
resolutely root out black and evil forces

resolutely root out black and evil forces   扫黑除恶

smashing black 打黑

sweeping (aside) black 扫黑

dig deep and thoroughly investigate the protective umberellas  “深挖细找保护伞”

sand tyrants/vehicle tyrants  "沙霸、路霸"


gangster(s) :A gangster is a member of an organized group of violent criminals.

mafia(s):a group of closely connected people who have great power or influence in a particular field or business

tyrant(s):refer to someone who treats the people they have authority over in a cruel and unfair way.

thug(s): You can refer to a violent person or criminal as a thug .

sb be brought to trial / sb stand trial “... ... 受到审判”


So far more than 10,000 alleged gangsters have been brought to trial across the country. 截至目前全国超过1万余涉黑涉恶黑人员受到审判。

Five people are to stand trial for murder. 将有 5 个人因涉嫌谋杀受到审判。

offer lavish reward for leads 


be at pain to do "为.....煞费苦心"

She was at pains to get him the things to eat that he liked.


He had not been in it before, but he never gave a glance at the room I had been at pains to make pleasing to the eye.


whip up 激起,煽动(仇恨等危险情感)

whip-up anti-foreign sentiment 煽动排外情绪

whip-up unrest 制造混乱

ps: whip up 还有一个非正式的用法,表示”很快做好...(尤其指一顿饭)“

例句:I used to entertain at home quite a lot, and I can still whip up a fairly decent dinner party. 我原来经常在家自娱自乐,现在也还能迅速准备好一顿颇为像样的晚宴。

bulldoze sb (into doing ...) 强迫某人做....

My parents tried to bulldoze me into going to college.



cross-hairs 指的是"十字准线",放在句子中就可以理解为”被重点关注,密切关注,或者火力集攻的对象或者事物“


There are notable similarities between Google today and Microsoft circa 1991, when the latter company found itself in regulators' cross-hairs


Also in the cross-hairs are the forces of evil that organize people tp gp in groups tp sbumit petitions at government offices.

bundle off ''匆忙送走,打发,撵走 ”

例句:All of them were bundled off to the scaffold without even a pretense of judicial process.——Newsweek(Feb 09, 2013)

We want to bundle them off to bed quickly.  我们想尽快打发他们上床睡觉。

three evil forces:terrorism,extremism and seperatism


wage a campaign against XXX “发起一场.....运动,进行一场.....斗争”

wage a campaign against corruption 进行一场反腐斗争

Alexei Kudrin, a former finance minister, has waged a campaign in the pages of Vedomosti, a newspaper, against the idea.


a climate of "一种.....的气氛/氛围" ,后常接fear,a climate of fear 处于恐惧气氛

People who just spoken their views are facing charges of inciting unrests, computer crimes, many, many years in prison. And that's creating a climate of fear.


The furniture of this room can bring climate of grace.  


assume power/ assume office 就职,出任xx

assume  1、“假设”;

2、" 掌管,夺取,取得(权力),承担责任"的意思,to take or begin to have responsibility or control, sometimes without the right to do so, or to begin to have a characteristic;

      • The new President assumes office at midnight tonight. 

      • The terrorists assumed control of the plane and forced it to land in the desert. 

      • The issue has assumed considerable political proportions (= has become a big political problem). (呈现,具有,显露某种特质)

3、假装,表现出(某种表情); 装出,做出某种样子,to pretend to have a different name or be someone you are not, or to express a feeling falsely

      • Moving to a different town, he assumed a false name. 

      • During the investigation, two detectives assumed the identities of antiques dealers. 

      • He assumed a look of indifference but I knew how he felt. 

black swan 

黑天鹅事件(英文:Black swan event)指非常难以预测,且不寻常的事件,通常会引起市场连锁负面反应甚至颠覆。一般来说,“黑天鹅”事件是指满足以下三个特点的事件:它具有意外性;它产生重大影响;虽然它具有意外性,但人的本性促使我们在事后为它的发生编造理由,并且或多或少认为它是可解释和可预测的。

grey rhino




