使用OpenCV和imagezmq通过网络实时传输视频流 | live video streaming over network with opencv and imagezmq


live video streaming over network with opencv and imagezmq



git clone https://github.com/jeffbass/imagezmq.git

imagezmq has been tested with:

  1. Python 3.5 and 3.6
  2. OpenCV 3.3
  3. Raspian Stretch and Raspian Jessie
  4. PyZMQ 16.0
  5. imutils 0.4.3 (used get to images from PiCamera)

install tools

workon py3cv3  # use your virtual environment name
pip install pyzmq
pip install imutils


# terminal 1
cd imagezmq/tests
python test_1_receive_images.py

# terminal 2
cd imagezmq/tests
python test_1_send_images.py

received image snapshot

使用OpenCV和imagezmq通过网络实时传输视频流 | live video streaming over network with opencv and imagezmq_第1张图片

使用OpenCV和imagezmq通过网络实时传输视频流 | live video streaming over network with opencv and imagezmq_第2张图片


  • live-video-streaming-over-network-with-opencv-and-imagezmq
  • imagezmq


  • 20190506: created.


  • Post author: kezunlin
  • Post link: https://kezunlin.me/post/b8847d9f/
  • Copyright Notice: All articles in this blog are licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless stating additionally.

你可能感兴趣的:(使用OpenCV和imagezmq通过网络实时传输视频流 | live video streaming over network with opencv and imagezmq)