Daisy的ScalersTalk第四轮新概念朗读持续力训练Day49 20181127


Lesson 49 The end of a dream

How did the dream end

Tired of sleepingon the floor, a young man in Teheransaved up for years to buy a real bed. For the first time in his life, he became the proud owner of a bed with springs and a mattress. Because the weather was very hot, hecarried the bed on to the roofof his house.He slept very well for the first two nights, but on the third night, the stormblew up.A gust of windswept the bedoff the roof andsent it crashing into the courtyard below.The young man did not wake up until the bed had struck the ground. Although the bed was smashed to pieces, the man wasmiraculously unhurt.When he woke up, he was still on the mattress.Glancing atthe bits of wood and metal that lay around him, the man sadly picked up the mattress and carried it into his house. After he had put it on the floor, hepromptlywent to sleep again.







5.carry sth on to :搬到·····,不但有方向,还代表放到上面

6.blow up:风越刮越大,up

7.be confined:被限制



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