

Leon and Amy:


结婚,marriage,marry. 婚礼、婚宴,wedding.

她明天就要结婚了。She is getting married tomorrow.

他和她认识好多年了,他们应该要结婚了。He has known her for years, and they should be getting married.

她对婚姻十分憧憬。She has a great longing for marriage.憧憬、渴望, longing.

他三年前遇到了她,很快她就成了他的女朋友。He met her three years ago, and soon she became his girlfriend. 遇到, meet/met/met. 很快、不久,soon. 女朋友, girlfriend.

她喜欢女孩,想要两个孩子。She likes girls and wants two children.

在婚宴上,我们可以吃到很多美味的食物。We can eat a lot of delicious food at the wedding party. 婚宴,wedding party. 吃,eat. 美味,delicious. 食物,food.

他想要找一个好朋友当伴郎。He wants a good friend to be the best man. 伴郎,best man.

她的伴娘很漂亮。Her bridesmaid is very beautiful. 伴娘,bridesmaid、 maid of honour.

你愿意嫁给我吗?Will you marry me?

我愿意。Yes, I do.

我会一直爱着你。I will always love you.

他们真是天生一对。They are a perfect couple./ They couldn't be more perfectly matched. 天生一对,perfect couple. 完美,perfect. 情侣,couple. 搭配,match.


