Day 25 | Daily Note | The Gay Genius

THE ART OF PAINTING 国画 | Chapter 20
2017年12月28日, 星期四

<1> In their spare time, Li Kunglin painted horses to amuse himself, Huang wrote lugubrious or macabre verse on ghosts, and they told one another tall tales of Taoists and fairies.


lugubrious 表示阴郁的;悲哀的;dismal; mournful; 尤其是达到一种夸张或荒谬可笑的程度。 对 lugubrious 的用途有如下说明:“Funerals are lugubrious. So are rainy days and Mondays. Anything that makes you sad, gloomy, or mournful can be called lugubrious.”

字典中 lugubrious 的例句有:

Day 25 | Daily Note | The Gay Genius_第1张图片


macabre 表示恐怖的;阴森森的;令人毛骨悚然的;令人联想起死亡和衰败的恐怖景象的 Suggesting the horror of death and decay尤指与死亡等相联系。

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  • 死神之舞 Danse Macabre
    Macabre 最早见于短语 Macabrees daunce,是在1430年前后约翰·利德盖特写的一本书中。 实际上他指的是一个古老的法语短语Danse Macabre,一个艺术与文学的主题—— “死神之舞” 。在这个舞蹈中,死神把各种各样的人带到了同一个终点。

  • 马加比人 The Maccabees
    也有认为macabreMacabe 的变体——“马加比人”。 马加比们就是那些犹太殉道者,在天主教会中通过节日表达对他们的敬意,对他们的尊敬和对死的敬畏是联系在一起的。

  • 今天,macabre马加比人毫无联系, 与死神之舞相关甚少,但它仍与死亡有关。

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macabre 注释


tall 有一个非正式的用法,表示 幻想性的或夸张的;吹牛的 fanciful or exaggerated; boastful;
a tall order 表示 困难的任务;无理的要求 difficult task or unreasonable request

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tall tale

另有 stand / walk tall,表示 昂首挺胸;理直气壮:If you say that someone walks tall, you mean that they behave in a way that shows that they have pride in themselves and in what they are doing.

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Day 25 | Daily Note | The Gay Genius_第6张图片
stand tall 理直气壮

<2> I have been trying ceaselessly day and night to collect your writings. Recently I have obtained two pieces of paper by exchanging three pieces of silk for them. If you have recent manuscripts, you should give them to me and not let me keep on wasting my silks.

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  • 文与可:“拟将一段鹅帮绢,扫取寒梢万尺长。”
    He added two lines in postscript saying that he wished to paint a bamboo grove ten thousand feet high on a piece of Goose Valley silk.
  • 苏东坡:“世间亦有千寻月,竹落庭空影许长。”
    "There are bamboos ten thousand feet high, when you look at their shadows cast by the moonlight."
    链接:ARREST AND TRIA 逮捕与审判 | Chapter 14



Some copy the inimitable grace of a dried vine ending in a gentle, restful curl, with a few delicate leaves for balance. It should not be forgotten that the balance of a withered hanging vine is naturally perfect because the shape and angle of inclination of the tip depends upon the total weight of the vine, the support of the stalk, and the weight of the remaining leaves on one side or the other.


<3> Receiving the moisture of wine,
My intestines sprout and fork out,
And from out my liver and lungs
Shoot rocks and bamboos,
Surging through my breast, irresistible,
They find expression on your snow-white wall.

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A sprout is a small growth on a plant — a little new bud. Other things can sprout too: kids are constantly sprouting (growing).

The key thing to think of when you're trying to remember the meaning of sprout is growth — as a noun, a sprout is a new growth of a plant, and as a verb, to sprout means to grow. Sprouting mainly applies to height and to the young, whether you're talking about plants, people, or things. An older person who gains fifty pounds is growing but not sprouting.


fork 作为动词,有树枝分岔或河流分支等的意思,to separate into branches or branchlike parts ,这个意思下fork 的同义词有:
bifurcate, branch (out), diverge, divide, ramify, subdivide

sprout and fork out 在苏轼诗句原句中对应“”的是“芒角出”。


  1. 指植物的尖叶。
  2. 指星辰的光芒。
  3. 指笔锋。
  4. 指棱角。


surge 的意思是 (感情、感觉)突袭,涌动,突发;使强烈地感到 to fill sb with a strong feeling,如:

  • Relief surged through her. 她顿觉宽慰。

surge 也可以作为名词,意思是 (情感的)涌起,翻涌 a sudden increase of an emotion,如:

  • adrenalin surge 肾上腺素刺激
  • She was overwhelmed by a surge of remorse. 悔恨一下子涌上她的心头。

surge throughsurge up 的意思相近:

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surge through

A surge is a sudden strong swelling, like a tsunami wave that engulfs the land. Although a surge offers a fluid image, anything can experience a sudden surge, including emotions, political support, or an angry mob. If an emotion or sensation surges in you or through you, you feel it suddenly and powerfully.




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