


TopHat: a fast splice junction mapper for RNA-seq reads

Cufflinks: a tool for transcriptome assembly and isoform quantitiation from RNA-seq reads

Crossbow: a cloud-enabled software tool for analyzing resequencing data

Myrna: a cloud-enabled software tool for aligning RNA-seq reads and measuring differential gene expression

Bowtie2 参数:



Bowtie2结果文件 SAM格式解析:


1    比对到参考基因组上的reads的ID

2    进行标注的Flag值:1.这个reads是paired reads里面的一个; 2.这个比对是paired-end比对中的一端;4.这个read,没有任何比对上的结果;8.这个read是pair里面的一个,并且没有比对上;16.比对到了反义链上;32.另外一条read比对到了反义链;64.它是pair里面的第一条;128.它是pair里面的第二条。


3    比对到基因组的位置的染色体或者scaffold

4    以正义链来算,比对上的最左边的那个位置的bp数

5    比对的质量值

6    CIGAR string representation of alignment???应该是代表多少个Match多少个Mismatch

7    参考基因组被比上的序列,如果完全相同就是=,如果没比上就是*

8     这个read的另一个pair的read比对上的最左边的第一个氨基酸

9     它的pair read发生的位置在上下游的多少bp数,正为下游,负数为上游。

10    read sequence(reverse-complemented if aligned to the reverse strand)

11    ASCII码标注的质量

12    附加信息

AS:i: 比对分数



YS:i: 那个pair mate的比对分数

XN:i: 多少个可疑的base

XM:i: Mismatch的个数

XO:i: gap open的个数  XE 是gap extension的个数

YF:Z: read被过滤掉的原因。。。

NM:i: The edit distance; that is, the minimal number of one-nucleotide edits

(substitutions, insertions and deletions) needed to transform the read

string into the reference string.  Only present if SAM record is for an

aligned read.

YT:Z: Value of `UU` indicates the read was not part of a pair.  Value of `CP`

indicates the read was part of a pair and the pair aligned concordantly.

Value of `DP` indicates the read was part of a pair and the pair aligned

discordantly.  Value of `UP` indicates the read was part of a pair but the

pair failed to aligned either concordantly or discordantly.

MD : Z :

A string representation of the mismatched reference bases in the alignment.

See [SAM] format specification for details.  Only present if SAM record is

for an aligned read.
