

1 来自Martin Fowler的Microservice Architecture(中译版)

2 Microservices Resource Guide ,这个网页上是 Martin Fowler 为我们挑选的和微服务相关的文章、视频、书或是 podcast。

3 Awesome Microservices,一个各种微服务资源集合

4 对于微服务的一些理解

AWS 的理解 - What are Microservices?
Microsoft 的理解 - Microservices architecture style
Pivotal 的理解 - Microservices

5 An Introduction to Microservices, Part 1

6 《Microservices vs. Service-Oriented Architecture Book》

7 SOA 和微服务的文章

DZone: Microservices vs. SOA

DZone: Microservices vs. SOA Is There Any Difference at All?

Microservices, SOA, and APIs: Friends or enemies?

8 微服务和其它架构的一些不同和比较

PaaS vs. IaaS for Microservices Architectures: Top 6 Differences

Microservices vs. Monolithic Architectures: Pros, Cons, and How Cloud Foundry (PaaS) Can Help

Microservices - Not A Free Lunch!

The Hidden Costs Of Microservices

9 设计模式相关

Microservice Patterns,微服务架构的设计模式和最佳实践。

Microservice Antipatterns and Pitfalls,微服务架构的一些已知的反模式和陷阱。

Microservice Architecture: All The Best Practices You Need To Know,这是一篇长文,里面讲述了什么是微服务、微服务架构的优缺点、微服务最大的挑战和解决方案是什么、如何避免出错,以及构建微服务架构的最佳实践等多方面的内容。推荐阅读。

Best Practices for Building a Microservice Architecture ,这篇文章分享了构建微服务架构的最佳实践。
Simplicity by Distributing Complexity,这是一篇讲如何使用事件驱动构建微服务架构的文章,其中有很多不错的设计上的基本原则。

10 微服务真实案例

  • A Journey into Microservices
  • Clean microservice architecture
  • Failing at microservices
  • How to talk to your friends about microservices
  • How we build microservices at Karma
  • How we ended up with microservices at SoundCloud
  • Microservices: lessons from the frontline
  • Monolith first
  • Scaling microservices at Gilt with Scala, Docker and AWS
