#口语粉碎机# L1 Day44

#口语粉碎机# L1 Day44【打卡序列01】

1. 这就是我出生的房间。 (用 where)

翻译:This is the room where I was born.

答案:This is the room where I was born.

2. 这就是我出生的房间。 (用 which)

翻译:This is the room in which I was born.

答案:This is the room in which I was born.

3. 我工作的这家公司是全北京最大的。

翻译:The company in which (where) I work is the largest company in Beijing.

翻译:The company where I work is the largest one in Beijing.

解析:用one指代前面的company, 表达跟简洁。

4. 这本书是在全南京最大的那家书店买的。【重点】

翻译:This book was bought from the bookshop which is the largest in Nanjing.

答案:The bookstore where I bought this book is the largest one in Nanjing.



5. 你还记不记得他是哪天到的?

翻译:Do you remember the day when he arrive?

答案:Do you still remember the day when he arrived?

6. 这是他第二周没来上课了。

翻译:It is the second week that he didn't come to class.

答案:This is the second week that he hasn’t come for class.


7. 和他同住两年的室友,突然收拾行李走了。

翻译:His roommate who has lived with him for two years packs up and leaves suddenly.

答案:The roommate with whom he had been living for two years suddenly packed her bags and left.


8. 他这人很肤浅,他的意见没有多大价值。

翻译:He is a superficial person whose suggestions are less of worth.

答案:He is a shallow man whose opinions aren’t worth much.

解析:肤浅的人:a shallow man。没有多大价值:aren’t worth much

9. 这是专供接待记者用的房间。

翻译:This is the room which is special for reviving journalists.

答案:This is the room which is kept for the reception of journalists.

翻译:专供:is kept for 接待记者:我用了动名词结构,答案用了名词的of结构

10. 践踏草坪者罚款。

翻译:who stamps lawn gets fine.

答案:People who walk on the grass are liable to a fine.

解析:罚款:are liable to a fine.

*be liable to



very likely to happen很可能会发生的,可能性很大的

The areas of town near the river are liable to flooding = are often flooded.

+ to infinitive He's liable to make a fuss if you wake him.







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