install mediawiki under centos

title: install mediawiki under centos
date: 2015-04-29 10:46:57 +0800
comments: true
category: Linux
tags: mediawiki,linux


  • LAMP (Linux+apache+mysql+php)

  • close PHP mbstring func_overload item

      mbstring.func_overload = 0
  • Mysql database setting

    • create wiki DB

        create database my_wiki default charset=utf-8;
    • grant privileges

        grant insert,update,delete,select on my_wiki.* to 'wiki'@'localhost' identified by 'wiki';

Get and Configure

## get

## untar to website directory
tar -zxvf mediawiki-1.24.2.tar.gz  -C /var/www/html/mediawiki

## configure apache

DocumentRoot "/var/www/html"

service httpd restart


access  https://your-ip/mediawiki
and install refer to the steps

and be careful to enter mysql connection with your setting

after all ,you will get a file named LocalSettings.php

put this file to mediawiki/LocalSettings.php


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