


        CodeTemplateCompiler compiler  =   new  CodeTemplateCompiler(templateName);
if  (compiler.Errors.Count  ==   0 )
return  compiler.CreateInstance();



在替换掉templateName时,替换成其中一个模板,“D:\\My Documents\\CodeSmith\\Samples\\v5.2\\Templates\\zhaogw\\piggy\\piggy_BLL.cst”,然后执行,竟然成功了,但把这个取消,执行一下,还是报这个错,最后,把执行的模板名称输出到控制台,于是,把templateName替换成,“D:\\My Documents\\CodeSmith\\Samples\\v5.2\\Templates\\zhaogw\\piggy\\piggy_projectFileInclue.cst”时,竟然会报错,于是,确定了是piggy_projectFileInclue.cst出了问题,双击该模板,提示有错误,经检查,出错的位置是
<% @ Property Name = " SourceDatabase "  Type = " DatabaseSchema "  Default = " ggjj "  Category = " Database "  Description = " 数据库 "   %>



总结经验教训:CodeSmith中的模板,在设置默认值的时候,不能依赖与本身的环境,就像这次的,这里的默认值设置了别的电脑上不一定存在的数据库而报错的,因此,最好这些有依赖性的设置,都设置成空的默认值。还有一个情况,就是输出页根本就不会输出信息的问题,在没有注释后面代码时,编译又能通过的情况下,已经执行过的代码,输出页面也没有任何信息输出,但却报出错误,这种情况比较特殊,一般情况下的错误,只要执行了Response.WriteLine("aaa");基本上都会在输出页面输出aaa字符串的,这里在执行到return compiler.CreateInstance();报错,竟然会导致输出页面没有输出aaa字符串,这个问题也值得关注。否则,错误跟踪的方法就要适当的改变一下。



<% @ CodeTemplate Language = " C# "  TargetLanguage = " C# "  Src = ""  Inherits = ""  Debug = " True "  CompilerVersion = " v3.5 "  ResponseEncoding = " UTF-8 "  Description = " 输出所有模块文件 "   %>
<%--  Context  --%>
<%--  Object  --%>
<% @ Property Name = " NameSpace "  Type = " System.String "  Default = " NameSpace "  Category = " Object "  Description = " 项目的命名空间 "   %>
<% @ Property Name = " Assembly "  Type = " System.String "  Default = " Assembly "  Category = " Object "  Description = " 项目的程序集 "   %>
<% @ Property Name = " TableDivideMark "  Type = " System.String "  Default = " _ "  Category = " Object "  Description = " 表名分隔符 "   %>
<% @ Property Name = " TablePrefix "  Type = " System.Boolean "  Default = " true "  Category = " Object "  Description = " 是否有表前缀,如果存在表前缀的,会自动把第一个表名分隔符前的表前缀删除掉。 "   %>
<% @ Property Name = " TablePrefixLength "  Type = " System.Int32 "  Default = " 4 "  Category = " Object "  Description = " 表前缀长度,如果表前缀大于这个值,则认为没有表前缀 "   %>
<% @ Property Name = " ColumnDivideMark "  Type = " System.String "  Default = " _ "  Category = " Object "  Description = " 字段名分隔符 "   %>
<% @ Property Name = " ColumnPrefix "  Type = " System.Boolean "  Default = " false "  Category = " Object "  Description = " 是否有字段前缀,如果存在字段前缀的,会自动把第一个字段名分隔符前的字段前缀删除掉。 "   %>
<% @ Property Name = " ColumnPrefixLength "  Type = " System.Int32 "  Default = " 0 "  Category = " Object "  Description = " 字段前缀长度,如果字段前缀大于这个值,则认为没有字段前缀 "   %>
<% @ Property Name = " ForceId "  Type = " System.Boolean "  Default = " true "  Category = " Object "  Description = " 强制性自增量标识主键 "   %>
<% @ Property Name = " ForceIdProperty "  Type = " System.String "  Default = " ID "  Category = " Object "  Description = " 强制性自增量标识主键的属性名称 "   %>
<% @ Property Name = " SourceTableNames "  Type = " System.String "  Default = ""  Category = " Object "  Description = " 当指定表名时,只执行字符串中表名列表中的表 "   %>
<%--  Context  --%>
<% @ Assembly Name = " System.Design "   %>
<% @ Assembly Name = " SchemaExplorer "   %>
<% @ Import Namespace = " SchemaExplorer "   %>
<% @ Import Namespace = " System.IO "   %>
<% @ Import Namespace = " System.Xml "   %>
<% @ Import Namespace = " System.Text "   %>
<% @ Import Namespace = " System.Windows.Forms.Design "   %>
<% @ Import Namespace = " System.Text.RegularExpressions "   %>
<% @ Import Namespace = " System.Collections.Specialized "   %>

< script runat = " template " >

private  DatabaseSchema _sourceDatabase;
private   string  _outputDirectory;
private   bool  _implementNotification  =   true ;
// 模板对象列表(根据模板名称产生出来的模板对象)
     public  CodeTemplate[] CurrentTemplates;
// 模板名称数组
     public   string [] TemplateNames  =  { " piggy_projectFileInclue.cst " , " piggy_SqlMap.config.cst " , " piggy_dao.config.cst " , " piggy_service.config.cst " , " piggy_Model_Auto.cst " , " iBatis_sqlmap_Auto.cst " , " piggy_Service.cst " , " piggy_Model.cst " , " piggy_DAL.cst " , " piggy_BLL.cst " , " iBatis_sqlmap.cst " }; 
// 模板输出格式数组
     public   string [] strFormats  =  { " projectFileInclue.txt " , " sqlmap.config " , " Dao_Auto.config " , " Service_Auto.config " , " {0}_Auto.cs " , " {0}_Auto.xml " , " I{0}BLL.cs " , " {0}.cs " , " {0}DAO.cs " , " {0}BLL.cs " , " {0}.xml " };
// 模板输出路径
     public   string [] OutputPaths = { "" , " \\Data " , " \\Data\\config " , " \\Data\\config " , " \\Data_Auto\\Model " , " \\Data_Auto\\Map " , " \\Data\\service " , " \\Data\\Model " , " \\Data\\DAL " , " \\Data\\BLL " , " \\Data\\Map " };
" Database " )]
" Database that the mapping file should be based on. " )]
public  DatabaseSchema SourceDatabase {
get  {  return  _sourceDatabase; }
set  { _sourceDatabase  =  value; }

typeof (System.Windows.Forms.Design.FolderNameEditor),  typeof (System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor))]
" Class " )]
" The folder to save the generated class files. " )]
public   string  OutputDirectory
get  { return  _outputDirectory;}
set  {_outputDirectory =  value;}

// 根据模板名称产生出来的模板对象列表
     public   void  CreateTemplate()
if  (CurrentTemplates == null )
= new  CodeTemplate[TemplateNames.Length];
for  ( int  i  =   0 ; i  <  TemplateNames.Length; i ++ )
= CompileTemplate(CodeTemplateInfo.DirectoryName  +  TemplateNames[i]);
// 单独生成一个模板对象
     public  CodeTemplate CompileTemplate( string  templateName)
        CodeTemplateCompiler compiler 
=   new  CodeTemplateCompiler(templateName);

if  (compiler.Errors.Count  ==   0 )
return  compiler.CreateInstance();
for  ( int  i  =   0 ; i  <  compiler.Errors.Count; i ++ )
return   null ;


// 执行输出脚本
     public   void  Generate()
if  (CurrentTemplates == null )
        StringCollection ExcludedTables
= new  StringCollection();
if  (SourceTableNames.Length > 0 )
int  mIndex =- 1 ;
= SourceTableNames.IndexOf( ' , ' );
while  (mIndex > 0 ) {
0 ,mIndex));
= SourceTableNames.Remove( 0 ,mIndex + 1 );
= SourceTableNames.IndexOf( ' , ' );
foreach (TableSchema SourceTable  in  SourceDatabase.Tables)
if  (SourceTableNames.Length > 0 )
if  ( ! ExcludedTables.Contains(SourceTable.Name))
continue ;
string .Format( " Processing Table {0} ...  " , SourceTable.Name));
string  className  =  ClearDivideMarkAndPrefix(SourceTable.Name,TableDivideMark,TablePrefix,TablePrefixLength);
for  ( int  i  =   0 ; i  <  TemplateNames.Length; i ++ )
string  FileName;
if  (i <= 3 )
" SourceDatabase " , SourceDatabase);
= strFormats[i];
else  {
" SourceTable " , SourceTable);
= string .Format(strFormats[i],className);
= Path.Combine(OutputDirectory + OutputPaths[i], FileName);
// 统一属性赋值
                CurrentTemplates[i].SetProperty( " NameSpace " ,NameSpace);
" Assembly " ,Assembly);
" TableDivideMark " ,TableDivideMark);
" TablePrefix " ,TablePrefix);
" TablePrefixLength " ,TablePrefixLength);
" ColumnDivideMark " ,ColumnDivideMark);
" ColumnPrefix " ,ColumnPrefix);
" ColumnPrefixLength " ,ColumnPrefixLength);
" ForceId " ,ForceId);
" ForceIdProperty " ,ForceIdProperty);
string .Format( " {0} In {1}  " , TemplateNames[i],FileName));
true );
catch  (Exception ex)
" Error:  "   +  ex);
</ script >

<%   this .Generate();   %>
<!--  #include file = " "   -->



