
apche thrift2安装手册

  • Problem
# thrifttest
./ThriftTest.go:6503: cannot use thriftTestProcessorTestVoid literal (type *thriftTestProcessorTestVoid) as type thrift.TProcessorFunction in assignment:
        *thriftTestProcessorTestVoid does not implement thrift.TProcessorFunction (wrong type for Process method)
                have Process(int32, thrift.TProtocol, thrift.TProtocol) (bool, thrift.TException)
                want Process(context.Context, int32, thrift.TProtocol, thrift.TProtocol) (bool, thrift.TException)
./ThriftTest.go:6504: cannot use thriftTestProcessorTestString literal (type *thriftTestProcessorTestString) as type thrift.TProcessorFunction in assignment:
        *thriftTestProcessorTestString does not implement thrift.TProcessorFunction (wrong type for Process method)
                have Process(int32, thrift.TProtocol, thrift.TProtocol) (bool, thrift.TException)
                want Process(context.Context, int32, thrift.TProtocol, thrift.TProtocol) (bool, thrift.TException)
./ThriftTest.go:6505: cannot use thriftTestProcessorTestBool literal (type *thriftTestProcessorTestBool) as type thrift.TProcessorFunction in assignment:
        *thriftTestProcessorTestBool does not implement thrift.TProcessorFunction (wrong type for Process method)
                have Process(int32, thrift.TProtocol, thrift.TProtocol) (bool, thrift.TException)
                want Process(context.Context, int32, thrift.TProtocol, thrift.TProtocol) (bool, thrift.TException)
./ThriftTest.go:6506: cannot use thriftTestProcessorTestByte literal (type *thriftTestProcessorTestByte) as type thrift.TProcessorFunction in assignment:
        *thriftTestProcessorTestByte does not implement thrift.TProcessorFunction (wrong type for Process method)
                have Process(int32, thrift.TProtocol, thrift.TProtocol) (bool, thrift.TException)
                want Process(context.Context, int32, thrift.TProtocol, thrift.TProtocol) (bool, thrift.TException)
./ThriftTest.go:6507: cannot use thriftTestProcessorTestI32 literal (type *thriftTestProcessorTestI32) as type thrift.TProcessorFunction in assignment:
        *thriftTestProcessorTestI32 does not implement thrift.TProcessorFunction (wrong type for Process method)
                have Process(int32, thrift.TProtocol, thrift.TProtocol) (bool, thrift.TException)
                want Process(context.Context, int32, thrift.TProtocol, thrift.TProtocol) (bool, thrift.TException)
./ThriftTest.go:6508: cannot use thriftTestProcessorTestI64 literal (type *thriftTestProcessorTestI64) as type thrift.TProcessorFunction in assignment:
        *thriftTestProcessorTestI64 does not implement thrift.TProcessorFunction (wrong type for Process method)
                have Process(int32, thrift.TProtocol, thrift.TProtocol) (bool, thrift.TException)
                want Process(context.Context, int32, thrift.TProtocol, thrift.TProtocol) (bool, thrift.TException)
./ThriftTest.go:6509: cannot use thriftTestProcessorTestDouble literal (type *thriftTestProcessorTestDouble) as type thrift.TProcessorFunction in assignment:
        *thriftTestProcessorTestDouble does not implement thrift.TProcessorFunction (wrong type for Process method)
                have Process(int32, thrift.TProtocol, thrift.TProtocol) (bool, thrift.TException)
                want Process(context.Context, int32, thrift.TProtocol, thrift.TProtocol) (bool, thrift.TException)
./ThriftTest.go:6510: cannot use thriftTestProcessorTestBinary literal (type *thriftTestProcessorTestBinary) as type thrift.TProcessorFunction in assignment:
        *thriftTestProcessorTestBinary does not implement thrift.TProcessorFunction (wrong type for Process method)
                have Process(int32, thrift.TProtocol, thrift.TProtocol) (bool, thrift.TException)
                want Process(context.Context, int32, thrift.TProtocol, thrift.TProtocol) (bool, thrift.TException)
./ThriftTest.go:6511: cannot use thriftTestProcessorTestStruct literal (type *thriftTestProcessorTestStruct) as type thrift.TProcessorFunction in assignment:
        *thriftTestProcessorTestStruct does not implement thrift.TProcessorFunction (wrong type for Process method)
                have Process(int32, thrift.TProtocol, thrift.TProtocol) (bool, thrift.TException)
                want Process(context.Context, int32, thrift.TProtocol, thrift.TProtocol) (bool, thrift.TException)
./ThriftTest.go:6512: cannot use thriftTestProcessorTestNest literal (type *thriftTestProcessorTestNest) as type thrift.TProcessorFunction in assignment:
        *thriftTestProcessorTestNest does not implement thrift.TProcessorFunction (wrong type for Process method)
                have Process(int32, thrift.TProtocol, thrift.TProtocol) (bool, thrift.TException)
                want Process(context.Context, int32, thrift.TProtocol, thrift.TProtocol) (bool, thrift.TException)
./ThriftTest.go:6512: too many errors
  • Solution
➜  thrift.git git:(master) ✗ pwd
➜  thrift.git git:(master) ✗ git branch -a
* remotes/origin/0.10.0
  remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/master


  • 重启HBase


  • hbase.thrift
 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

// NOTE: The "required" and "optional" keywords for the service methods are purely for documentation

namespace java org.apache.hadoop.hbase.thrift2.generated
namespace cpp apache.hadoop.hbase.thrift2
namespace rb Apache.Hadoop.Hbase.Thrift2
namespace py hbase
namespace perl Hbase

struct TTimeRange {
  1: required i64 minStamp,
  2: required i64 maxStamp

 * Addresses a single cell or multiple cells
 * in a HBase table by column family and optionally
 * a column qualifier and timestamp
struct TColumn {
  1: required binary family,
  2: optional binary qualifier,
  3: optional i64 timestamp

 * Represents a single cell and its value.
struct TColumnValue {
  1: required binary family,
  2: required binary qualifier,
  3: required binary value,
  4: optional i64 timestamp,
  5: optional binary tags

 * Represents a single cell and the amount to increment it by
struct TColumnIncrement {
  1: required binary family,
  2: required binary qualifier,
  3: optional i64 amount = 1

 * if no Result is found, row and columnValues will not be set.
struct TResult {
  1: optional binary row,
  2: required list columnValues

 * Specify type of delete:
 *  - DELETE_COLUMN means exactly one version will be removed,
 *  - DELETE_COLUMNS means previous versions will also be removed.
enum TDeleteType {

 * Specify Durability:
 *  - SKIP_WAL means do not write the Mutation to the WAL.
 *  - ASYNC_WAL means write the Mutation to the WAL asynchronously,
 *  - SYNC_WAL means write the Mutation to the WAL synchronously,
 *  - FSYNC_WAL means Write the Mutation to the WAL synchronously and force the entries to disk.

enum TDurability {
  SKIP_WAL = 1,
  ASYNC_WAL = 2,
  SYNC_WAL = 3,
struct TAuthorization {
 1: optional list labels

struct TCellVisibility {
 1: optional string expression
 * Used to perform Get operations on a single row.
 * The scope can be further narrowed down by specifying a list of
 * columns or column families.
 * To get everything for a row, instantiate a Get object with just the row to get.
 * To further define the scope of what to get you can add a timestamp or time range
 * with an optional maximum number of versions to return.
 * If you specify a time range and a timestamp the range is ignored.
 * Timestamps on TColumns are ignored.
struct TGet {
  1: required binary row,
  2: optional list columns,

  3: optional i64 timestamp,
  4: optional TTimeRange timeRange,

  5: optional i32 maxVersions,
  6: optional binary filterString,
  7: optional map attributes
  8: optional TAuthorization authorizations

 * Used to perform Put operations for a single row.
 * Add column values to this object and they'll be added.
 * You can provide a default timestamp if the column values
 * don't have one. If you don't provide a default timestamp
 * the current time is inserted.
 * You can specify how this Put should be written to the write-ahead Log (WAL)
 * by changing the durability. If you don't provide durability, it defaults to
 * column family's default setting for durability.
struct TPut {
  1: required binary row,
  2: required list columnValues
  3: optional i64 timestamp,
  5: optional map attributes,
  6: optional TDurability durability,
  7: optional TCellVisibility cellVisibility

 * Used to perform Delete operations on a single row.
 * The scope can be further narrowed down by specifying a list of
 * columns or column families as TColumns.
 * Specifying only a family in a TColumn will delete the whole family.
 * If a timestamp is specified all versions with a timestamp less than
 * or equal to this will be deleted. If no timestamp is specified the
 * current time will be used.
 * Specifying a family and a column qualifier in a TColumn will delete only
 * this qualifier. If a timestamp is specified only versions equal
 * to this timestamp will be deleted. If no timestamp is specified the
 * most recent version will be deleted.  To delete all previous versions,
 * specify the DELETE_COLUMNS TDeleteType.
 * The top level timestamp is only used if a complete row should be deleted
 * (i.e. no columns are passed) and if it is specified it works the same way
 * as if you had added a TColumn for every column family and this timestamp
 * (i.e. all versions older than or equal in all column families will be deleted)
 * You can specify how this Delete should be written to the write-ahead Log (WAL)
 * by changing the durability. If you don't provide durability, it defaults to
 * column family's default setting for durability.
struct TDelete {
  1: required binary row,
  2: optional list columns,
  3: optional i64 timestamp,
  4: optional TDeleteType deleteType = 1,
  6: optional map attributes,
  7: optional TDurability durability


 * Used to perform Increment operations for a single row.
 * You can specify how this Increment should be written to the write-ahead Log (WAL)
 * by changing the durability. If you don't provide durability, it defaults to
 * column family's default setting for durability.
struct TIncrement {
  1: required binary row,
  2: required list columns,
  4: optional map attributes,
  5: optional TDurability durability
  6: optional TCellVisibility cellVisibility

 * Used to perform append operation 
struct TAppend {
  1: required binary row,
  2: required list columns,
  3: optional map attributes,
  4: optional TDurability durability
  5: optional TCellVisibility cellVisibility

enum TReadType {
  DEFAULT = 1,
  STREAM = 2,
  PREAD = 3

 * Any timestamps in the columns are ignored but the colFamTimeRangeMap included, use timeRange to select by timestamp.
 * Max versions defaults to 1.
struct TScan {
  1: optional binary startRow,
  2: optional binary stopRow,
  3: optional list columns
  4: optional i32 caching,
  5: optional i32 maxVersions=1,
  6: optional TTimeRange timeRange,
  7: optional binary filterString,
  8: optional i32 batchSize,
  9: optional map attributes
  10: optional TAuthorization authorizations
  11: optional bool reversed
  12: optional bool cacheBlocks
  13: optional map colFamTimeRangeMap
  14: optional TReadType readType
  15: optional i32 limit

 * Atomic mutation for the specified row. It can be either Put or Delete.
union TMutation {
  1: TPut put,
  2: TDelete deleteSingle,

 * A TRowMutations object is used to apply a number of Mutations to a single row.
struct TRowMutations {
  1: required binary row
  2: required list mutations

struct THRegionInfo {
  1: required i64 regionId
  2: required binary tableName
  3: optional binary startKey
  4: optional binary endKey
  5: optional bool offline
  6: optional bool split
  7: optional i32 replicaId

struct TServerName {
  1: required string hostName
  2: optional i32 port
  3: optional i64 startCode

struct THRegionLocation {
  1: required TServerName serverName
  2: required THRegionInfo regionInfo

 * Thrift wrapper around
 * org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter.CompareFilter$CompareOp.
enum TCompareOp {
  LESS = 0,
  EQUAL = 2,
  NOT_EQUAL = 3,
  GREATER = 5,
  NO_OP = 6

// Exceptions

 * A TIOError exception signals that an error occurred communicating
 * to the HBase master or a HBase region server. Also used to return
 * more general HBase error conditions.
exception TIOError {
  1: optional string message

 * A TIllegalArgument exception indicates an illegal or invalid
 * argument was passed into a procedure.
exception TIllegalArgument {
  1: optional string message

service THBaseService {

   * Test for the existence of columns in the table, as specified in the TGet.
   * @return true if the specified TGet matches one or more keys, false if not
  bool exists(
    /** the table to check on */
    1: required binary table,

    /** the TGet to check for */
    2: required TGet tget
  ) throws (1:TIOError io)

  * Test for the existence of columns in the table, as specified by the TGets.
  * This will return an array of booleans. Each value will be true if the related Get matches
  * one or more keys, false if not.
  list existsAll(
    /** the table to check on */
    1: required binary table,

    /** a list of TGets to check for */
    2: required list tgets
  ) throws (1:TIOError io)

   * Method for getting data from a row.
   * If the row cannot be found an empty Result is returned.
   * This can be checked by the empty field of the TResult
   * @return the result
  TResult get(
    /** the table to get from */
    1: required binary table,

    /** the TGet to fetch */
    2: required TGet tget
  ) throws (1: TIOError io)

   * Method for getting multiple rows.
   * If a row cannot be found there will be a null
   * value in the result list for that TGet at the
   * same position.
   * So the Results are in the same order as the TGets.
  list getMultiple(
    /** the table to get from */
    1: required binary table,

    /** a list of TGets to fetch, the Result list
        will have the Results at corresponding positions
        or null if there was an error */
    2: required list tgets
  ) throws (1: TIOError io)

   * Commit a TPut to a table.
  void put(
    /** the table to put data in */
    1: required binary table,

    /** the TPut to put */
    2: required TPut tput
  ) throws (1: TIOError io)

   * Atomically checks if a row/family/qualifier value matches the expected
   * value. If it does, it adds the TPut.
   * @return true if the new put was executed, false otherwise
  bool checkAndPut(
    /** to check in and put to */
    1: required binary table,

    /** row to check */
    2: required binary row,

    /** column family to check */
    3: required binary family,

    /** column qualifier to check */
    4: required binary qualifier,

    /** the expected value, if not provided the
        check is for the non-existence of the
        column in question */
    5: binary value,

    /** the TPut to put if the check succeeds */
    6: required TPut tput
  ) throws (1: TIOError io)

   * Commit a List of Puts to the table.
  void putMultiple(
    /** the table to put data in */
    1: required binary table,

    /** a list of TPuts to commit */
    2: required list tputs
  ) throws (1: TIOError io)

   * Deletes as specified by the TDelete.
   * Note: "delete" is a reserved keyword and cannot be used in Thrift
   * thus the inconsistent naming scheme from the other functions.
  void deleteSingle(
    /** the table to delete from */
    1: required binary table,

    /** the TDelete to delete */
    2: required TDelete tdelete
  ) throws (1: TIOError io)

   * Bulk commit a List of TDeletes to the table.
   * Throws a TIOError if any of the deletes fail.
   * Always returns an empty list for backwards compatibility.
  list deleteMultiple(
    /** the table to delete from */
    1: required binary table,

    /** list of TDeletes to delete */
    2: required list tdeletes
  ) throws (1: TIOError io)

   * Atomically checks if a row/family/qualifier value matches the expected
   * value. If it does, it adds the delete.
   * @return true if the new delete was executed, false otherwise
  bool checkAndDelete(
    /** to check in and delete from */
    1: required binary table,

    /** row to check */
    2: required binary row,

    /** column family to check */
    3: required binary family,

    /** column qualifier to check */
    4: required binary qualifier,

    /** the expected value, if not provided the
        check is for the non-existence of the
        column in question */
    5: binary value,

    /** the TDelete to execute if the check succeeds */
    6: required TDelete tdelete
  ) throws (1: TIOError io)

  TResult increment(
    /** the table to increment the value on */
    1: required binary table,

    /** the TIncrement to increment */
    2: required TIncrement tincrement
  ) throws (1: TIOError io)

  TResult append(
    /** the table to append the value on */
    1: required binary table,

    /** the TAppend to append */
    2: required TAppend tappend
  ) throws (1: TIOError io)

   * Get a Scanner for the provided TScan object.
   * @return Scanner Id to be used with other scanner procedures
  i32 openScanner(
    /** the table to get the Scanner for */
    1: required binary table,

    /** the scan object to get a Scanner for */
    2: required TScan tscan,
  ) throws (1: TIOError io)

   * Grabs multiple rows from a Scanner.
   * @return Between zero and numRows TResults
  list getScannerRows(
    /** the Id of the Scanner to return rows from. This is an Id returned from the openScanner function. */
    1: required i32 scannerId,

    /** number of rows to return */
    2: i32 numRows = 1
  ) throws (
    1: TIOError io,

    /** if the scannerId is invalid */
    2: TIllegalArgument ia

   * Closes the scanner. Should be called to free server side resources timely.
   * Typically close once the scanner is not needed anymore, i.e. after looping
   * over it to get all the required rows.
  void closeScanner(
    /** the Id of the Scanner to close **/
    1: required i32 scannerId
  ) throws (
    1: TIOError io,

    /** if the scannerId is invalid */
    2: TIllegalArgument ia

   * mutateRow performs multiple mutations atomically on a single row.
  void mutateRow(
  /** table to apply the mutations */
    1: required binary table,

    /** mutations to apply */
    2: required TRowMutations trowMutations
  ) throws (1: TIOError io)

   * Get results for the provided TScan object.
   * This helper function opens a scanner, get the results and close the scanner.
   * @return between zero and numRows TResults
  list getScannerResults(
    /** the table to get the Scanner for */
    1: required binary table,

    /** the scan object to get a Scanner for */
    2: required TScan tscan,

    /** number of rows to return */
    3: i32 numRows = 1
  ) throws (
    1: TIOError io

   * Given a table and a row get the location of the region that
   * would contain the given row key.
   * reload = true means the cache will be cleared and the location
   * will be fetched from meta.
  THRegionLocation getRegionLocation(
    1: required binary table,
    2: required binary row,
    3: bool reload,
  ) throws (
    1: TIOError io

   * Get all of the region locations for a given table.
  list getAllRegionLocations(
    1: required binary table,
  ) throws (
    1: TIOError io

   * Atomically checks if a row/family/qualifier value matches the expected
   * value. If it does, it mutates the row.
   * @return true if the row was mutated, false otherwise
  bool checkAndMutate(
    /** to check in and delete from */
    1: required binary table,

    /** row to check */
    2: required binary row,

    /** column family to check */
    3: required binary family,

    /** column qualifier to check */
    4: required binary qualifier,

    /** comparison to make on the value */
    5: required TCompareOp compareOp,

    /** the expected value to be compared against, if not provided the
        check is for the non-existence of the column in question */
    6: binary value,

    /** row mutations to execute if the value matches */
    7: required TRowMutations rowMutations
  ) throws (1: TIOError io)


GoUnusedProtection__.go hbase-consts.go hbase.go t_h_base_service-remote

  • main.go
package main

import (

const (
    HOST       = "hostname"
    PORT       = "9090"

func main() {

    table := "bigdata:applydata_fl"
    rowkey := "4851bfe3-521f-a264-9581-9de139c91461|GS2017072415008551000859747"
    //family := "r"

    protocolFactory := thrift.NewTBinaryProtocolFactoryDefault()
    transport, err := thrift.NewTSocket(HOST + ":" + PORT)

    if err != nil {

    client := hbase.NewTHBaseServiceClientFactory(transport, protocolFactory)
    if err := transport.Open(); err != nil {

    defer transport.Close()

    logformattitle := "调用Exists方法"

    isexists, err := client.Exists([]byte(table), &hbase.TGet{Row: []byte(rowkey)})

    fmt.Printf("rowkey{%s} in table{%s} Exists:%t\n", rowkey, table, isexists)

    logformattitle = "调用Get方法获取新增加的数据"

    result, err := client.Get([]byte(table), &hbase.TGet{Row: []byte(rowkey)})

    if err != nil {
        fmt.Printf("Get err:%s\n", err)
    } else {
        fmt.Println("Rowkey:" + string(result.Row))
        for _, cv := range result.ColumnValues {
            fmt.Printf("Get err:%+v\n", cv)

