Presentation Skills 3: Making Comparisons

Presentation Skills 3: Making Comparisons


1. Now a key question you might ask yourself is what differentiates the new

x420 line with our previous models, and also of course with some of our

competitors. In other words, what makes the x420 stand out from all the

others? This is a key question, and is something I'd like to explore in a little



和我们的竞争对手的产品有什么区别。 换句话说,什么让x420从其它产品中脱颖


2. Firstly, the x420 has a range of USPs that really make it a cut above the rest.

The first thing to mention is that the x420 is the first in a new generation of

ultra-light laptop computers. It is only 2lbs, which compares very favorably with

all our key competitors.



1. In terms of computer performance, for such a light machine it's very

powerful. 4GB of RAM, with an ultra-fast processor. The most advanced video

and sound cards on the market are installed with a crystal-clear 15-inch LCD

display. The x420 really stands out as a next generation laptop. Compared with

our previous x540 range it really is in a league of its own.

至于电脑配置方面,考虑到这么轻的机器它的功能已经非常强大的了。 4G的内存

,超快处理器,最先进的视频和音频卡,还装有超清晰的15寸LCD液晶显示器。 x



2. Now, if we go on to look at projected sales for the x420 we can see that sales

revenue for 2010 is expected to hit at least 20 million dollars. Now this is really

a conservative estimate. If our marketing campaign is successful I'm confident

that we could see a doubling of this figure at the very least.



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Lesson Transcript

by EnglishPod中国

1. Now please bear in mind that this is only for the first year of production. I'm

certain that in the coming three years the x420 will actually overtake all our

existing products, both in terms of sales and revenue. Okay, now let's move on

to discuss our marketing concept and look more closely at our key competitors.





differentiates ˌdɪfəˈrenʃiːˌeɪts 区分不同

bear in mind ˈber ˈɪn ˈmaɪnd 牢记于心

overtake ˌoʊvərˈteɪk 超过

a cut above ə ˈkət əˈbəv 略胜一筹

crystal-clear ˈkrɪstəl ˈklɪr 超清晰的

stands out ˈstændz ˈæʊt 脱颖而出

a league of its own ə ˈliːg əv ˈɪts ˈoʊn 独领风骚



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Upper-Intermediate – Presentation Skills 3 :  Making Comparisons

This lesson plan is designed for a 50-minute one-on-one class focused on speaking practice and feedback.

Opening chat--- 5 minutes

Review previous lesson’s content and check if the student has completed self-study ---5 minutes

Please make sure that the student understands the importance of self-study, which is to prime them with this key vocabulary and phrases in the lesson so that they can use the language to dive into speaking practice with their teacher. This will help them get the most out of their class and improve their speaking and listening abilities.

Encourage the student to break down the learning process and splice it throughout their day. For example, they might spend 15 minutes listening to the full lesson audio on their way to work, browse the dialogue and vocabulary during their coffee/lunch break, listen to the audio again and review other tabs on their way home.

Encourage the student to use the OpenLanguage iOS/Android app which best supports this learning model.

The teacher can ask a few questions using key vocabulary and phrases from the lesson to check how well the student has prepared.

Note: the student should preview the lesson by listening to the full lesson audio, browse the dialogue as they listen, and review the different tabs such as vocabulary, expansion sentences and grammar. 

Class Activities: (30-35 minutes)

Objective: In this lesson, we will learn about how to successfully introduce a new product. Pay attention to the professional and applicable vocabulary and phrases that are introduced.

1) Read the dialogue with the students---5 minutes

Read the dialogue with the students line by line. Switch roles after the first run. Pay attention to students’ pronunciation; give feedback and help when needed. 

2) Dialogue Comprehension----3 minutes

Ask the student the following questions. The answers are in the dialogue:

What are 4 product characteristics of the x420?

What is the sales revenue for 2010 expected to reach?

If the marketing campaign is successful, by how much could this revenue increase?

How soon might the x420 overtake all other products?

What makes the x420 a cut above the rest? What does this mean?

3) Key Vocabulary Check----5 minutes

Use the key vocabulary from today’s lesson to complete the following sentences.

DifferentiatesA cut aboveCrystal-clear

Bear in mindIn other wordsStands out

-       There are many things that ____________________ one culture from another.

-       There are two main things that make a resume _______________________ from others: presentation and content.

-       Tom had the best sales records of anyone in the department. He is definitely _______________________ the rest!

-       We have to tighten our budget more than expected this year… _____________________, we can’t buy the new printers we were hoping for.

-       I know I said you can have 3 weeks off next month for your vacation, but _______________ that you are going to have a lot of work when you get back!

-       I hired someone to wash my windows this weekend. They are __________________ now. 

3.) Key Language Practice----15 minutes

Three companies produce the cardboard boxes the student’s company need. The student must decide which company to buy from.

Ask and answer the questions below. Have the student answer the questions in complete sentences.

 ABCBox & Co.Packaging Co.

Price per standard box$8.36$8.50$8.93

Number of styles of boxes381237

Quality – faults per 1,000 boxes0.11.32.5

Delivery period2 days1 day4 days


Quantity in stock1,000,000700,000400,000

Terms of payment14 days30 days60 days

Which company...

1. has the highest/lowest prices?

2. has the widest/smallest product range?

3. has the best/worst quality record?

4. delivers the fastest/slowest?

6. keeps the most/fewest boxes in stock?

7. gives the most/least time to pay?

** Which company provides the best service and product?  **

4.) Role Play----5 minutes

Use the information above. The purchasing department has collected the statistics above to help decide which company to buy boxes from.  You are the purchasing director. The student has made the comparisons and decided on the best company. Now the student must present their decision to you, the purchasing director. Encourage the student to explain their decision, convince you and promote their preferred company using key language and phrases covered in the lesson.

5.) Review and assign homework: ---5 minutes

Review today’s class. Encourage the student on where he/she did well; give feedback to where he/she needs to pay more attention. 

Assign homework, i.e. the ‘Exercise’ part of today’s lesson. Student should complete it and submit it online. They will see an automatic score.  

Have them listen to the dialogue again and see if their understanding has improved.

Remind students that they can save different vocabulary terms in the app or online and review them as flashcards.

Tell the student what the next lesson is. 

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