除应用失败,应用编号:' . $id . '。原因:没有该应用的拥有权!', 'status' => 0); recordActionLog($logData); $this->error('您没有权限删除该应用!'); } $data = $AppsModel->cutOff($id, $delFile); if ($data) { if($delFile){ //删除云上app包 $delurl = $del_data['apk_path']; $qcloud = new QcloudApi(); $key = ltrim($delurl, '.'); $ret = $qcloud->delete($key); } // 记录日志 $logData = array('module' => '应用市场', 'action' => '删除应用', 'remark' => '应用编号:' . $id, 'status' => 1); recordActionLog($logData); $this->success('删除应用成功!'); } else { // 记录日志 $logData = array('module' => '应用市场', 'action' => '删除应用', 'remark' => '删除应用失败,应用编号:' . $id, 'status' => 0); recordActionLog($logData); $this->error('删除应用失败:' . $AppsModel->getError()); } } /** * @desc 批量删除应用,支持删除多条和一个 * 2016-10-24 修改:添加删除版本号 BY jepeng */ public function delData() { $AppsModel = D('Apps'); $AppVersionModel = D('AppVersion'); $id = I('id', ''); $flag = 0; $ids = explode(',', $id); $this_mem_id = ($this->role_info['role_id'] == RoleInfo::Channel || $this->role_info['role_id'] == RoleInfo::Vendor) ? $this->mem_id : 0; if ($this_mem_id != 0) { $len = sizeof($ids); for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) { $have_app = $AppsModel->getData($ids[$i]); if ($have_app['mem_id'] != $this_mem_id) { unset($ids[$i]); $flag = 1; } } } if (sizeof($ids)) { $where = array('id' => array('IN', $ids)); $res = $AppsModel->where($where)->delete(); $ver_res = $AppVersionModel->delData(array('app_id' => array('IN', $id))); } else { $this->error("请选择您拥有权限的应用进行删除!"); } if ($res === false) { // 记录日志 $logData = array('module' => '应用市场', 'action' => '批量删除应用', 'remark' => '批量删除应用失败,应用编号:' . $id, 'status' => 0); recordActionLog($logData); $this->error('删除应用失败!'); } if ($ver_res === false) { // 记录日志 $logData = array('module' => '应用市场', 'action' => '批量删除应用版本', 'remark' => '批量删除应用版本失败,应用编号:' . $id, 'status' => 0); recordActionLog($logData); $this->error('删除应用的版本失败!'); } // 记录日志 $logData = array('module' => '应用市场', 'action' => '批量删除应用', 'remark' => '应用编号:' . $id, 'status' => 1); recordActionLog($logData); $logData = array('module' => '应用市场', 'action' => '批量删除应用版本号', 'remark' => '应用编号:' . $id, 'status' => 1); recordActionLog($logData); if ($flag) { $this->success('您所要删除的应用已经自动过滤没有删除权限的应用!'); } else { $this->success('删除应用成功!'); } } /** * 删除应用版本 * @param string $id 需要删除记录的ID值 * @return int * @author 流川枫 <[email protected]> */ public function delVersion() { $id = I('id', 0); $AppVersionModel = D('AppVersion'); // 获取应用编号 $app_id = $AppVersionModel->where(array('id' => $id))->getField('app_id'); // 删除 $data = $AppVersionModel->cutOff($id); if ($data !== false) { // 记录日志 $logData = array('module' => '应用市场', 'action' => '删除应用版本', 'remark' => '版本编号:' . $id, 'status' => 1); recordActionLog($logData); // 获取允许下载的版本个数 $where = array('app_id' => $app_id, 'status' => 1); $cnt = $AppVersionModel->getCount($where); // 更新允许下载的版本个数 $AppReleaseModel = D('AppRelease'); $where = array('app_id' => $app_id); $data = array( 'valid_cnt' => $cnt, 'update_time' => time(), //更新应用发布 ); $res = $AppReleaseModel->where($where)->save($data); // $res2 = $AppReleaseModel->where($where)->field('id')->select(); // $res3 = array(); // for ($i=0; $i < count($res2); $i++) { // $res3[$i] = $res2[$i]['id']; // } // $sphinx = new Sphinx(); // $sphinx->setUpdated('app_releases',$res3); $this->success('应用版本删除成功!'); } else { // 记录日志 $logData = array('module' => '应用市场', 'action' => '删除应用版本', 'remark' => '删除应用版本失败,版本编号:' . $id, 'status' => 0); recordActionLog($logData); $this->error('应用版本删除失败:' . $AppVersionModel->getError()); } } /** * @desc批量删除应用版本 * 支持删除多条和一个 */ public function delVersions() { $AppVersionModel = D('AppVersion'); $id = I('id', ''); $where = array('id' => array('IN', $id)); // 获取应用编号 $app_id = $AppVersionModel->where($where)->getField('app_id'); $res = $AppVersionModel->where($where)->delete(); if ($res === false) { // 记录日志 $logData = array('module' => '应用市场', 'action' => '批量删除应用版本', 'remark' => '批量删除应用版本失败,版本编号:' . $id, 'status' => 0); recordActionLog($logData); $this->error('应用版本删除失败!'); } // 获取允许下载的版本个数 $where = array('app_id' => $app_id, 'status' => 1); $cnt = $AppVersionModel->getCount($where); // 更新允许下载的版本个数 $AppReleaseModel = D('AppRelease'); $where = array('app_id' => $app_id); $data = array( 'valid_cnt' => $cnt, 'update_time' => time(), //更新应用发布 ); $res = $AppReleaseModel->where($where)->save($data); // $res2 = $AppReleaseModel->where($where)->field('id')->select(); // $res3 = array(); // for ($i=0; $i < count($res2); $i++) { // $res3[$i] = $res2[$i]['id']; // } // $sphinx = new Sphinx(); // $sphinx->setUpdated('app_releases',$res3); // 记录日志 $logData = array('module' => '应用市场', 'action' => '批量删除应用版本', 'remark' => '版本编号:' . $id, 'status' => 1); recordActionLog($logData); $this->success('应用版本删除成功!'); } /** * @desc 下载应用 */ public function download() { set_time_limit(0); $sn = I('sn', '', 'trim'); $package = I('package', '', 'trim'); $version = I('version', '', 'trim'); $AppsModel = D('Apps'); $AppVersionModel = D('AppVersion'); $app_info = null; $ver_info = null; //是否有sn号获取渠道应用 if ($sn) { $deviceInfoModel = D('DeviceInfo'); $device_info = $deviceInfoModel->getDataBySn($sn); $deviceModel = D('Device'); $device = $deviceModel->getData($device_info['dev_id']); $channel_id = $device['channel_id']; $vendor_id = $device['vendor_id']; // //获取应用信息和版本信息 $app_info = $AppsModel->where(array('package' => $package,'version' => $version,'mem_id' => array('in', array($channel_id, $vendor_id, 1))))->find(); $ver_info = $AppVersionModel->where(array('app_id' => $app_info['id'],'version' => $version))->find(); // dump($ver_info); if (!$ver_info) { die('版本信息不存在'); } if ($ver_info && $ver_info['status'] == 0) { die('无可下载的应用'); } // 添加下载记录 $AppDownloadModel = D('AppDownload'); $data = array( 'sn' => $sn, 'app_id' => $app_info['id'], 'app_name' => $app_info['name'], 'app_developer' => $app_info['developer'], 'app_package' => $app_info['package'], 'app_category' => $app_info['app_category_info']['name'], 'type' => 'down', 'app_ver' => $version, 'down_time' => time(), 'complete_time' => time(), 'status' => 1, ); $res = $AppDownloadModel->insert($data); /***************************插入下载历史表的实时状态start***********************/ $AppHistoryModel = M('AppHistory'); $historyData = array( 'info_id' => $res, 'status' => '1', //开始下载 'create_time' => time(), ); $AppHistoryModel->add($historyData); /********************************插入下载历史表的实时状态end*************************/ } else { $app_info = $AppsModel->getDataByPackage($package); $ver_info = $AppVersionModel->getInfo($package, $version); } // 更新下载数: +1 $data = array('download_cnt' => intval($app_info['download_cnt']) + 1); $res = $AppsModel->update($app_info['id'], $data); $data = array('download_cnt' => intval($ver_info['download_cnt']) + 1); $res = $AppVersionModel->update($ver_info['id'], $data); // 下载 // 文件路径 $file_path = '.' . $ver_info['apk_path']; $pathinfo = pathinfo($file_path); // 文件名 $file_name = $pathinfo['basename']; //if (file_exists($file_path)) { $cdn_host = C('CDN_HOST'); if ($cdn_host) { $url = rtrim($cdn_host, '/') . trim($ver_info['apk_path'], '.'); header("Location:" . $url); } else { // $fp = fopen($file_path, 'r'); // // 文件大小 // $file_size = filesize($file_path); // //下载文件需要用到的头 // header('Content-Type: application/force-download;'); // header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary'); // Header('Accept-Length:' . $file_size); // Header('Content-Length:' . $file_size); // header('Accept-Ranges:Bytes'); // Header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $file_name . '"'); // $buffer = 1024; // $file_count = 0; // //向浏览器返回数据 // while (!feof($fp) && $file_count < $file_size) { // $file_con = fread($fp, $buffer); // $file_count += $buffer; // echo $file_con; // } // fclose($fp); $downloadUrl = C('COS_HOST') . $ver_info['apk_path']; header("Location: $downloadUrl"); } //} } /** * 应用广告列表 * @return [type] [description] */ public function ads() { $AppAdsModel = D('AppAds'); $adss = $AppAdsModel->order('sort_order')->select(); $adsSizeModel = D('AdsSize'); for ($i = 0; $i < count($adss); $i++) { $with = $adsSizeModel->where(array('id' => $adss[$i]['size']))->field('with')->find(); $height = $adsSizeModel->where(array('id' => $adss[$i]['size']))->field('height')->find(); $adss[$i]['with'] = $with['with'] ? $with['with'] : 0; $adss[$i]['height'] = $height['height'] ? $height['height'] : 0; } //dump($adss);exit; $this->assign('adss', $adss); $this->display('ads_list'); } /** * @desc 添加广告 */ public function addAds() { $adsSizeModel = D('AdsSize'); $sizes = $adsSizeModel->select(); $this->assign('sizes', $sizes); $this->display('Apps/pieces/add_ads_page'); } /** * @desc 编辑广告 */ public function editAds() { $id = I('id', '0', 'intval'); $this->assign('id', $id); $size = I('size', '0', 'intval'); $this->assign('size', $size); $status = I('status', '0', 'intval'); $this->assign('status', $status); $sort = I('sort', '0', 'intval'); $this->assign('sort', $sort); $name = I('name', '0', 'trim'); $this->assign('name', $name); $remark = I('remark', '', 'trim'); $this->assign('remark', $remark); //获取广告尺寸 $adsSizeModel = D('AdsSize'); $sizes = $adsSizeModel->select(); $this->assign('sizes', $sizes); $this->display('Apps/pieces/edit_ads_page'); } /** * @desc 添加/编辑广告 操作 */ public function addAdsProc() { $id = I('', 0, 'intval'); $name = I('', '', 'trim'); $sort_order = I('post.sort_order', 0, 'intval'); $status = I('post.status', 1, 'intval'); $size = I('post.size', 0, 'intval'); //广告图尺寸 $remark = I('post.remark', '', 'trim'); //广告描述 if (!$name) { $this->error('请输入广告名称'); } if (mb_strlen($remark, 'utf-8') > 28) { $this->error('简单描述请不要超过28个字'); } $AppAdsModel = D('AppAds'); $data = array( 'name' => $name, 'sort_order' => $sort_order, 'status' => $status, 'size' => $size, 'remark' => $remark, 'create_time' => time(), ); if ($id) { $data['id'] = $id; $act = '修改'; if ($AppAdsModel->create($data)) { $res = $AppAdsModel->save(); } } else { //添加需要验证是否有同名广告 $has = $AppAdsModel->where(array('name' => $name))->find(); if ($has) { $this->error('广告名称已经存在'); } $act = '添加'; if ($AppAdsModel->create($data)) { $res = $AppAdsModel->add(); $id = $res; } } if ($res === false) { // 记录日志 $logData = array('module' => '应用市场', 'action' => $act . '广告分类', 'remark' => $act . '应用广告失败', 'status' => 0); recordActionLog($logData); $this->error('广告' . $act . '失败'); } // 记录日志 $logData = array('module' => '应用市场', 'action' => $act . '应用广告', 'remark' => '广告编号:' . $id, 'status' => 1); recordActionLog($logData); $this->success('广告' . $act . '成功'); } /** * @desc 删除广告 */ public function delAdsProc() { $id = I('', 0, 'intval'); if (!$id) { $this->error('缺少广告编号'); } $AppAdsModel = D('AppAds'); $res = $AppAdsModel->where(array('id' => $id))->delete(); if ($res === false) { // 记录日志 $logData = array('module' => '应用市场', 'action' => '删除应用广告', 'remark' => '删除应用广告失败,广告编号:' . $id, 'status' => 0); recordActionLog($logData); $this->error('广告删除失败'); } // 记录日志 $logData = array('module' => '应用市场', 'action' => '删除应用广告', 'remark' => '广告编号:' . $id, 'status' => 1); recordActionLog($logData); $this->success('广告删除成功'); } /** * @desc AJAX上传广告图片 */ public function uploadAdsImage() { $error = ''; $msg = ''; $file_url = ''; $id = I('id', ''); $withSize = I('withSize', ''); $heightSize = I('heightSize', ''); if (!$id) { $msg = '缺少广告ID'; $status = -1; $return = array('data' => '', 'info' => $msg, 'status' => $status); echo json_encode($return); die; } if ($withSize == 0 || $heightSize == 0) { $Original = 1; //原图 } $fileElementName = 'image'; if (!empty($_FILES[$fileElementName]['error'])) { switch ($_FILES[$fileElementName]['error']) { case '1': $status = -1; $error = 'The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini'; break; case '2': $status = -1; $error = 'The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form'; break; case '3': $status = -1; $error = 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded'; break; case '4': $status = -1; $error = 'No file was uploaded.'; break; case '6': $status = -1; $error = 'Missing a temporary folder'; break; case '7': $status = -1; $error = 'Failed to write file to disk'; break; case '8': $status = -1; $error = 'File upload stopped by extension'; break; case '999': default: $status = -1; $error = 'No error code avaiable'; } } else if (empty($_FILES[$fileElementName]['tmp_name']) || $_FILES[$fileElementName]['tmp_name'] == 'none') { $status = -1; $error = 'No file was uploaded..'; } else { if ($Original) { $result = uploadOne('image', 'Ads'); //原图 } else { $result = uploadOne('image', 'Ads', 1, $withSize, $heightSize); //缩略图 } //dump($result);exit; if ($result['ok']) { if ($Original) { $file_name = $result['images'][0]; //原图 } else { $file_name = $result['images'][1]; //缩略图 } $file_path = C('IMG_URL'); $file_url = $file_path . $file_name; $schema = isSsl() ? 'https' : 'http'; $full_url = $schema . '://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $file_url; $AppAdsModel = D('AppAds'); //更新数据库地址目录 $AppAdsModel->where(array('id' => $id))->save(array('image' => $full_url)); $msg = '上传成功'; $status = 1; } else { $error = '上传失败'; $status = -1; } } $data = array('image' => $full_url); $info = $status == 1 ? $msg : $error; $return = array('data' => $data, 'info' => $info, 'status' => $status); echo json_encode($return); } /** * 应用购买记录 * @return [type] [description] */ public function appBuyHistory() { $kwd = I('kwd', ''); $field = I('field', ''); $where = array(); if ($kwd) { if ($field == 'app_name') { $where['app_name'] = array('LIKE', '%' . $kwd . '%'); } elseif ($field == 'member') { $where['member'] = array('LIKE', '%' . $kwd . '%'); } } $appBuyHistoryViewModel = D('AppBuyHistoryView'); $info = $appBuyHistoryViewModel->getList($where); $total = $appBuyHistoryViewModel->getCount($where); $p = new Page($total, $this->listRows); $paging = $p->show(); // dump($info);exit; $this->assign('kwd', $kwd); $this->assign('field', $field); $this->assign('info', $info); $this->assign('paging', $paging); $this->display('app_buy_history'); } /** * @desc 删除应用购买记录 */ public function delAppBuyHistory() { $id = I('', ''); if (!$id) { $this->error('请选择要删除的记录'); } $AppBuyHistoryModel = D('AppBuyHistory'); $where = array('id' => array('IN', $id)); $res = $AppBuyHistoryModel->where($where)->delete(); if ($res === false) { // 记录日志 $logData = array('module' => '应用市场', 'action' => '删除应用购买记录', 'remark' => '删除应用购买记录失败,记录编号:' . $id, 'status' => 0); recordActionLog($logData); $this->error('删除失败:' . $AppReleaseModel->getError()); } else { // 记录日志 $logData = array('module' => '应用市场', 'action' => '删除应用购买记录', 'remark' => '记录编号:' . $id, 'status' => 1); recordActionLog($logData); $this->success('删除成功', U('/Main/Apps/appBuyHistory')); } } /** * 判断该应用是否属于该用户 * @author 缪志鹏 * @param app_id,需要验证的应用id,$version为验证的版本号,默认为空 */ public function is_have_this_app($app_id, $version = null) { $is_channel = ($this->role_info['role_id'] == RoleInfo::Channel); $is_vendor = ($this->role_info['role_id'] == RoleInfo::Vendor); if ($is_channel || $is_vendor) { $mem_id = $this->mem_id; } else { $mem_id = 0; } if ($is_channel) { $ChannelModel = D('Channel'); $vendor_id = $ChannelModel->getOneField($mem_id, 'vendor_id'); } $ViewAppOwnerModel = D('ViewAppOwner'); $apps_info = $ViewAppOwnerModel->get_data_by_app_id($app_id); if ($apps_info['mem_id'] == $mem_id || $apps_info['mem_id'] == 0 || $apps_info['mem_id'] == $vendor_id) { return ture; } else { $AppsMembersModel = D('AppsMembers'); $data['mem_id'] = array('in', array($mem_id, $vendor_id, 0)); $data['app_id'] = $app_id; $result = $AppsMembersModel->getDataResult($data); if ($result) { return $result; } else { return false; } } } /** * 应用权限控制 */ // public function appAccess() // { // //获取应用信息 // $app_id = I('id',''); // $appVersionModel = D('AppVersion'); // $app_access = $appVersionModel->getData($app_id); // $access_channel = $app_access['access_channel']; // $access = explode(',',$access_channel); // $appModel = D('Apps'); // $appInfo = $appModel->getData($app_id); // $page = I('page', 1, 'intval'); // if ($page < 1) $page = 1; // $province = I('province', ''); // $city = I('city', ''); // $kwd = I('kwd', ''); // $field = I('field',''); // $vendor_id = I('vendor_id','');//厂家 // // 搜索条件 // $where = array(); // if ($this->is_super || $this->role == 'system') { // // 获取厂家 // $VendorModel = D('Vendor'); // $vendors = $VendorModel->getAll(); // if ($vendor_id) { // $where['Channel.vendor_id'] = $vendor_id; // } // } else if ($this->role == 'vendor') { // // 获取厂家ID // $vendor_id = getVendorId($this->mem_id, $this->role); // $where['Channel.vendor_id'] = $vendor_id; // } // if ($province) { // $where['Channel.province'] = $province; // } // if ($city) { // $where[''] = $city; // } // //渠道名和会员帐号搜索 // if($kwd){ // switch ($field) { // case 'name': // $where[''] = array('LIKE', '%'.$kwd.'%'); // break; // case 'member': // $where['username'] = array('LIKE', '%'.$kwd.'%'); // break; // case 'remark': // $where['Channel.remark'] = array('LIKE', '%'.$kwd.'%'); // break; // } // } // $_where = my_serialize($where);//搜索条件序列化,导出用 // // 获取列表 // $ChannelModel = D('Channel'); // $channel = $ChannelModel->getList($where, $page, $this->listRows); // //渠道列表添加应用权限元素 // foreach($channel as &$key){ // if(in_array($key['mem_id'], $access)) { // $key['access'] = '无'; // }else{ // $key['access'] = '有'; // } // } // $total = $ChannelModel->getCount($where, $this->listRows); // $p = new Page($total); // $paging = $p->show(); // $this->assign('app_id',$app_id); // $this->assign('province', $province); // $this->assign('city', $city); // $this->assign('kwd', $kwd); // $this->assign('field', $field); // $this->assign('paging', $paging); // $this->assign('channel', $channel); // $this->assign('vendors', $vendors); // $this->assign('vendor_id', $vendor_id); // $this->assign('_where', $_where);//搜索条件序列化,导出用 // $this->assign('access',$access); // // $this->display('channel_list'); // $this->roleDisplay('app_access'); // } // public function changeAccessProc() // { // $app_id = I('get.app_id',''); // $channel_ids = I('');//渠道商id // $status = I('post.status', 0, 'intval'); // //取出表中被禁用的渠道id // $appVersionModel = D('AppVersion'); // $data = $appVersionModel->getData($app_id); // $ids = $data['access_channel']; // if ($status == 1) { // $action = '启用'; // } else { // $action = '禁用'; // } // if($status == 1) { // //生成启用渠道后禁止渠道的数组 // $ids1 = explode(',',$ids); // $ids2 = explode(',',$channel_ids); // $arr = array_diff($ids1,$ids2); // //把数组写入表中 // $access_channel = implode(',',$arr); // $data = array('access_channel' => $access_channel); // $where = array('app_id' => $app_id); // $res = $appVersionModel->update2($where,$data); // if($res){ // $this -> success($action.'渠道成功',U('Main/Apps')); // }else{ // $this -> error('操作失败'); // } // }else{ // //生成禁用渠道后禁止渠道的数组 // $ids1 = explode(',',$ids); // $ids2 = explode(',',$channel_ids); // $arr1 = array_intersect($ids1,$ids2); // $arr2 = array_diff($ids1,$ids2); // $arr3 = array_diff($ids2,$ids1); // $arr = array_merge($arr1,$arr2,$arr3); // //把数组写入表中 // $access_channel = implode(',',$arr); // $data = array('access_channel' => $access_channel); // $where = array('app_id' => $app_id); // $res = $appVersionModel->update2($where,$data); // if($res){ // $this -> success($action.'渠道成功',U('Main/Apps')); // }else{ // $this -> error('操作失败'); // } // } // } }


php ignore_user_abort( true); // 关闭浏览器也可以执行,只有断开httpd连接方可终止了,重启apache或者断开网络,相当与php-cli --daemonize
set_time_limit( 0); // 可以让程序无限制的执行下去
nginx apache 可能返回504或者等待返回超时了,但只要httpd连接未段,发出的请求后台仍然不会中断执行,只有断开httpd连接方可终止了,重启apache或者断开网络。





 "."start" ."\n", 3 , "/usr/local/apache2219/logs/php_log");





    echo 'test213';//浏览器接收不到了  


    error_log(date("[Y-m-d H:i:s]")." > "."end"   ."\n", 3 , "/usr/local/apache2219/logs/php_log");





