Peak-The Gold Standard


1.disparity:a difference between two or more things, especially an unfair one

原文:The researchers (who carried out the study) speculated (that this disparity was because of the different contexts in which the learning took place).

造句:There are plenty of disparity between any two people.

2.slapdash: careless and done too quickly

原文:Whatever methods there are seem slapdash and produce unpredictable results

造句:We should try to avoid slapdash action. the front of your mind:: 在你的脑海里

原文:keep this one thing at the front of your mind

造句:Keep this principle, " Safety first", at the front of your mind.

My thought:

昨天有事耽搁了,今天把Chapter4读完了,说实话,这本书读到这里,已经远远没有读第一章时的经验,正如群主Eric所说的,写的略显啰嗦了些。大量篇章重复了前面章节所提到的刻意练习中需要及时得到反馈,刻意练习并不是naive practice等。THE PRINCIPLES OF DELIBERATE PRACTICE这一小节按理说是前面四章的精华所在,但是阅读到此处,远远没有当时读seven habbit of effective people时章节末类似小结给人的感觉。而APPLYING THE PRINCIPLES OF DELIBERATE PRACTICE和NO, THE TEN-THOUSAND-HOUR RULE ISN’T REALLY A RULE这两小结给人的感觉也比较冗余,或许一个段落就能讲清。


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