UNITY->(width*height)style Inventory


项目过后对项目功能进行记录,(width*height)风格背包实现细节,包含对物体的存放,装备,替换,对未知装备的鉴定,物体前缀的获取,项目类型为tcg+rpg,背包的作用主要为游戏中的物品的获取存放,卡牌的获取管理,对可叠加物品的存放,(width*height)的目的为对物品的存放管理,其效果如下UNITY->(width*height)style Inventory_第1张图片


  1. 基础物品 (width*height) 



UNITY->(width*height)style Inventory_第2张图片



public static ItemClass DeepCopy(ItemClass obj) {
        GameObject oj = obj.worldObject;
                //ItemClass is item base class
        ItemClass i = (ItemClass)Process(obj);
        i.worldObject = oj;
        return i;
    static object Process(object obj) {
            return null;
        Type type=obj.GetType();
        if(type.IsValueType || type==typeof(string)) {
            return obj;
        else if(type.IsArray) {
            Type elementType=Type.GetType(
            var array=obj as Array;
            Array copied=Array.CreateInstance(elementType,array.Length);
            for(int i=0; i) {
            return Convert.ChangeType(copied,obj.GetType());
        else if(type.IsClass) {
            object toret=Activator.CreateInstance(obj.GetType());
            FieldInfo[] fields=type.GetFields(BindingFlags.Public| 
            foreach(FieldInfo field in fields) {
                object fieldValue=field.GetValue(obj);
                field.SetValue(toret, Process(fieldValue));
            return toret;
            throw new ArgumentException("Unknown type");







public bool CheckItemFit(ItemClass item, InventorySlot slot, bool skipLastCheck) {
        //Run through all the slots that the item occupies
        for(int i = 0; i < item.height; i++) {
            for(int j = 0; j < item.width; j++) {
                //Check if the slot exists
                if(slot.itemStartNumber + inventoryWidth * i + j >= items.Count) {
                    return false;
                //Check to see if the first slot is located at the edge of the inventory
                for(int k = 0; k < item.height; k++) {
                    if(slot.itemStartNumber + inventoryWidth * k + j != slot.itemStartNumber + inventoryWidth * k) {
                        if(((slot.itemStartNumber + inventoryWidth * i + j ) % inventoryWidth == 0) && item.width != 1) {
                            return false;
                //Last check is only used sometimes
                //Checks to see if there's already something in the slots
                if(!skipLastCheck) {
                    if(items[slot.itemStartNumber + inventoryWidth * i + j].itemStartNumber != slot.itemStartNumber + inventoryWidth * i + j) {
                        return false;
                else {
                    List<int> counter = new List<int>();
                    for(int l = 0; l < item.height; l++) {
                        for(int m = 0; m < item.width; m++) {
                            if((slot.itemStartNumber + inventoryWidth * (item.height - 1) + (item.width - 1)) < items.Count - 1 && items[slot.itemStartNumber + inventoryWidth * l + m].itemStartNumber != slot.itemStartNumber && items[slot.itemStartNumber + inventoryWidth * l + m].item.itemName != "" && !counter.Contains(items[slot.itemStartNumber + inventoryWidth * l + m].itemStartNumber)) {
                                counter.Add(items[slot.itemStartNumber + inventoryWidth * l + m].itemStartNumber);
                    if(counter.Count > 1) {
                        //return false if there's more than one item
                        return false;
                    else if(counter.Count == 1) {
                        return true;
        return true;



for(int l = 0; l < item.height; l++) {
                        for(int m = 0; m < item.width; m++) {
                            //First we add the items to the slots the it fills and set their slots to clear
                            items[i + inventoryWidth * l + m].item = DeepCopy(item);
                            items[i + inventoryWidth * l + m].itemStartNumber = i;
                            items[i + inventoryWidth * l + m].GetComponent().color = Color.clear;
                            items[i + inventoryWidth * l + m].stacksizeText.gameObject.SetActive(false);
                            //If it's the first index of the added item
                            if(items.IndexOf(items[i + inventoryWidth * l + m]) == i) {
                                SetSlotImageSprite(items[i + inventoryWidth * l + m], item.icon);
                                items[i + inventoryWidth * l + m].itemFrame.gameObject.SetActive(true);
                                items[i + inventoryWidth * l + m].itemFrame.GetComponent().interactable = true;
                                items[i + inventoryWidth * l + m].itemFrame.GetComponent().blocksRaycasts = true;
                                items[i + inventoryWidth * l + m].GetComponent().blocksRaycasts = true;
                                items[i + inventoryWidth * l + m].itemFrame.rectTransform.sizeDelta = new Vector2(item.width * slotIconSize, item.height * slotIconSize);
                                //If the item is stackable
                                if(item.stackable) {
                                    items[i + inventoryWidth * l + m].stacksizeText.gameObject.SetActive(true);
                                    items[i + inventoryWidth * l + m].stacksizeText.text = item.stackSize.ToString();
                                //The item is unidentified
                                if(item.unidentified) {
                                    items[i + inventoryWidth * l + m].itemImage.color = Color.red;
                                    items[i + inventoryWidth * l + m].unidentified.gameObject.SetActive(true);


          当物品存在物品时,需要对存在物品的占用尺寸进行判断(int slot=indexof(item)),当slot存在物品时,遍历slot.count 获取空栏位并存放,另外一种情况是当玩家处于dragging状态时,可以对物品进行替换,存放在物品的方式一般为


Items[slot.itemStartNumber + inventoryWidth * l + m].item.variables


UNITY->(width*height)style Inventory_第3张图片    



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