N0.4-4 Three hobbies of my father|【English Writing】

N0.4-4 Three hobbies of my father|【English Writing】_第1张图片


This Sunday is Father’s Day, so I would like to share some anecdotes of my father, a tough, capable, humorous and life-loving person. Loving my mother, me, my younger sister and his work, my father also loves fishing, children and smoking.

Fishing is my father’s favorite hobby. Taking fishing tools and/or rain gears, he always likes to go to pond, river or reservoir alone or with friends for fishing, in his spare time, especially on rainy days. Before I went to college, he often took me to go fishing. When I was ten, it was a rainy day and he felt bored. Then he suggested fishing. “Wonderful!” I yelled happily. “It was raining!!!” my mother disagreed. “It dose not matter, and we will put on raincoats. Do not worry, okay?” he explained to her and comforted her. Half an hour later, my father and I turned on the side of a local reservoir, with plastic raincoat and bamboo hat. The bamboo hat was a little heavy for me then. I do not remember how much fish we had angled in the end, but it was the first time that I angled sooner than my father. So that many years later, the scene, a rainy and dim day, a large and a small figures with strange outfit, the reservoir, fishing rods, no passerby, flying birds sometimes, often emerges on my mind. What an unforgettable and interesting memory.

My father loves child very much. And himself is an old urchin too. He often amuses my nieces and nephews by imitating their speaking method and action. And when they were 1 years old, he often kept them standing in his palm and then lifted them up in mid air. Both the children and my father laughed out in the moment. I loved the smile on their face, which touched me deeply. Staying with the children, he seems to become younger a lot.

My father loves cigarette as much as his life. However, several days ago, he suddenly called me and asked me to buy him an Electronic Cigarette (E- Cigarette) online. And he said that he has decided to quit smoking! “What? !! QUIT SMOKING?!! ” I kept silent for 10 seconds and answered in a higher voice. What he said was just beyond my imagination! Because all of us have been trying to persuade him not to smoke or smoke less,but in vain.I still remember a conversation about smoking we had on the phone several years ago.
“Why do you cough again? You should smoke less.” I reminded him.
“Yeah, I do not have too much.” he answered with guile.
“Well, how many cigarettes do you have every day. “
“Hum…….. I just have three packets a day.“
“Only three packets?! A day?!” I could not help yelling in the phone and I was speechless suddenly.
Cigarette has been damaging my father’s health and he went downhill. So I am really glad that he decided to quit smoking, even though it must be suffering. After all, I do not have a second father and I hope he can live longer. However, once quit smoking, he would have only two hobbies left, and I fear that he might become too corpulent. Then he would be walking likes crabs, with a round beer belly of a lot fat…….
Gosh, this is unacceptable and unbelievable! What I love is the tough and vigorous old man, not a both fat and clumsy guy! What I should do?
Well…….calm down, take a deep breath and think about it for a while: The fact is, is that I have only one father, thus I would have no choice but to love him---even though he would become both ugly and too fat to move, there is no other father for me to love. What a pity! Okay, that is a deal. Love him, no matter how ugly and fat he would be.

Well, how about your father? Do not you have something to talk about him?

中文版:(写给老男人看的,肯定得有中文版的才行(__) )





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