Chapter 1.6

October 21, Friday | Mansion Foyer | Afternoon

Left with nothing else to do, I find myself drifting back to the foyer.
A few visitors linger in the area. Some, merely enjoying the afternoon sunlight streaming through the stained glass windows.
Others can be seen admiring the priceless antiques decorating the room.
One group of elderlies, gathered some ways opposite of me, is occupied in a friendly banter about which one will cost more to buy.
A little argument here, an occasional laughter and teasing there...
I smile to myself.

The conversation reminds me of what I've been missing these past few months.
Rose is probably right. I do need a break.
Maybe this afternoon's hangout will help?
Speaking of... I should call Ash.
It's a few hours early from what I've told him, but he did ask for a call once I'm done.
Besides, I don't have a ride back. He offered, so I might as well take it!
Or bribe him into giving me one.
Not that he'll ever accept the latter; personal convictions and all.
Honestly, if there's something I find admirable in him, despite his tendency to annoy the hell out of me, it's that.
Well, whatever way works! A free ride is still a free ride!
There's Rose's offer, too. But despite what she says, I know she'll be busy for the rest of the afternoon, especially without me assisting.
Bothering her for a favor as small as this, is the last thing I want to do right now.

A couple of minutes and a few prayers asking for a decent signal later, the call finally connects, and—

Chapter 1.6_第1张图片

???Shit! How loud is this thing even—
A sharp ringing fills the entire hall, disrupting the pleasant quiet that has settled. Soon enough, heads begin to turn in search of the source, mine included.
My eyes dart around the small crowd, before zeroing in on a lone figure crouched behind the same group of old people checking out the decors moments ago.
He is facing away from me, fumbling with something in his hands.
But I don't need to see his face to know whose back it is.
Oh, I'll recognize that dumb parka anywhere!
Without bothering to end the call, I march towards him.
After what happened today, I'm really not in the mood to deal with this.

Chapter 1.6_第2张图片


What happens next is something I'll surely regret later for having not recorded.
He jumps, lets out an undignified yelp, followed by his phone slipping out from his grip.
It bounces from one hand to the other in his poor attempt to catch it, before ultimately falling flat on the floor with a resounding clack.
I kind of feel sorry for the phone.
And the floor.
But it's not everyday that you can catch someone like Ash off-guard and get a reaction.
Damn his stupid detective senses.
I'll take every ounce of victory I can get, no matter how small. Ha!
An awkward pause passes between us.

A blink.
A cough.

He makes a face.

And then, in a too-quick motion, he ducks and retrieves his abused gadget, while a grin threatens to break out from my lips.
He doesn't meet my eyes when he straightens, but a flush has crept up his neck and cheeks.
In another universe, where we haven't known each other for five years and suffering through his teasing is not a day to day occurrence, chances are, I'll find that adorable.
Endearing, even.
Unfortunately, this isn't that kind of world.
The way things are, I'm already content to see him out of his normally collected disposition.

Chapter 1.6_第3张图片

What? And miss that look on your face?! No way!
Oh, man. I should have taken a picture.

*I am so honored you find this funny. Is that how you treat your guests? I think I need to talk to your supervisor.
Talk to yourself. You aren't even a 'guest' here! What are you doing here in the first place?

For a moment, he looks like a cat that swallowed the canary.
Suddenly, checking every nook and cranny in his phone, for any damage or scratches, seems to be a more interesting activity than explaining himself.

Ash.``I could be looking to buy a house.A mansion?Yeah? Why not? Did you see the view outside? It doesn't look haunted to me at all. He's messing with me.Ashton, I am not in the mood. What are you doing here?`

He chances a glimpse at some point behind me…
The... parlor?
Curious, I follow his gaze. But before I can figure out what has caught his attention, he places a hand on my shoulder and turns me back to face him.

*I just finished working on something earlier than expected, so I dropped by.
I still don't see how his work has anything to do with why he's here.

At my confused look, he drops the hand resting on my arm, like he has touched something particularly hot, and casually rubs the back of his neck.

*And I... uh... I said I'll see if I can pick you up. Turns out I can, free time and all.
*So, h-here I am. Uhh…figured you'd still be busy… and... so I... roamed around for a while.
Oh. You should've mentioned that sooner. I was about to throw you out.

*Throw me—Hey, I was given a pamphlet. I think that makes me a legitimate client, at least.
We have mandatory sign-in sheets for 'clients,' Ash. I didn't see your name on it.
And you can't just 'roam around' because it says, 'open house.' Normal people actually follow an etiquette here!

*Right, okay. I think I'll just go ahead, and—
No! Wait! I wasn't really going to throw you out. Rose said—
Never mind. I was just about to leave anyway.
*Wait. What? Now?

Something must have shown in my face, because he pauses and gives me a long, hard stare.
Sometimes, I forget how easy reading people is for Ash, given how he often looks as if everything around him is a chore.
I avoid his eyes, hoping he'll drop the subject and won't ask any more questions. The last thing I want is to tell him what happened—especially the part about the letter.
In fact, he's the last person on earth I'll ever think about telling it to, if I can help it!
Sure, he's a dependable guy! God knows how many times he's helped me, even without me asking for it.
But stuff like ghosts and the supernatural?
He'll never believe those even if he hears it from a friend. Except maybe if it's Becca.
On a good day, the most harmless thing he'll do is give you a detailed explanation why those things have no chance of ever being real.
At worst?
He's insufferable. He'll poke fun at you at every. single. chance. he'll get!
What did I ever do to him?! He never does that to Becca or Zach!
I can already imagine how things will go down, the moment I spill a word of what I saw in the attic.
Nope! Over my dead body!
Before it catches his attention, I shove the letter still clasped in my hand deep into my bag.

*What's wrong?
Nothing. Let's just go.
*Doesn't look like a 'nothing' to me.
We still have Zach's movie tonight, remember?
*It's still early. And didn't you say your shift will end at around five or six? What about—
*Hey, Isabella, wait up!

October 21, Friday | Ermengarde Mansion | Afternoon

Chapter 1.6_第4张图片

A rush of air greets me as soon as the main door opens.
Not the usual autumn draft, but still a welcome change from the stifling atmosphere inside the mansion.

Ash's footsteps are quick behind me. The soles of his shoes, thumping hard against the polished concrete in an awkward cadence as he rushes to catch up.

He calls out once, twice.
The mansion still looms in the background—
Whispers calling me back, shadows beckoning...

Help me.
Help me.
I don't look back.

October 21, Friday | Luxbourne City | Afternoon

Chapter 1.6_第5张图片

We spend the ride back to Luxbourne City in a relatively quiet manner, with only the radio's disjointed hum in the background filling the silence.
Occasionally, Ash will reach out to fiddle with it until the signal settles or it's on a respectable volume. But, otherwise, he doesn't say anything.
Neither do I.
However, if the furtive glances he's been sending my way is a sign, I know there's something he's been itching to ask since we left the mansion.
I keep my eyes trained on the passing scenery outside, in the small hope that my feigned disinterest will dissuade him.


All of a sudden, he tosses something at me from a small compartment on his side.
It hits me cleanly on the chin before I can make a move to catch it; the small package making a soft landing on my lap instead.


The glare I send him wipes the smirk about to form cleanly off his face, and he clears his throat, focusing his eyes on the road again.
I swear, he did that on purpose!
Ignoring him, I flip the half-forgotten package on my lap to check…

Chapter 1.6_第6张图片

*Have you eaten lunch yet?

I don't even get a chance to deny it because right on cue, my stomach rumbles loudly, and an empty, gnawing feeling in my belly becomes noticeable.
No surprise there. I did skip breakfast and lunch so I could catch Becca while she was on break.
I was hoping to get a small meal after. I guess with everything going on, I just forgot until Ash mentioned it.
It's not like the hollow feeling's new to me, though.
If anything, it's just one of the things I've gotten used to ignoring over the years, growing up.
A thanks, then I tear open the package and start nibbling at the edge of the bar.
Apart from an acknowledging nod, Ash doesn't say anything after that small exchange.
For that, I'm thankful.
After getting an earful from both Becca and Rose, it's nice to be able to just sit down with someone who's not going to nag at you.
How'd the open house go?

The usual. We've got a bigger crowd than normal because of the property's fame, but really, no different from the typical open house.
On second thought, it actually looks like a fancy party more than an open house. I've never felt so underdressed in my life.
Weren't you there?
*I wasn't really listening.
I should have asked someone to kick you out.
*No, you won't.
And what makes you so sure?
*One, ever since you got assigned to this property, you've been 'freaking out' about it. Rebecca's words, not mine.
*She's been complaining to me about how you talked her ears off, by the way.
*Two, despite your initial qualms about the place, you still took the job.
*Which brings us to three: it's been months since you last settled a deal. And you're short on money right now since you're back to your instant noodle diet.
How'd you even know about the last one?!
*Anyhow, you're hell-bent on selling the mansion. Even if someone you know personally is in the tour group, you aren't going to just 'kick them out'.
*Every single person who went to your open house is still a prospective client to you. Even me.

He's... not entirely wrong.
Oh man, I walked right into that one, didn't I?

I hate you. I really hate you right now.

His answer is a small laughter. The kind that screams, 'I'm right, I told you so'.
I hate it when he does that.
I'll have you know that there's already someone who's extremely interested in this property.
So even if you expressed any sort of interest in it, I don't think they'd be willing to let you have it. Too bad.

Provided I didn't botch it with the Wrights!
Ma'am Hannah, in particular, didn't look pleased with what I did.
Why, of all times, did I have to screw up like that? In front of an important customer, no less!
I owe Rose a big apology. I hope she likes free donuts.

*You don't seem too happy about it.
I am happy! Doesn't this look like a happy face to you?!
*Really? And here I was thinking you found another one stuffed in the sofa.
*Or is it the wardrobe this time?

He meant that as a joke. But how close it is to the truth made my blood run cold, my own heartbeat a heavy weight in my chest.
All at once, the letter in my bag feels a whole lot heavier, burdened by my own guilt and apprehension.

Yeah, well... things happened. Stuff the Wright couple might not be pleased about.
No need to make a fuss about it. It's normal in the business.
*You made them angry?
Not angry! Just... stuff happened!
*Did they do anything? Your clients—the Wrights, was it?

I can't answer that.

Chapter 1.6_第7张图片


You keep asking me about my work, yet you haven't said a single word about yours.
That's not fair! Both you and Zach have literally disappeared off the face of the earth!

An over-exaggeration, but changing the subject to something else is still better than outright lying to him!
Besides, it never works with him.
I'm not sure if it's because I'm just bad at it, or because he's just really very good at his job.
He doesn't answer immediately. Only momentarily shifting a glance over me and returning it back to the road when he has to make a sharp turn.
Outside, the sun has already started its descent, casting a vibrant, orange glow on the tall buildings.
I wonder how long before we reach the venue for Zach's film? Checking the street signs outside, it appears Ash has taken the longer route.
Odd, but he's probably trying to avoid the rush hour traffic.

*Didn't we just talk a week ago over chat?
That's different! Linking your awful memes in the group chat box every morning isn't exactly a conversation!
*Excuse me, I don't hear you calling them 'awful' while you were laughing at all of them.
Shut up! And you aren't answering my question!

That earns him a soft punch to his arm.
I did laugh at them, but I'm not going to give him the satisfaction of knowing that I find most of them funny!
It'll only make his head bigger. Stupid Ash.

*Alright, alright, lay-off on the abuse. Remember that case I mentioned before?
*We've been trying to pin the bastard down, but it required more work than we anticipated; the guy's slippery like that. We got some good lead months ago.

He recounts what he's been doing in the time we haven't seen each other.
His usual work, the occasional small investigation, and the big case he's been stuck working on; stuff he couldn't mention in the brief time we catch each other online.
Although most of it are the trimmed-down version; only things he can tell. He has always been careful about that.
Even in the way he spins his answers to my questions: just enough to satisfy my curiosity, but not enough to paint the whole picture.
At one point, his voice takes on a strained tone when he mentions something about 'The Big Case,' but I don't dwell on it much.
That's normal, right? I mean, who won't be frustrated if you can't bring someone you're chasing to justice, because they keep slipping out of your fingers?
If I were in his shoes, I'd definitely lose my mind!
His stories never ceases to be entertaining to me, regardless.
If things weren't the way they are back home, maybe I would've considered taking on the same job as him?
Well… nope. Not really. Mama will never allow that.
But the idea is still there.
Along with countless others I've let go…


I turn my gaze back to the passing view outside.
Maybe if I remain quiet long enough, he'll get a hint?

*Seriously, what happened?
You're already assuming something happened.
*I'm not. It's what you said earlier and that's why I'm asking.
*What did they do?
They didn't do anything, alright? It's—
It's nothing. Work's just been stressful. My boss has been in a bad mood lately over a lost sale, preparing everything for the open house has been tiring.
And then there's the tour. You've seen how big the place is!

I wish he'd just drop the subject and be done with it. It's not like he'll do something if I tell him!
Outside, the sun has already started its descent, casting a vibrant, orange glow on the tall buildings.
I wonder how long before we reach the movie house? Zach's been pretty excited about his movie; I hate to ruin that for him.
But, right now? I just want the day to be over.

J*ust so you know, people we interrogate often avoid our eyes when they're hiding something.
I—I'm not hiding anything!
*I didn't say you were.
Then why are you still asking about it?
*Your face is a lot more expressive than you thin—
Can you please just drop it?!

My voice comes out harsher than I've intended and I immediately regret having taken that tone on him.
As one will expect, Ash is taken aback but recovers quickly.
An uncomfortable silence settles in the car, while I find myself wishing I hadn't snapped at him like that.
Stupid, stupid, stupid, Isabella!
It's the first time in months you get to spend time with your friends and you're already messing things up.
Sorry. I didn't mean to yell.
He responds with nothing more than a nod, and I take that as his way of dropping the topic.
For now. If the way his jaw tightens is a sign of what he still thinks about the matter.
I just hope I can give him a proper answer next time he asks.


Chapter 1.6_第8张图片

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