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The great race

电商新战场 逐鹿竞天竺



In the next 15 years, India will see more people come onlinethan any other country. E-commerce firms are in a frenzied battle for theircustom



It is a quiet morning on the outskirts of Mumbai, the air stillmild. Dusty streets are dappled with sunlight, a stray dog rummages throughsome rubbish, the shutters are lifted on a few tiny shops. A man pushes a cartbearing a pyramid of oranges. And a delivery boy named Anil is already racingalong his route on a motor bike borrowed from his uncle, his delivery backpackas large as he is. He has been up for hours, planning his route and carefullyfilling his bag with the packages to be dropped off first stacked near the top.


Anil enters a block of flats, squeezes his backpack into anarrow lift and delivers a shirt to a 21-year-old taxi driver. In aneighbouring tower he hands a smartphone case to a 16-year-old who uses severalapps to do the shopping for his family. A short ride away, a 78-year-oldgrandmother is a particularly pleased customer—with help from her grandson, shehas bought some clay pickling jars that she couldn’t findelsewhere and some high-quality saris at a knock-down price. For Anil, it isgruelling work. But he is betting that e-commerce in India has nowhere to gobut up, and he wants to ride up with it.


In the next 15 years India will see more people come online thanany other country. Last year e-commerce sales were about $16 billion; by 2020,according to Morgan Stanley, a bank, the online retail market could be morethan seven times larger. Such sales are expected to grow faster in India thanin any other market. This has attracted a flood of investment in e-commercefirms, the impact of which may go far beyond just displacing offline retail.


India’s small businesseshave limited access to loans; most of its consumers do not have credit cards,or for that matter credit. The e-commerce companies are investing in logistics,helping merchants borrow and giving consumers new tools to pay for goods. AmitAgarwal, who runs Amazon.in, holds out the hope that “We could actually be acatalyst to transform India: how India buys, how India sells, and eventransform lives.”



Amazon wants to make India its second-biggest market, afterAmerica. For the time being, though, with just 12% of the market, it lagsbehind the home-grown successes, Flipkart (45%) and Snapdeal (26%). All three,as well as some smaller competitors, are spending at a blistering rate. Asglobal markets dip and Silicon Valley unicorns stumble, the internationalfunding that makes this possible may dry up. Doubts about the sustainability ofthe companies’ present plans were underlined when, onFebruary 26th, one of Morgan Stanley’s mutual funds markeddown the value of its stake in Flipkart by 27%. If the prospect of changingIndia a billion deliveries at a time is a beguiling one, it is not for the faint-hearted.


India’s visionaries keeptheir spirits up by remembering the example of China. Chinese e-commerce grewby nearly 600% between 2010 and 2014, making the country the biggest e-commercemarket in the world today. It managed this largely through the growth ofindigenous companies: mighty Amazon merely nips at the heels of home-growngiants Alibaba and JD.com; eBay has all but left the stage. And in the processChina’s top e-commerce firms came to offer anastonishing range of services.


Alibaba, founded by Jack Ma in 1999 and now valued at $184billion, provides the best illustration. To calm anxieties about buying onlineAlibaba created Alipay, which holds a shopper’s paymentin escrow until he receives his order. The tool has evolved into afinancial-services company, Ant Financial, which last year serviced more than400m Alipay accounts and made over 2m loans to small businesses andentrepreneurs. To provide Chinese consumers with access to foreign goods thefirm’s services include not just online listingsbut marketing, shipping and help with customs.


India is in many ways a tougher market for e-commerce thanChina. Its population is poorer and its infrastructure worse. But its prospectslook remarkable. Income per person, which in 2014 was $1,570, could be twicethat by 2025. Two-thirds of Indians are younger than 35, and their phones givea huge number of them access to the internet. In December 2014 smartphonesaccounted for one in five Indian mobiles, according to Goldman Sachs. Just sixmonths later, they accounted for one in four (see chart 1). Morgan Stanleyexpects internet penetration to rise from 32% in 2015 to 59% in 2020. By 2030,India is projected to be a one-billion-person digital market.


The prospect of a second market growing to a near-Chinese sizeattracts those who made a packet the first time round. Bob van Dijk, the chiefexecutive of Naspers, a South African firm that backed JD.com and Tencent,China’s largest social-media company, says he looksfor countries with big populations, rising smartphone use and few retailchains. India, where malls, supermarkets and branded chains, or what analystscall “organised retail”, account for just 10% or so of the total market, fitsthe bill perfectly.


Naspers owns a 17% stake in Flipkart; other JD.com investors,including Tiger Global Management, in New York, and DST Global, a Russian fund,have also backed the company. Japan’s SoftBank, a biginvestor in Alibaba, has backed Snapdeal since 2013, and Alibaba itselffollowed suit last August. Meanwhile Alibaba’s AntFinancial owns a 20% stake in India’s Paytm, which beganas a mobile-wallet company and now competes with Snapdeal and Flipkart as anonline marketplace. The three firms have a combined valuation of almost $25billion.


In contrast to those investors trying to recapitulate theirChinese success, Amazon is seeking to make up for its failure. Reduced lastyear to the ignominy of having to open a shop on Alibaba’s Tmallsite, Jeff Bezos is determined that this time, with more experience and in amore open market, things will be different.


When Flipkart was founded, in 2007, Amazon was obviously itsmodel. The company began as a bookseller; the two engineers who started it,Sachin Bansal and Binny Bansal (not related), had worked for Amazon. Mr Bezos,though, is of the opinion that if anyone if going to be the Amazon of India, itshould be Amazon. In 2014, shortly after Flipkart announced a $1 billion roundof funding, Mr Bezos donned Indian clothes in Bangalore, hopped aboard arainbow-coloured truck and handed Mr Agarwal a $2 billion cheque. A firm whichearned over $100 billion in 2015 and has shareholders content to see more orless nothing by way of profits can afford such largesse.


Neither Flipkart, Amazon, nor any of the other big competitorsare following the retail strategy that led to Amazon’s successin the West. Indian regulations bar foreign-backed e-commerce firms from owninginventory, and so acting as a straightforward retailer is not an option. As aresult India’s top e-commerce companies look muchmore like Alibaba. Flipkart has become a marketplace where sellers offereverything from mobile phones to washing machines to handbags. Snapdeal, Amazonand Paytm run marketplaces too. The firms compete feverishly on price, offeringdiscounts that chomp away their own margins. In the long term, they mustdifferentiate themselves by honing services for sellers and shoppers alike, andoffering a better, broader range of products to more Indians than would havethem otherwise.


The first step to that goal is to boost the number of sellers onthe company’s platform—it is the sellers,after all, who pay commissions and shipping fees. So companies offer a range ofservices to lure businesses to their sites. Flipkart’sprogrammes range from teaching sellers how to manage peak sales during diwalito advising fashion brands on trends and production. In February Amazonannounced a travelling studio-on-wheels, offering training, photography andother services to help shop-owners come online.


But the most important help they offer is in easing access tocredit. Small businesses, given their scarce financial statements and limitedcredit history, have long had trouble obtaining loans from India’s banks. They often rely on expensive loans from neighbours orfamily. The e-commerce companies have strong incentives to make them betteroffers—and because they have access to online-sales data they are in aprivileged position from which to help lenders judge credit risk.


Take Sumit Agarwal (no relation to Amazon’s MrAgarwal), a young entrepreneur who started an online shoe business in 2011. Inhis warehouse in New Delhi workers pack and scan shipments among towers of shoeboxes.The early days were uncertain; his family’s reactionwhen the firm started, he says, was “What the hell is this guy doing?” Now itis easier for such entrepreneurs to find the capital with which to grow. WhenMr Agarwal logs into his seller’s account on Amazon.inhis screen offers a column of short-term loans, their rates calculated usingdata from his transactions. Other e-commerce firms have similar schemes. InJanuary Snapdeal announced that the State Bank of India would approve loans ofup to $37,000 instantly if it liked the look of the data that Snapdeal providedon the borrower.


Once a site has sellers, the second challenge is to helpconsumers buy their wares. Anil carries a clunky credit-card reader with him onhis rounds, but most people pay cash. The e-commerce sites want to change that.Paytm lets customers add money to a digital wallet that can then be used toshop online, top up a mobile phone, lend money to a friend, pay a bill or use aservice such as an Uber taxi. It has 120m digital-wallet accounts, nearly sixtimes India’s number of credit cards. Snapdealbought its own mobile payments company in April. Amazon purchased anonline-payments service in February.


来源:微信公众号 东北偏北

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