R1, R2, R3的S2/0端口通过FRAME-RELAY交换机连接。
conf t
ipv6 unicast-routing
int l0
ipv6 address fec0:0:0:1::1/64
int s2/0
ipv6 address fec0:0:0:123::1/64
encap frame
no arp frame
no frame inver
frame map ipv6 fec0:0:0:123::2 102 b
frame map ipv6 fec0:0:0:123::3 103 b
no shut
conf t
ipv6 unicast-routing
int l0
ipv6 address fec0:0:0:2::2/64
int s2/0
ipv6 address fec0:0:0:123::2/64
encap frame
no arp f
no frame inver
frame map ipv6 fec0:0:0:123::1 201 b
frame map ipv6 fec0:0:0:123::3 201 b
no shut
conf t
ipv6 unicast-routing
int l 0
ipv6 address fec0:0:0:3::3/64
int s2/0
ipv6 address fec0:0:0:123::3/64
encap frame
no arp f
no frame inver
frame map ipv6 fec0:0:0:123::1 301 b
frame map ipv6 fec0:0:0:123::2 301 b
no shut
R1#sh ipv6 int s 2/0 | include link-local
IPv6 is enabled, link-local address is FE80::C800:8FF:FE90:0
IPv6 is enabled, link-local address is FE80::C800:8FF:FE90:0
R2#sh ipv6 int s 2/0 | include link-local
IPv6 is enabled, link-local address is FE80::C800:DFF:FE44:0
IPv6 is enabled, link-local address is FE80::C800:DFF:FE44:0
R3#sh ipv6 int s 2/0 | include link-local
IPv6 is enabled, link-local address is FE80::C800:AFF:FE80:0
IPv6 is enabled, link-local address is FE80::C800:AFF:FE80:0
conf t
int s 2//0
frame-relay map ipv6 FE80::C800:AFF:FE80:0 103 broadcast
frame-relay map ipv6 FE80::C800:DFF:FE44:0 102 broadcast
frame-relay map ipv6 FE80::C800:DFF:FE44:0 102 broadcast
conf t
int s 2/0
frame-relay map ipv6 FE80::C800:AFF:FE80:0 201 broadcast
frame-relay map ipv6 FE80::C800:8FF:FE90:0 201 broadcast
frame-relay map ipv6 FE80::C800:8FF:FE90:0 201 broadcast
conf t
int s 2/0
frame-relay map ipv6 FE80::C800:DFF:FE44:0 301 broadcast
frame-relay map ipv6 FE80::C800:8FF:FE90:0 301 broadcast
frame-relay map ipv6 FE80::C800:8FF:FE90:0 301 broadcast
R1#sh frame map
Serial2/0 (up): ipv6 FE80::C800:AFF:FE80:0 dlci 103(0x67,0x1870), static,
CISCO, status defined, active
Serial2/0 (up): ipv6 FE80::C800:DFF:FE44:0 dlci 102(0x66,0x1860), static,
CISCO, status defined, active
Serial2/0 (up): ipv6 FEC0:0:0:123::2 dlci 102(0x66,0x1860), static,
CISCO, status defined, active
Serial2/0 (up): ipv6 FEC0:0:0:123::3 dlci 103(0x67,0x1870), static,
CISCO, status defined, active
Serial2/0 (up): ipv6 FE80::C800:AFF:FE80:0 dlci 103(0x67,0x1870), static,
CISCO, status defined, active
Serial2/0 (up): ipv6 FE80::C800:DFF:FE44:0 dlci 102(0x66,0x1860), static,
CISCO, status defined, active
Serial2/0 (up): ipv6 FEC0:0:0:123::2 dlci 102(0x66,0x1860), static,
CISCO, status defined, active
Serial2/0 (up): ipv6 FEC0:0:0:123::3 dlci 103(0x67,0x1870), static,
CISCO, status defined, active
R2#sh frame map
Serial2/0 (up): ipv6 FE80::C800:AFF:FE80:0 dlci 201(0xC9,0x3090), static,
CISCO, status defined, active
Serial2/0 (up): ipv6 FE80::C800:8FF:FE90:0 dlci 201(0xC9,0x3090), static,
CISCO, status defined, active
Serial2/0 (up): ipv6 FEC0:0:0:123::1 dlci 201(0xC9,0x3090), static,
CISCO, status defined, active
Serial2/0 (up): ipv6 FEC0:0:0:123::3 dlci 201(0xC9,0x3090), static,
CISCO, status defined, active
Serial2/0 (up): ipv6 FE80::C800:AFF:FE80:0 dlci 201(0xC9,0x3090), static,
CISCO, status defined, active
Serial2/0 (up): ipv6 FE80::C800:8FF:FE90:0 dlci 201(0xC9,0x3090), static,
CISCO, status defined, active
Serial2/0 (up): ipv6 FEC0:0:0:123::1 dlci 201(0xC9,0x3090), static,
CISCO, status defined, active
Serial2/0 (up): ipv6 FEC0:0:0:123::3 dlci 201(0xC9,0x3090), static,
CISCO, status defined, active
R3#sh frame map
Serial2/0 (up): ipv6 FE80::C800:DFF:FE44:0 dlci 301(0x12D,0x48D0), static,
CISCO, status defined, active
Serial2/0 (up): ipv6 FE80::C800:8FF:FE90:0 dlci 301(0x12D,0x48D0), static,
CISCO, status defined, active
Serial2/0 (up): ipv6 FEC0:0:0:123::1 dlci 301(0x12D,0x48D0), static,
CISCO, status defined, active
Serial2/0 (up): ipv6 FEC0:0:0:123::2 dlci 301(0x12D,0x48D0), static,
CISCO, status defined, active
Serial2/0 (up): ipv6 FE80::C800:DFF:FE44:0 dlci 301(0x12D,0x48D0), static,
CISCO, status defined, active
Serial2/0 (up): ipv6 FE80::C800:8FF:FE90:0 dlci 301(0x12D,0x48D0), static,
CISCO, status defined, active
Serial2/0 (up): ipv6 FEC0:0:0:123::1 dlci 301(0x12D,0x48D0), static,
CISCO, status defined, active
Serial2/0 (up): ipv6 FEC0:0:0:123::2 dlci 301(0x12D,0x48D0), static,
CISCO, status defined, active
R1#ping fec0:0:0:123::2
Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to FEC0:0:0:123::2, timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 12/44/68 ms
R1#ping fec0:0:0:123::3
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to FEC0:0:0:123::2, timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 12/44/68 ms
R1#ping fec0:0:0:123::3
Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to FEC0:0:0:123::3, timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 4/41/108 ms
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to FEC0:0:0:123::3, timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 4/41/108 ms
R2#ping fec0:0:0:123::1
Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to FEC0:0:0:123::1, timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 12/62/160 ms
R2#ping fec0:0:0:123::3
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to FEC0:0:0:123::1, timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 12/62/160 ms
R2#ping fec0:0:0:123::3
Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to FEC0:0:0:123::3, timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 24/67/120 ms
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to FEC0:0:0:123::3, timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 24/67/120 ms
R3#ping fec0:0:0:123::1
Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to FEC0:0:0:123::1, timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 8/48/108 ms
R3#ping fec0:0:0:123::2
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to FEC0:0:0:123::1, timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 8/48/108 ms
R3#ping fec0:0:0:123::2
Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to FEC0:0:0:123::2, timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 16/47/140 ms
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to FEC0:0:0:123::2, timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 16/47/140 ms
路由 路由器 IPv6
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