Interactions-交互(original English from Axure)

交互决定了一个部件或者一个页面的动态行为,它有三种:events、cases和actions。我们可以在Inspector's Properties中来做交互的设计实现。

在Axure RP里,一个“event”就是一个触发器。一个event会触发一个或者多个cases以及构成它们的actions的预备响应。例如,OnClick event会在一个部件被点击(click)的时候被触发,OnMouseEnter event会在鼠标光标进入部件区域的时候被触发,OnMove event会在另一action在页面中移动某部件时被触发,诸如此类。
常见的一些events列举在交互区的Properties中。如果想要其他的events,点击"More Events"即可。

通过在属性里双击event名称来对此event增添新的case。也可以单击选择event名称之后再点击交互一栏上面的“Add Case”来增添新case。
一个event可以有一个或多个case。在有多个case的情况下,条件判断经常是哪一个case会被实现的决定条件。如果没有用到条件判断,当触发event事件时,所有的case都会出现。If conditional logic is not used, a selection menu of all cases appears in the browser when the triggering event occurs.


当带有注释或者交互的部件在画布上可见时,其右上角会有蓝色标有数字的脚注。想要更改脚注的可见性的话,使用"View > Show Footnotes" 来更改。

可以通过几种方式来更改脚注的数字。更改单独脚注的数字的话,点击部件名称旁边的数字,再输入想要更改的数字即可。也可以通过"Arrange > Footnotes"菜单来增加或减少这个数字。若想更改所有页面的注脚的数字,使用"Arrange > Footnotes > Renumber All Footnotes"。


  1. 下面列举所有可用的event:
    OnClick: 点击部件时
    OnMouseEnter: 鼠标光标在部件上方移动时
    OnMouseOut: 鼠标光标从部件移出时
    OnDoubleClick: 双击部件时
    OnContextMenu: 右键单击部件时
    OnMouseDown: 当鼠标向下按,部件被点击时
    OnMouseMove: 鼠标在部件上方移动的时候连续触发
    OnMouseHover: 鼠标光标在部件上方停留超过一秒时
    OnLongClick: 长按部件时
    OnKeyDown: 在部件里打字键盘被点击时
    OnKeyUp: When a keyboard key is released while typing in a widget
    OnMove: 在部件被“move”动作移动的最开始时触发
    OnRotate: 在部件被“rotate”动作旋转的最开始时触发
    OnResize: 部件大小被"set size" 动作改变时(如使用动画,OnResize在动画结束时触发)
    OnShow: When a widget is shown by a “show” action (if using animation, OnShow fires at the end of the animation)
    OnHide: When a widget is hidden by a “hide” action (if using animation, OnHide fires at the end of the animation)
    OnFocus: When a widget gets focus by being clicked or tabbed to
    OnLostFocus: When a widget loses focus
    OnLoad: When the widget initially loads (triggered by the containing page loading)
    OnSelectedChange: When a widget's selected state changes due to a "set selected" action (or with a click, for checkbox and radio button widgets)
    OnSelected: When a widget is set to selected with a "set selected" action (or with a click, for checkbox and radio button widgets)
    OnUnselected: When a widget is set to unselected with a "set selected" action (or with a click, for checkbox and radio button widgets)
    OnSelectionChange: When a list option is selected that differs from the previous selection
    OnTextChange: When text is added or removed
    OnPanelStateChange: When a dynamic panel state is set using the “set panel state” action
    OnDragStart: When a drag begins
    OnDrag: Fires continuously while a panel is being dragged
    OnDragDrop: When a drag ends
    OnSwipeLeft: When a panel is swiped from right to left
    OnSwipeRight: When a panel is swiped from left to right
    OnSwipeUp: When a panel is swiped from bottom to top
    OnSwipeDown: When a panel is swiped from top to bottom
    OnScroll: When a panel with scrollbars is scrolled
    OnScrollUp: When a panel with scrollbars is scrolled up
    OnScrollDown: When a panel with scrollbars is scrolled down
    OnItemLoad: When the repeater item loads initially and when the contents of any repeater item change
    OnItemResize: When any item's size changes through any interaction (such as a change in a contained widget's visibility or size)
    OnPageLoad: When a page initially loads
    OnWindowResize: When the browser window is resized
    OnWindowScroll: When the browser window is scrolled
    OnWindowScrollUp: When the browser window is scrolled up
    OnWindowScrollDown: When the browser window is scrolled down
    OnPageClick: When any part of the page that does not include a widget is clicked
    OnPageDoubleClick: When any part of the page that does not include a widget is double-clicked
    OnPageContextMenu: When any part of the page that does not include a widget is right-clicked
    OnPageMouseMove: When the mouse moves anywhere on the page
    OnPageKeyDown: When a keyboard key is pressed
    OnPageKeyUp: When a keyboard key is released
    OnAdaptiveViewChange: When the current adaptive view changes due to the window resizing or the view being set through the "set adaptive view" action or prototype sidebar

Below is the list of all available actions in Axure RP:

  1. LINKS
    Open Link / Current Window: Opens a page or external URL in the current window
    Open Link / New Window/Tab: Opens a page or external URL in a new window or tab
    Open Link / Popup Window: Opens a page or external URL in a popup window of configured size and properties
    Open Link / Parent Window: Used from a popup window to change the page loaded in the parent window that opened it
    Close Window: Closes the current window
    Open Link in Frame / Inline Frame: Used to change the page loaded in an inline frame
    Open Link in Frame / Parent Frame: Used from a page loaded in an inline frame to change the page loaded in the parent frame
    Scroll to Widget (Anchor Link): Scrolls a page to the location of a widget
    Set Adaptive View: Manually changes the adaptive view loaded in the browser, regardless of the browser size
    Show/Hide / Show: Shows (makes visible) a widget which was set to hidden
    Show/Hide / Hide: Hides a widget
    Show/Hide / Toggle Visibility: Alternatingly shows a widget if it is hidden or hides a widget if it is visible
    Set Panel State: Controls the current state of a dynamic panel
    Set Text: Changes the text on a widget
    Set Image: Changes an image on an image widget
    Set Selected/Checked / Selected: Sets the style of a widget to its selected style, or selects a checkbox or radio button
    Set Selected/Checked / Not Selected: Sets the style of a widget to its unselected (Default) style, or deselects a checkbox or radio button
    Set Selected/Checked / Toggle: Alternatingly sets a selected widget to not selected and the reverse
    Set Selected List Option: Sets a chosen list option of a droplist or listbox to selected
    Enable/Disable / Enable: Set widget to active/selectable and its Default style
    Enable/Disable / Disable: Set widget to inactive/unselectable and its Disabled style
    Move: Moves a widget
    Rotate: Rotates a widget around a chosen anchor point
    Set Size: Sets the size of a widget
    Bring to Front/Back / Bring to Front: Brings a widget to the front layer in depth (z-index) of the page
    Bring to Front/Back / Send to Back: Sends a widget to the back layer in depth (z-index) of the page
    Set Opacity: Sets the opacity of a widget
    Focus: Sets the focus of the cursor on a form widget or clickable widget
    Expand/Collapse Tree Node / Expand Tree Node: Expands the selected nodes of a tree widget
    Expand/Collapse Tree Node /Collapse Tree Node: Collapses the selected nodes of a tree widget
    Set Variable Value: Sets the value of a global variable
    Add Sort: Sort a repeater dataset using the specified sort criteria
    Remove Sort: Removes a sort added to a repeater
    Add Filter: Filters a repeater dataset using the specified filter criteria
    Remove Filter: Removes a filter added to a repeater
    Set Current Page: Shows a specific page of a repeater dataset (for repeaters with pagination added in the layout)
    Set Items per Page: Sets number of repeater items displayed per page (for repeaters with pagination added in the layout)
    Datasets / Add Rows: Add data to the repeater dataset
    Datasets / Mark Rows: Marks rows in a repeater that meet specified criteria
    Datasets / Unmark Rows: Unmarks rows in a repeater that meet specified criteria
    Datasets / Update Rows: Updates data in the dataset
    Datasets / Delete Rows: Deletes rows from a repeater dataset
    Wait: Adds a pause of the designated amount of time before any subsequent actions fire
    Other: Shows a specified text description (as a placeholder for an action that has not been prototyped)
    Fire Event: Fires a designated event on another widget
    Raise Event: “Raises” an event on a widget in a master so that each individual instance of the master can have different cases for that event (learn more in our Raised Events training article)

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