英语精读连载 Good-Bye, Mr. Chips 《再会,契普斯先生》





作者介绍 本小说作者詹姆斯·希尔顿(James Hilton)1900年9月9日生于英国兰开夏郡(Lancashire)利城(Leign)。他在剑桥大学学习期间就开始为报刊写稿。第一次世界大战后,他遍游欧洲,一度寄居维也纳。他的第一部长篇小说《凯瑟琳自己》(Catherine Herself)出版时,他才十八岁。1933年出版《失去的地平线》(Lost Horizon),同年冬天发表《再会,契普斯先生》,轰动一时。1939年,他去美国,1941年出版《无心的收获》(Random Harvest)。这三部小说都曾拍摄成电影,颇为成功。英语词典中有“Shangri-la”( [ˌʃæŋgrɪ'lɑ:]香格里拉)一词,原作“世外桃源”解,后又衍生出其他意义,并一度在俚语中被用来指“厕所”,——这个词就出于希尔顿的《失去的地平线》。契普斯(其实是小说人物契宾先生——Mr. Chipping——的绰号)也已在英语国家很大一部分人中间像亲人、老朋友一样熟悉,一样亲切。

作品介绍《再会,契普斯先生》原先是希尔顿为英国《不列颠周刊》(British Weekly)的圣诞节增刊所写的,时在1933年。翌年重新在美国《大西洋月刊》(Atlantic Monthly)上发表,随后美国和英国相继出版单行本,英国广播公司(BBC)还曾连续广播,后来又拍摄成电影,曾在我国放映,片名《万世师表》。1938年,俞亢咏将小说开头四章详加注释,在葛传椝主编的《竞文英文杂志》上连载介绍,颇受读者欢迎。



Chapter 1

When you are getting on in years [1] (but not ill, of course), you get very sleepy at times[2], and the hours seem to pass like lazy cattle moving across a landscape[3]. It was like that for Chips [4]as the autumn term progressed and the days shortened till it was actually dark enough to light the gas before call-over [5]. For [6] Chips, like some old sea-captain, still measured time by the signals of the past; and well he might [7], for he lived at Mrs. Wickett's [8], just across the road from the School[9]. He had been there more than a decade [10], ever since [11] he finally gave up his mastership [12]; and it was Brookfield far more than Greenwich time that both he and his landlady kept [13]. 'Mrs. Wickett,' Chips would sing out [14], in that jerky, high-pitched voice [15] that had still a good deal of[16]sprightliness[17]in it, 'you might[18]bring me a cup of tea before prep[19], will you?'

When you are getting on in years it is nice to sit by the fire[20]and drink a cup of tea and listen to the school bell sounding dinner, call-over, prep, and lights out[21]. Chips always wound up the clock[22]after that last bell[23]; then he put the wire guard[24]in front of the fire, turned out the gas[25], and carried a detective novel to bed[26]. Rarely did he read more than a page of it[27]before sleep came swiftly and peacefully, more like a mystic intensifying of perception than any changeful entrance into another world[28]. For[29]his days and nights were equally full of[30]dreaming.

He was getting on in years (but not ill, of course); indeed, as Doctor Merivale[31]said, there was really nothing the matter with[32]him. 'My dear fellow, you're fitter[33]than I am,' Merivale would say, sipping a glass of sherry[34]when he called every fortnight or so[35]. 'You're past the age when people get these horrible diseases; you're one of the few lucky ones who're going to die a really natural death[36]. That is[37], of course, if you die at all[38]. You're such a remarkable old boy[39]that one never knows[40].' But when Chips had a cold[41]or when east winds roared over the fenlands, Merivale would sometimes take Mrs. Wickett aside[42]in the lobby[43]and whisper: 'Look after him, you know[44]. His chest ... it puts a strain on his heart.[45]Nothing really wrong with him[46]-- only anno domini[47], but that's the most fatal complaint[48]of all, in the end[49] …'

英语精读连载 Good-Bye, Mr. Chips 《再会,契普斯先生》_第1张图片

[1] getting on in years渐渐老了;上年纪

[2] at times时常;是习语

[3] a landscape一片风景

[4] Chips [tʃɪps]契普斯,本书主人公,其实这是他的绰号;他姓Chipping ['tʃɪpɪŋ],但学生们都称他Chips。

[5] the days shortened till it was actually dark enough to light the gas before call-over白日一天短一天,短到在点名之前已经暗得要点煤气灯。it指天色;gas指煤气灯。call-over=roll-call点名。日长的时候当在点名之后才点灯。

[6] For并列连词,引起一个全句。

[7] well he might=he might well measure['meʒə]time by the signals of the past. well=reasonably.

[8] at Mrs. Wickett's. ['wɪkɪts]=at Mrs. Wickett's house or home.

[9] across the road from the School在这所学校对面。across the road from也可作across from。School专指Brookfield ['brʊkfi:ld]公学,所以用大写开首,参见下文。

[10] decade ['dekeɪd]十年

[11] ever since自从;比since语气重,有“自从……以来一向”的意思。

[12] give up ['gɪv 'ʌp] his mastership放弃他的教员职位。

[13] it was Brookfield far more than Greenwich ['grɪnɪdʒ] time that both he and his landlady ['læn'leɪdɪ] kept是both he and his landlady kept Brookfield far more than Greenwich time的强调句,意思是说“他和他的女房东所遵照的时间,与其说是格林威治(世界标准)时间,远不如说是布鲁克菲尔德时间。”Brookfield英国地名,也是当地的学校名,这里指Brookfield time。Greenwich在英国伦敦附近,为本初子午线经过的地方。

[14] would sing out时常高声喊道。would表示过去惯常的行为。

[15] jerky, high-pitched ['haɪ'pɪtʃt] voice断断续续的,音调高的声音

[16] a good deal of许多(后面接不可数名词)

[17] sprightliness ['spraɪtlɪnɪs]生气勃勃

[18] you might意思相当于I request you to,是一种客气的祈使句式。句末附加疑问will you,也是客气的语气。

[19] before prep在上预备课之前。prep学生用语,是preparation的简写。

[20] sit by the fire坐在火炉旁边。fire火炉中的火。

[21] the school bell sounding dinner, call-over, prep, and lights out学校的钟声响起,通知吃晚饭、点名、上预备课和熄灯。dinner正餐,一般是晚上的一顿主餐,不是supper。

[22] wound [waʊnd] up the clock给钟上发条;开钟。wound是wind [waɪnd]的过去式。

[23] after that last bell最后一次敲钟(指熄灯钟)之后

[24] wire guard(放在火炉前的)金属丝安全罩

[25] turned out the gas关掉煤气

[26] to bed就寝;并不着重“到床上去”。这里的bed带有抽象的意思。

[27] Rarely did he read more than a page of it=He rarely read [red] more than a page of it.因略有否定意味的副词rarely放在句首,所以句中主谓倒装。

[28] more like a mystic intensifying of perception than any changeful entrance into another world(修饰sleep)更像是一种神秘的感知强化,而不像是任何变幻莫测的世界切换。因Chips年迈,醒时所见反不如梦中所见的清楚。

[29] For并列连词,引起一个全句。

[30] full of充满

[31] Doctor Merivale ['merɪveɪl]梅里韦尔医生

[32] the matter with=amiss with, wrong with,对于……失常的。the matter有形容词的作用。

[33] fitter更健康的

[34] sherry ['ʃerɪ]西班牙等地产的葡萄酒;雪利酒

[35] called every fortnight or so每(隔)两星期左右来访一次

[36] 're going to die a really natural death将真正自然地死去。die a natural death指因年老或疾病而死,有别于因事故、遇害、自杀等而死。

[37] That is那就是说;即

[38] if you die at all承接上句,省去主句you're going to die a really natural death。

[39] old boy老头儿,也作对男子的昵称

[40] one never knows人们无从逆料(他究竟如何)。这里有“也许他竟会不死”的含义。one泛指“人们”。

[41] had a cold伤风

[42] take Mrs. Wickett aside把Mrs. Wickett拉到旁边

[43] lobby前室;门廊

[44] you know你该知道(谈话中常用的口头语)

[45] His chest ... it puts a strain on his heart.这里it是赘词。作者用省略号表示医生说了His chest后停顿了一下,再接下去说时,插入一个it代his chest。put a strain on his heart增加他心脏的负担;压迫心脏。

[46] Nothing really wrong with him=There is nothing really wrong with him他并不真有什么毛病。wrong with=上文的the matter with。

[47] anno domini ['ænəʊ'dɒmɪnaɪ](口语)老年;一般用大写,原义是“公元”。

[48] fatal complaint致命的疾病

[49] in the end到底;究竟

(……to be continued)

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