// New creates a Whisper client ready to communicate through the Ethereum P2P network.
func New(cfg *Config) *Whisper {
if cfg == nil {
cfg = &DefaultConfig
whisper := &Whisper{
privateKeys: make(map[string]*ecdsa.PrivateKey),
symKeys: make(map[string][]byte),
envelopes: make(map[common.Hash]*Envelope),
expirations: make(map[uint32]*set.SetNonTS),
peers: make(map[*Peer]struct{}),
messageQueue: make(chan *Envelope, messageQueueLimit),
p2pMsgQueue: make(chan *Envelope, messageQueueLimit),
quit: make(chan struct{}),
syncAllowance: DefaultSyncAllowance,
whisper.filters = NewFilters(whisper)
whisper.settings.Store(minPowIdx, cfg.MinimumAcceptedPOW)
whisper.settings.Store(maxMsgSizeIdx, cfg.MaxMessageSize)
whisper.settings.Store(overflowIdx, false)
// p2p whisper sub protocol handler
whisper.protocol = p2p.Protocol{
Name: ProtocolName,
Version: uint(ProtocolVersion),
Length: NumberOfMessageCodes,
Run: whisper.HandlePeer,
NodeInfo: func() interface{} {
return map[string]interface{}{
"version": ProtocolVersionStr,
"maxMessageSize": whisper.MaxMessageSize(),
"minimumPoW": whisper.MinPow(),
return whisper
该方法初始化了一个whisper客户端,指定了处理whisper消息的队列大小,该客户端接收到消息的最小pow值限制,处理一条whisper消息最大允许时间,一条whisper消息的最大长度限制,并且初始化了whisper客户端中的p2p协议,其中 whisper.HandlePeer跟ethereum/eth/handle.go中的handleMsg方法逻辑类似,也就是根据不同的message code处理接受到的不同whisper消息。
func (s *WMailServer) Init(shh *whisper.Whisper, path string, password string, pow float64) error {
var err error
if len(path) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("DB file is not specified")
if len(password) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("password is not specified")
s.db, err = leveldb.OpenFile(path, nil)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("open DB file: %s", err)
s.w = shh
s.pow = pow
MailServerKeyID, err := s.w.AddSymKeyFromPassword(password)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("create symmetric key: %s", err)
s.key, err = s.w.GetSymKey(MailServerKeyID)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("save symmetric key: %s", err)
return nil
该方法指定该邮件服务处理的pow值,将whisper客户端注册上去,同时随机生成一个id作为该mailServer的标识,并以指定的密码生成一个对称Symmetric Key。该mailServer会将收到每一个whisper消息存储在leveldb中。
func (s *WMailServer) processRequest(peer *whisper.Peer, lower, upper uint32, bloom []byte) []*whisper.Envelope {}
到此whisper客户端以及处理whisper消息的mail server都初始化完成,那么我们看看如果发送一个whisper消息(后面都用envelope信封替代)
// Post a message on the Whisper network.
func (api *PublicWhisperAPI) Post(ctx context.Context, req NewMessage) (bool, error) {
params := &MessageParams{
TTL: req.TTL,
Payload: req.Payload,
Padding: req.Padding,
WorkTime: req.PowTime,
PoW: req.PowTarget,
Topic: req.Topic,
// Wrap bundles the message into an Envelope to transmit over the network.
func (msg *sentMessage) Wrap(options *MessageParams) (envelope *Envelope, err error) {
if options.TTL == 0 {
options.TTL = DefaultTTL
if options.Src != nil {
if err = msg.sign(options.Src); err != nil {
return nil, err
var nonce []byte
if options.Dst != nil {
err = msg.encryptAsymmetric(options.Dst)
} else if options.KeySym != nil {
nonce, err = msg.encryptSymmetric(options.KeySym)
} else {
err = errors.New("unable to encrypt the message: neither symmetric nor assymmetric key provided")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
envelope = NewEnvelope(options.TTL, options.Topic, nonce, msg)
if err = envelope.Seal(options); err != nil {
return nil, err
return envelope, nil
如果wrap方法正常,则进行pow难度值校验,如果msg给定的pow值小于whisper客户端的最小pow值,则拒绝消息处理。如果校验正常,并且msg没有指定接受者peer,则将该信封投递到whisper客户端注册的邮件服务中。如果指定了peer,则通过p2p网络,将该信封投递出去。注意这种发送走的是peer-to-peer直连,不进行转发(w.SendP2PDirect(p, envelope)),到此整个发送逻辑已经结束。
// runMessageLoop reads and processes inbound messages directly to merge into client-global state.
func (w *Whisper) runMessageLoop(p *Peer, rw p2p.MsgReadWriter) error {
for {
// fetch the next packet
packet, err := rw.ReadMsg()
if err != nil {
log.Info("message loop", "peer", p.peer.ID(), "err", err)
return err
if packet.Size > w.MaxMessageSize() {
log.Warn("oversized message received", "peer", p.peer.ID())
return errors.New("oversized message received")
switch packet.Code {
case statusCode:
// this should not happen, but no need to panic; just ignore this message.
log.Warn("unxepected status message received", "peer", p.peer.ID())
case messagesCode:
// decode the contained envelopes
var envelope Envelope
if err := packet.Decode(&envelope); err != nil {
log.Warn("failed to decode envelope, peer will be disconnected", "peer", p.peer.ID(), "err", err)
return errors.New("invalid envelope")
cached, err := w.add(&envelope)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("bad envelope received, peer will be disconnected", "peer", p.peer.ID(), "err", err)
return errors.New("invalid envelope")
if cached {
// New message types might be implemented in the future versions of Whisper.
// For forward compatibility, just ignore.
whisper消息根据对应的message code进行到第二个case中,进行rlp解码,如果解码无误,则将信封消息加入到消息处理内存map中。如果成功添加,则标记该信封为已处理(防重复处理),如果接收者的whisper客户端注册了mailServer,则将该消息存储到邮件服务的leveldb中。
whisper.add方法中通过管道写到了消息处理队列中(postEvent --> messageQueue)
func (fs *Filters) NotifyWatchers(env *Envelope, p2pMessage bool) {
var msg *ReceivedMessage
defer fs.mutex.RUnlock()
i := -1 // only used for logging info
for _, watcher := range fs.watchers {
if p2pMessage && !watcher.AllowP2P {
log.Trace(fmt.Sprintf("msg [%x], filter [%d]: p2p messages are not allowed", env.Hash(), i))
var match bool
if msg != nil {
match = watcher.MatchMessage(msg)
} else {
match = watcher.MatchEnvelope(env)
if match {
msg = env.Open(watcher)
if msg == nil {
log.Trace("processing message: failed to open", "message", env.Hash().Hex(), "filter", i)
} else {
log.Trace("processing message: does not match", "message", env.Hash().Hex(), "filter", i)
if match && msg != nil {
log.Trace("processing message: decrypted", "hash", env.Hash().Hex())
if watcher.Src == nil || IsPubKeyEqual(msg.Src, watcher.Src) {
该方法为管道接收端消息的处理逻辑,首先获取到所有对该消息主题感兴趣以及不管啥主题都接收的观察者fiilters,然后遍历所有观察者,对该信封消息进行处理, MatchEnvelope方法进行信封的pow值校验,如果小于观察者的最小pow值则不处理,如果信封所使用的加密算法与观察者期待的不同,也不进行处理,如果观察者希望接收的topic中不包含信封上指定的topic也不进行处理。
// Open tries to decrypt an envelope, and populates the message fields in case of success.
func (e *Envelope) Open(watcher *Filter) (msg *ReceivedMessage) {
if watcher == nil {
return nil
// The API interface forbids filters doing both symmetric and asymmetric encryption.
if watcher.expectsAsymmetricEncryption() && watcher.expectsSymmetricEncryption() {
return nil
if watcher.expectsAsymmetricEncryption() {
msg, _ = e.OpenAsymmetric(watcher.KeyAsym)
if msg != nil {
msg.Dst = &watcher.KeyAsym.PublicKey
} else if watcher.expectsSymmetricEncryption() {
msg, _ = e.OpenSymmetric(watcher.KeySym)
if msg != nil {
msg.SymKeyHash = crypto.Keccak256Hash(watcher.KeySym)
if msg != nil {
ok := msg.ValidateAndParse()
if !ok {
return nil
msg.Topic = e.Topic
msg.PoW = e.PoW()
msg.TTL = e.TTL
msg.Sent = e.Expiry - e.TTL
msg.EnvelopeHash = e.Hash()
return msg
id, err := api.w.Subscribe(&filter)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// create subscription and start waiting for message events
rpcSub := notifier.CreateSubscription()
go func() {
// for now poll internally, refactor whisper internal for channel support
ticker := time.NewTicker(250 * time.Millisecond)
defer ticker.Stop()
for {
select {
case <-ticker.C:
if filter := api.w.GetFilter(id); filter != nil {
for _, rpcMessage := range toMessage(filter.Retrieve()) {
if err := notifier.Notify(rpcSub.ID, rpcMessage); err != nil {
log.Error("Failed to send notification", "err", err)
case <-rpcSub.Err():
case <-notifier.Closed():
return rpcSub, nil