演讲者:Kelly McGonigal
演讲题目:How to Make Stress your Friend
当你改变你对压力的观念,你便能改变你身体对于压力的反应。你的身体信任你, 你身体对于压力的反应便得更加健康,而且压力可以使得你更社会化。
你如何思考及如何应对压力,能够转变你对压力的反应。当你选择将机体对于压力的反应 视为一种有利因素, 你便建立的一种生理性激励。而当你选择在压力状态下与别人交流, 你便能够建立保护机制。
充满同情的心脏能够发现而去及与别人联系的意义 你那不断跳跃的心脏, 如此的辛苦工作以给予你力量和能量, 当你选择以这种方式看待压力时, 你不仅能够在压力下做的更好, 实际上你正在创在一个高深的境界。
I have a confession to make, but first, I want you to make a little confession to me.
For years I've been telling people, stress makes you sick. It increases the risk of everything from the common cold to cardiovascular disease.
Some bad news first. People who experienced a lot of stress in the previous year had a 43 percent increased risk of dying. But that was only true for the people who also believed that stress is harmful for your health.
首先是一些坏的消息, 那些在过去的一年经历较多压力的人们 死亡的风险增加了43%。但是这只是针对那些 相信压力对健康有害的人们。
When you change your mind about stress, you can change your body's response to stress.
当你改变你对压力的观念 你便能改变你身体对于压力的反应。
And normally, we interpret these physical changes as anxiety or signs that we aren't coping very well with the pressure.
正常情况下,我们会解释这种身体的改变 为焦虑 或者我们不能很好应对这种压力的信号。
But what if you viewed them instead as signs that your body was energized, was preparing you to meet this challenge?
但是如果你们把这些看作为 你们身体充满活力 并准备好应对这一压力的信号又会怎样?
So my goal as a health psychologist has changed. I no longer want to get rid of your stress. I want to make you better at stress.
And when you view stress in that way, your body believes you, and your stress response becomes healthier.
当你以那种方式看待压力, 你的身体信任你, 你身体对于压力的反应便得更加健康。
I want to tell you about one of the most under-appreciated aspects of the stress response, and the idea is this: Stress makes you social.
我想告诉你们对于压力反应最 被低估的一个方面, 那就是:压力可以使得你更社会化。
Your pituitary gland pumps this stuff out as part of the stress response. It's as much a part of your stress response as the adrenaline that makes your heart pound.
你的脑垂体释放这种物质 作为对压力反应的一部分。它就像机体对于压力反馈性的释放 肾上腺素以使心跳加快一样。
Your stress response wants to make sure you notice when someone else in your life is struggling so that you can support each other. When life is difficult, your stress response wants you to be surrounded by people who care about you.
你的这些应对压力的反应试图确保你注意 你生活当中的人,以使当他们遇到困难的时候你可以互相帮助。当生活变得困难的时候,你的这些对于压力的反应是你 处在那些关心你的人周围。
Well, oxytocin doesn't only act on your brain. It also acts on your body, and one of its main roles in your body is to protect your cardiovascular system from the effects of stress.
催产素并不仅仅作用于你的大脑。它同样作用于你的身体, 它对于机体的重要作用之一 是保护你的心血管功能避免 压力带来的伤害。
This stress hormone strengthens your heart, and the cool thing is that all of these physical benefits of oxytocin are enhanced by social contact and social support, so when you reach out to others under stress, either to seek support or to help someone else, you release more of this hormone, your stress response becomes healthier, and you actually recover faster from stress.
这一压力性激素能够强化你的心脏, 更酷的事情是催产素对于机体的这些好处 来源于社会化的联系, 和社会化的支持, 因此,当你对于处于压力状态下的人伸出双手, 无论你是在寻找帮助还是帮助别人 你的机体都会释放更多的催产素, 你对于压力的反应变得更健康, 而你也能从压力中快速的恢复。
Caring created resilience. And so we see once again that the harmful effects of stress on your health are not inevitable.
关心能够避免压力带来的伤害。然后,我们再一次看到 压力对于健康的有害作用并不是 并不是必然的。
How you think and how you act can transform your experience of stress. When you choose to view your stress response as helpful, you create the biology of courage. And when you choose to connect with others under stress, you can create resilience.
你如何思考及如何应对压力 能够转变你对压力的反应。当你选择将机体对于压力的反应 视为一种有利因素, 你便建立的一种生理性激励。而当你选择在压力状态下与别人交流, 你便能够建立保护机制。
The compassionate heart that finds joy and meaning in connecting with others, and yes, your pounding physical heart, working so hard to give you strength and energy, and when you choose to view stress in this way, you're not just getting better at stress, you're actually making a pretty profound statement.
充满同情的心脏能够发现而去及与 别人联系的意义 你那不断跳跃的心脏, 如此的辛苦工作以给予你力量和能量, 当你选择以这种方式看待压力时, 你不仅能够在压力下做的更好, 实际上你正在创在一个高深的境界。