
Word2vec是一个处理三分彩源码修复Q2947702644【番薯源码论坛fanshuym.com】文本的双层神经网络。它的输入是一个文本语料库,它的输出是一组向量:该语料库中单词的特征向量。虽然Word2vec不是深度神经网络,但它将文本转换为深网可以理解的数字形式。 Deeplearning4j实现了一个分布式的Word2vec for Java和Scala,它可以在Spark上运行GPU。



Word2Vec的目的和用处是将相似单词的向量组合在向量空间中。也就是说,它以数学方式检测相似性。 Word2Vec创建的向量是单词特征的分布式数字表示,诸如单个单词的上下文之类的特征。它没有人为干预就这样做了。






Neural Word EmbeddingsThe vectors we use to represent words are called neural word embeddings, and representations are strange. One thing describes another, even though those two things are radically different. As Elvis Costello said: “Writing about music is like dancing about architecture.” Word2vec “vectorizes” about words, and by doing so it makes natural language computer-readable – we can start to perform powerful mathematical operations on words to detect their similarities.So a neural word embedding represents a word with numbers. It’s a simple, yet unlikely, translation.

Word2vec is similar to an autoencoder, encoding each word in a vector, but rather than training against the input words through reconstruction, as a restricted Boltzmann machine does, word2vec trains words against other words that neighbor them in the input corpus.

It does so in one of two ways, either using context to predict a target word (a method known as continuous bag of words, or CBOW), or using a word to predict a target context, which is called skip-gram. We use the latter method because it produces more accurate results on large datasets.

When the feature vector assigned to a word cannot be used to accurately predict that word’s context, the components of the vector are adjusted. Each word’s context in the corpus is the teacher sending error signals back to adjust the feature vector. The vectors of words judged similar by their context are nudged closer together by adjusting the numbers in the vector.

Just as Van Gogh’s painting of sunflowers is a two-dimensional mixture of oil on canvas that represents vegetable matter in a three-dimensional space in Paris in the late 1880s, so 500 numbers arranged in a vector can represent a word or group of words.

Those numbers locate each word as a point in 500-dimensional vectorspace. Spaces of more than three dimensions are difficult to visualize. (Geoff Hinton, teaching people to imagine 13-dimensional space, suggests that students first picture 3-dimensional space and then say to themselves: “Thirteen, thirteen, thirteen.”
