iOS小知识(2016.07)—iOS frame、bounds、anchorPoint、position以及transform

iOS frame、bounds、anchorPoint、position以及transform(全文)

1 frame


2 bounds


3 anchorPoint

layer的锚点(默认是{0.5, 0.5},即在layer的中部)相对其内部单位坐标系的位置。锚点就是layer旋转的中点。左上角是{0, 0},右下角是{1,1}。值得注意的是锚点的值可以比0小,比1大,例如{-0.5, 1.5},如此layer旋转可以围绕外部某个点

4 position


5 transform (3D变换)

6 CALayer的frame决定因素


The frame is not really a distinct property of the view or layer at all; it is a virtual property, computed from the bounds, position, and transform, and therefore changes when any of those properties are modified. Conversely, changing the frame may affect any or all of those values, as well.

7 参考文档

Core Animation Programming Guide

《iOS Core Animation Advanced Techniques》

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