


adb shell am start -n tk.elevenk.proxysetter/.MainActivity


 -e host                        # The host ip or address for the proxy
 -e port                         # The port for the proxy
 -e ssid                        # The SSID of the wifi network to set proxy on  (optional, will apply on the first one if empty)                              
 -e key              # The password/key for the wifi network
 -e bypass     # The bypass string to use for proxy settings
 -e reset-wifi          # Whether or not to reset the wifi settings. This flag                                      will tell the tool to forget all connected networks,make a new network config with the SSID and key given, and then attempt to connect to the wifi network. If no key is given,the wifi network is  assumed to be unprotected/open
 -e clear               # A flag that will clear the proxy settings for the given SSID                                  

host port ssid 三个参数是必须的,例如host为202.192.18.33,port为8080,ssid 为EEBBK-FREE

则命令为:adb shell am start -n tk.elevenk.proxysetter/.MainActivity -e host -e port 8080 -e ssid EEBBK-FREE

第三步:使用抓包工具进行抓包,例如mac上的charles,windows 上的Fiddler
