GHOST CMS - Page 页面


Use: {{#is "page"}}{{/is}} to detect this context


Whenever you're viewing a static page, you're in the page context. The page context is not set on posts, which uses the post context instead.


The URL used to render a static page is always /:slug/. This cannot be customised, unlike post permalinks.


The default template for a page is post.hbs.

You can optionally include a page.hbs file in your theme which will be used for pages instead.

Additionally, you can provide a custom template for a specific page. If there is a page-:slug.hbs file with the :slug matching the static page's slug this will be used instead.

For example, if you have an 'About' page with the url /about/, adding a template called page-about.hbs will cause that template to be used for the about page, instead of page.hbs, or post.hbs.

These templates exist in a hierarchy. Ghost looks for a template which matches the slug (page-:slug.hbs) first, then looks for page.hbs and finally uses post.hbs if neither is available.


The page context provides access to the post object which matches the route. A page is just a special type of post, so the data object is called a post, not a page. As with all contexts, all of the @blog global data is also available.

When outputting the page, you can use a block expression ({{#post}}{{/post}}) to drop into the post scope and access all of the attributes. All of the data available for a page is the same as the data for a post. See a full list of attributes below:

Post (page) object attributes

  • id - the incremental ID of the page
  • title - the title of your static page
  • excerpt - a short preview of your page content
  • content - the content of the page
  • url - the web address for the static page
  • feature_image - the cover image associated with the page
  • featured - indicates a featured page. Defaults to false
  • page - true if the post is a static page. Defaults to false
  • meta_title - custom meta title for the page
  • meta_description - custom meta description for the page
  • published_at - date and time when the page was published
  • updated_at - date and time when the page was last updated
  • created_at - date and time when the page was created
  • author - full details of the page's author
  • tags - a list of tags associated with the page


Using the {{#post}}{{/post}} block expression is the key trick to having a happy time theming your static page. Once inside of the page, you can use any of these useful helpers (and many more) to output your page's data:


Example Code



class="page-content"> {{content}} > > {{/post}}

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