

让托管节点从一个 central location 做 check in 获取配置信息,它是一个小脚本,它从 git 上 checkout 一个关于配置指令的 repo,然后以这个配置指令来运行 ansible-playbook.

[root@localhost~]# ansible-pull -h

Usage: ansible-pull -U [options]


  --accept-host-key     adds the hostkey for the repo url if not already added

  --ask-vault-pass      ask for vault password

  -C CHECKOUT, --checkout=CHECKOUT

                        branch/tag/commit to checkout.  Defaults to behavior

                        of repository module.

  --clean               modified files in the working repository will be


  -d DEST, --directory=DEST

                        directory to checkout repository to

  -e EXTRA_VARS, --extra-vars=EXTRA_VARS

                        set additional variables as key=value or YAML/JSON

  -f, --force           run the playbook even if the repository could not be


  --full                Do a full clone, instead of a shallow one.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

  -i INVENTORY, --inventory-file=INVENTORY

                        specify inventory host path

                        (default=/etc/ansible/hosts) or comma separated host


  -l SUBSET, --limit=SUBSET

                        further limit selected hosts to an additional pattern

  --list-hosts          outputs a list of matching hosts; does not execute

                        anything else

  -m MODULE_NAME, --module-name=MODULE_NAME

                        Repository module name, which ansible will use to

                        check out the repo. Default is git.

  -M MODULE_PATH, --module-path=MODULE_PATH

                        specify path(s) to module library (default=None)


                        new vault password file for rekey

  -o, --only-if-changed

                        only run the playbook if the repository has been


  --output=OUTPUT_FILE  output file name for encrypt or decrypt; use - for


  --purge               purge checkout after playbook run


                        only run plays and tasks whose tags do not match these


  -s SLEEP, --sleep=SLEEP

                        sleep for random interval (between 0 and n number of

                        seconds) before starting. This is a useful way to

                        disperse git requests

  -t TAGS, --tags=TAGS  only run plays and tasks tagged with these values

  --track-subs          submodules will track the latest changes This is

                        equivalent to specifying the --remote flag to git

                        submodule update

  -U URL, --url=URL     URL of the playbook repository


                        vault password file

  -v, --verbose         verbose mode (-vvv for more, -vvvv to enable

                        connection debugging)

  --verify-commit       verify GPG signature of checked out commit, if it

                        fails abort running the playbook. This needs the

                        corresponding VCS module to support such an operation

  --version             show program's version number and exit

  Connection Options:

    control as whom and how to connect to hosts

    -k, --ask-pass      ask for connection password

    --private-key=PRIVATE_KEY_FILE, --key-file=PRIVATE_KEY_FILE

                        use this file to authenticate the connection


                        connect as this user (default=None)

    -c CONNECTION, --connection=CONNECTION

                        connection type to use (default=smart)

    -T TIMEOUT, --timeout=TIMEOUT

                        override the connection timeout in seconds



                        specify common arguments to pass to sftp/scp/ssh (e.g.



                        specify extra arguments to pass to sftp only (e.g. -f,



                        specify extra arguments to pass to scp only (e.g. -l)


                        specify extra arguments to pass to ssh only (e.g. -R)

  Privilege Escalation Options:

    control how and which user you become as on target hosts

    --ask-sudo-pass     ask for sudo password (deprecated, use become)

    --ask-su-pass       ask for su password (deprecated, use become)

    -K, --ask-become-pass

                        ask for privilege escalation password

在执行一个 playbook 之前,想看看这个 playbook 的执行会影响到哪些 hosts,你可以这样做:

ansible-playbook playbook.yml --list-hosts