The Gay Genius--Chapter 3 读书笔记


Part 1 New Words

1.auspicious 吉祥的

释义: showing or suggesting that future success is likely 

造句:The cat is not auspicious in South Africa.

2. outstrip胜过

释义:to be better ,greater or larger than somebody or something; 这章里面的worst 做动词也有胜过的意思;

造句: He  outstripped all his rivals to win the race.

3.despondent 失望的,意志消沉的,没有精神的(比 disappointed程度更深)

释义:adj. very sad and without hope

造句:She was despondent because she failed in the exam again .

Part 2 Thoughts

Through this chapter ,we can see how Su Tungpo studied in his childhood .

--To meet the official tests , he read all the ancients classics ,history ,and poetry, and selected prose. 

--He even copied the whole of the classics and histories by hand. After that ,he can memory much more better . At the mean time , he can practice his calligraphy.

--Reading aloud is also a good way of reading . His father was able to correct any errors in pronunciation.

--His father guided his sons in the direction of purity of style. 

--The most importance is the home atmosphere. There were all kinds of books in his home. His father liked reading and his mother also can give him lessons .


tomb inscription 碑文

Later Han History 后汉书

imperial decree 圣旨

ink slab 砚台

the Kins 金

the Liaos 辽

the Shishia Kingdom 西夏

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