-- Function Name: Display_Table
-- Usage:
-- a_number := Display_Table('Table Name', 'Heading', 'Where Clause', 'Order By', 'Long Flag');
-- Parameters:
-- Table Name - Any Valid Table or View
-- Heading - Text String to for heading the output
-- Where Clause - Where clause to apply to the table dump
-- Order By - Order By clause to apply to the table dump
-- Long Flag - 'Y' or 'N' - If set to 'N' then this will not output any LONG columns
-- Output:
-- Displays the output of the 'select * from table' as an HTML table.
-- Returns:
-- Number of rows displayed.
-- Examples:
-- declare
-- num_rows number;
-- begin
-- num_rows := Display_Table('AR_SYSTEM_PARAMETERS_ALL', 'AR Parameters', 'Where Org_id != -3113'
-- , 'order by org_id, set_of_books_id', 'N');
-- end;
function Display_Table (p_table_name varchar2,
p_table_alias varchar2,
p_where_clause varchar2,
p_order_by_clause varchar2 default null,
p_display_longs varchar2 default 'Y') return number is
return(Display_SQL ('select * from ' ||
replace(upper(p_table_name),'V_$','V$') || chr(10) || p_where_clause ||
chr(10) || nvl(p_order_by_clause,'order by 1')
, nvl(p_table_alias, p_table_name)
, p_display_longs));
end Display_Table;
-- Function Name: Get_DB_Apps_Version
-- Usage:
-- a_varchar := Get_DB_Apps_Version;
-- Returns:
-- The version of applications from fnd_product_groups
-- Also sets the variable g_appl_version to '10.7','11.0', or '11.5'
-- as appropriate.
-- Examples:
-- declare
-- apps_ver varchar2(20);
-- begin
-- apps_ver := Get_DB_Apps_Version;
-- end;
function Get_DB_Apps_Version return varchar2 is
l_appsver fnd_product_groups.release_name%type := null;
select release_name into l_appsver from fnd_product_groups;
g_appl_version := substr(l_appsver,1,4);
-- Procedure Name: Init_Block
-- Usage:
-- Init_Block;
-- Parameters:
-- None
-- Output:
-- No output. Simple initializes the output CLOB for use in
-- multi-block scripts.
-- Examples:
-- begin
-- Init_Block;
-- end;
procedure Init_Block is
l_instance_name varchar2(16) := null;
l_host_name varchar2(64) := null;
l_version varchar2(17) := null;
end Init_Block;
-- Procedure Name: End_Block
-- Usage:
-- End_Block;
-- Output:
-- No output. Adds the closing body and html tags to end a pl/sql
-- block without calling Show_Footer (for use in multi-block scripts).
-- Examples:
-- begin
-- End_Block;
-- end;
procedure End_Block is
end End_Block;
-- Procedure Name: Show_Header
-- Usage:
-- Show_Header('Note Number', 'Title');
-- Parameters:
-- Note Number - Any Valid Metalink Note Number
-- Title - Text string to go beside the note link
-- Output:
-- Displays Standard Header Information
-- Examples:
-- begin
-- Show_Header('139684.1', 'Oracle Applications Current Patchsets Comparison to applptch.txt');
-- end;
procedure Show_Header(p_note varchar2, p_title varchar2) is
l_instance_name varchar2(16) := null;
l_host_name varchar2(64) := null;
l_version varchar2(17) := null;
select instance_name
, host_name
, version
into l_instance_name
, l_host_name
, l_version
from v$instance;
line_out('<table cellspacing=0 summary="Header Table to start off Script"><tr>');
line_out('<th class=rowh align=LEFT id="note" nowrap>Note</th>');
line_out('<td align=left headers="note" nowrap><a href=' || p_note || ' target=new>' || p_note || '</a><a href=' || p_note || 'target=new></a>' || p_title || '</td>');
line_out('<th class=rowh align=left id="machine" nowrap>Machine</th>');
line_out('<td align=left headers="machine" nowrap>' || l_host_name || '</td>');
line_out('<th class=rowh align=left id="date" nowrap>Date Run</th>');
line_out('<td align=left headers="date" nowrap>' || to_char(sysdate,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI') || '</td>');
line_out('<th class=rowh align=left id="info" nowrap>Oracle Info</th>');
line_out('<td align=left headers="info" nowrap>SID: ' || l_instance_name || ' Version: ' || l_version || '</td>');
line_out('<th class=rowh align=left id="appver" nowrap>Apps Version</th>');
line_out('<td align=left headers="appver" nowrap>' || Get_DB_Apps_Version || '</td>');
line_out('</tr></table><br>' );
end Show_Header;
-- Procedure Name: Show_Footer
-- Usage:
-- Show_Footer('Script Name','Header');
-- Output:
-- Displays Standard Footer
-- Examples:
-- begin
-- Show_Footer('AR Setup Script',
-- '$Header: ARTrxInfo.sql 1.0 01/12/11 12:33:24 support $');
-- end;
procedure Show_Footer(p_script_name varchar2, p_header varchar2) is
Tab0Print('<br><br>Please provide <a href="'||
'mailto:[email protected]?Subject=Standalone '||
'Diagnostic feedback for ' || p_script_name || '&ER.BODY=' ||
p_script_name || ' - ' || p_header || '">feedback</a> regarding '||
'the usefulness of this test and/or tool.');
Tab0Print('We appreciate your feedback, however, there will be no '||
'replies to feedback emails.');
Tab0Print('For support issues, please log an iTar (Service Request).');
end Show_Footer;
-- Procedure Name: Show_Link
-- Usage:
-- Show_Link('Note #');
-- Output:
-- Displays A link to a Metalink Note
-- Examples:
-- begin
-- Show_Link('139684.1');
-- end;
procedure Show_Link(p_note varchar2) is
line_out('Click to see Note: <a href=' || p_note || '>' || p_note || '</a>');
end Show_Link;
-- Procedure Name: Show_Link
-- Usage:
-- Show_Link('URL', 'Name');
-- Output:
-- Displays A link to a URL using the Name Parameter
-- Examples:
-- begin
-- Show_Link('', 'Metalink');
-- end;
procedure Show_Link(p_link varchar2, p_link_name varchar2 ) is
line_out('<a href=' || p_link || '>' || p_link_name || '</a>');
end Show_Link;
-- Procedure Name: Send_Email
-- Usage:
-- Send_Email('Sender', 'Recipient', 'Subject', 'Message', 'SMTP Host');
-- Output:
-- Sends E-mail - No screen output.
-- Examples:
-- begin
-- Send_Email ('[email protected]','[email protected]','this is a subject', 'this is a body','');
-- end;
procedure Send_Email ( p_sender varchar2
, p_recipient varchar2
, p_subject varchar2
, p_message varchar2
, p_mailhost varchar2) is
l_mail_conn utl_smtp.connection;
l_mail_conn := utl_smtp.open_connection(p_mailhost, 25);
utl_smtp.helo(l_mail_conn, p_mailhost);
utl_smtp.mail(l_mail_conn, p_sender);
utl_smtp.rcpt(l_mail_conn, p_recipient);
if p_subject is not null then
utl_smtp.write_data(l_mail_conn, 'Subject: ' || p_subject || utl_tcp.CRLF);
end if;
utl_smtp.write_data(l_mail_conn, utl_tcp.CRLF || p_mailhost);
when others then
ErrorPrint('<br>Error in Sending Mail' || sqlerrm);
end Send_Email;
-- Function Name: Get_Package_Version
-- Usage:
-- a_varchar := Get_Package_Version ('Object Type', 'Schema', 'Package Name');
-- Returns:
-- The version of the package or spec or null if the package does not
-- exist
-- Examples:
-- declare
-- spec_ver varchar2(20);
-- body_ver varchar2(20);
-- begin
-- spec_ver := Get_Package_Version('PACKAGE','APPS','ARH_ADDR_PKG');
-- body_ver := Get_Package_Version('PACKAGE BODY','APPS','ARH_ADDR_PKG');
-- end;
function Get_Package_Version (p_type varchar2, p_schema varchar2, p_package varchar2) return varchar2 is
hold_version varchar2(50);
select substr(text, instr(text,'$Header')+10, 40)
into hold_version
from all_source
where name = p_package
and type = p_type
and owner = p_schema
and text like '%$Header%'
and rownum = 1;
hold_version := substr(hold_version, instr(hold_version,' ')+1, 50);
hold_version := substr(hold_version, 1, instr(hold_version,' ')-1);
return (hold_version);
when no_data_found then
ErrorPrint(p_type||' '||p_package||' owned by '||p_schema||
' does not exist');
ActionErrorPrint('Verify that this object is valid for your version of '||
'applications and that the owner indicated is correct');
when others then
ErrorPrint(sqlerrm||' occured in Get_Package_Version');
ActionErrorPrint('Please provide this information to your support '||
end Get_Package_Version;
-- Function Name: Get_Package_Spec
-- Usage:
-- a_varchar := Get_Package_Spec('Package Name');
-- Returns:
-- The version of the package specification in the APPS schema
-- Examples:
-- declare
-- spec_ver varchar2(20);
-- begin
-- spec_ver := Get_Package_Spec('ARH_ADDR_PKG');
-- end;
function Get_Package_Spec(p_package varchar2) return varchar2 is
return Get_Package_Version('PACKAGE','APPS',p_package);
end Get_Package_Spec;
-- Function Name: Get_Package_Body
-- Usage:
-- a_varchar := Get_Package_Body('Package Name');
-- Returns:
-- The version of the package body in the APPS schema
-- Examples:
-- declare
-- body_ver varchar2(20);
-- begin
-- body_ver := Get_Package_Body('ARH_ADDR_PKG');
-- end;
function Get_Package_Body(p_package varchar2) return varchar2 is
return Get_Package_Version('PACKAGE BODY','APPS',p_package);
end Get_Package_Body;
-- Procedure Name: Display_Profiles
-- Usage:
-- Display_Profiles(application id, 'profile short name');
-- Output:
-- Displays all Profile settings for the application or profile
-- in an HTML table
-- Examples:
-- begin
-- Display_Profiles(222,null);
-- end;
procedure Display_Profiles (p_application_id varchar2
, p_short_name varchar2 default null) is
Run_SQL('Profile Options',
'select b.user_profile_option_name "Long<br>Name"'
|| ' , a.profile_option_name "Short<br>Name"'
|| ' , decode(to_char(c.level_id),''10001'',''Site'''
|| ' ,''10002'',''Application'''
|| ' ,''10003'',''Responsibility'''
|| ' ,''10004'',''User'''
|| ' ,''Unknown'') "Level"'
|| ' , decode(to_char(c.level_id),''10001'',''Site'''
|| ' ,''10002'',nvl(h.application_short_name,to_char(c.level_value))'
|| ' ,''10003'',nvl(g.responsibility_name,to_char(c.level_value))'
|| ' ,''10004'',nvl(e.user_name,to_char(c.level_value))'
|| ' ,''Unknown'') "Level<br>Value"'
|| ' , c.PROFILE_OPTION_VALUE "Profile<br>Value"'
|| ' , c.profile_option_id "Profile<br>ID"'
|| ' , to_char(c.LAST_UPDATE_DATE,''DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI'') '
|| ' "Updated<br>Date"'
|| ' , nvl(d.user_name,to_char(c.last_updated_by)) "Updated<br>By"'
|| ' from fnd_profile_options a'
|| ' , FND_USER d'
|| ' , FND_USER e'
|| ' where a.application_id = nvl(' || nvl(p_application_id,'null')
|| ' , a.application_id)'
|| ' and a.profile_option_name = nvl(''' || p_short_name
|| ''' , a.profile_option_name)'
|| ' and a.profile_option_name = b.profile_option_name'
|| ' and a.profile_option_id = c.profile_option_id'
|| ' and a.application_id = c.application_id'
|| ' and c.last_updated_by = d.user_id (+)'
|| ' and c.level_value = e.user_id (+)'
|| ' and c.level_value = g.responsibility_id (+)'
|| ' and c.level_value = h.application_id (+)'
|| ' order by b.user_profile_option_name, c.level_id, '
|| ' decode(to_char(c.level_id),''10001'',''Site'''
|| ' ,''10002'',nvl(h.application_short_name,to_char(c.level_value))'
|| ' ,''10003'',nvl(g.responsibility_name,to_char(c.level_value))'
|| ' ,''10004'',nvl(e.user_name,to_char(c.level_value))'
|| ' ,''Unknown'')');
-- Procedure Name: Get_Profile_Option
-- Usage:
-- a_varchar := Get_Profile_Option('Short Name');
-- Parameters:
-- Short Name - The Short Name of the Profile Option
-- Returns:
-- The value of the profile option based on the user.
-- If Set_Client has not been run successfully then
-- it will return the site level.
-- Output:
-- None
-- Examples:
-- declare
-- prof_value varchar2(150);
-- begin
-- prof_value := Get_Profile_Option('AR_ALLOW_OVERAPPLICATION_IN_LOCKBOX')
-- end;
function Get_Profile_Option (p_profile_option varchar2) return varchar2 is
return FND_PROFILE.VALUE(p_profile_option);
-- Procedure Name: Set_Org
-- Usage:
-- Set_Org(org_id);
-- Parameters:
-- Org_ID - The id of the organization to set.
-- Output:
-- None
-- Examples:
-- begin
-- Set_Org(204);
-- end;
procedure Set_Org (p_org_id number) is
end Set_Org;
-- Procedure Name: Set_Client
-- Description:
-- Validates user_name, responsibility_id, and application_id parameters
-- If valid it initializes the session (which results in the operating
-- unit being set for the session as well. Also sets the global variables
-- g_user_id, g_resp_id, g_appl_id, and g_org_id which can then be used
-- throughout the script.
-- Usage:
-- Set_Client(UserName, Responsibility_ID);
-- Set_Client(UserName, Responsibility_ID, Application_ID);
-- Set_Client(UserName, Responsibility_ID, Application_ID, SecurityGrp_ID);
-- Parameters:
-- UserName - The Name of the Applications User
-- Responsibility_ID - Any Valid Responsibility ID
-- Application_ID - Any Valid Application ID (275=PA) If no value
-- provided, attempt to obtain from responsibility_id
-- SecurityGrp_ID - A valid security_group_id
-- Examples:
-- begin
-- Set_Client('JOEUSER',50719, 222);
-- end;
procedure Set_Client(p_user_name varchar2, p_resp_id number,
p_app_id number, p_sec_grp_id number) is
l_cursor integer;
l_num_rows integer;
l_user_name fnd_user.user_name%type;
l_user_id number;
l_app_id number;
l_counter integer;
l_appl_vers fnd_product_groups.release_name%type;
sqltxt varchar2(2000);
inv_user exception;
inv_resp exception;
inv_app exception;
no_app exception;
l_user_name := upper(p_user_name);
select user_id into l_user_id
from fnd_user where user_name = l_user_name;
when others then
raise inv_user;
l_appl_vers := get_db_apps_version; -- sets g_appl_version
if g_appl_version = '11.0' or g_appl_version = '10.7' then
sqltxt := 'select rg.application_id '||
'from fnd_user_responsibility rg '||
'where rg.responsibility_id = '||to_char(p_resp_id)||' '||
'and rg.user_id = '||to_char(l_user_id);
elsif g_appl_version = '11.5' then
sqltxt := 'select rg.responsibility_application_id '||
'from fnd_user_resp_groups rg '||
'where rg.responsibility_id = '||to_char(p_resp_id)||' '||
'and rg.user_id = '||to_char(l_user_id);
end if;
l_cursor := dbms_sql.open_cursor;
dbms_sql.parse(l_cursor, sqltxt, dbms_sql.native);
dbms_sql.define_column(l_cursor, 1, l_app_id);
l_num_rows := dbms_sql.execute_and_fetch(l_cursor, TRUE);
dbms_sql.column_value(l_cursor, 1, l_app_id);
when no_data_found then
raise inv_resp;
when too_many_rows then
if p_app_id is null then
raise no_app;
l_cursor := dbms_sql.open_cursor;
dbms_sql.parse(l_cursor, sqltxt, dbms_sql.native);
dbms_sql.define_column(l_cursor, 1, l_app_id);
l_num_rows := dbms_sql.execute(l_cursor);
while dbms_sql.fetch_rows(l_cursor) > 0 loop
dbms_sql.column_value(l_cursor, 1, l_app_id);
if l_app_id = p_app_id then
end if;
end loop;
if l_app_id != p_app_id then
raise inv_app;
end if;
end if;
l_cursor := dbms_sql.open_cursor;
if g_appl_version = '11.5' then
sqltxt := 'begin '||
'fnd_global.apps_initialize(:user, :resp, '||
':appl, :secg); '||
'end; ';
dbms_sql.parse(l_cursor, sqltxt, dbms_sql.native);
sqltxt := 'begin '||
'fnd_global.apps_initialize(:user,:resp,:appl); '||
'end; ';
dbms_sql.parse(l_cursor, sqltxt, dbms_sql.native);
end if;
l_num_rows := dbms_sql.execute(l_cursor);
g_user_id := l_user_id;
g_resp_id := p_resp_id;
g_appl_id := l_app_id;
g_org_id := Get_Profile_Option('ORG_ID');
when inv_user then
ErrorPrint('Unable to initialize client due to invalid username: '||
ActionErrorPrint('Set_Client has been passed an invalid username '||
'parameter. Please correct this parameter if possible, and if not, '||
'inform your support representative.');
when inv_resp then
ErrorPrint('Unable to initialize client due to invalid responsibility '||
'ID: '||to_char(p_resp_id));
ActionErrorPrint('Set_Client has been passed an invalid responsibility '||
'ID parameter. This responsibility_id either does not exist or has not '||
'been assigned to the user ('||l_user_name||'). Please correct these '||
'parameter values if possible, and if not inform your support '||
when inv_app then
ErrorPrint('Unable to initialize client due to invalid application ID: '||
ActionErrorPrint('Set_Client has been passed an invalid application ID '||
'parameter. This application either does not exist or is not '||
'associated with the responsibility id ('||to_char(p_resp_id)||'). '||
'Please correct this parameter value if possible, and if not inform '||
'your support representative.');
when no_app then
ErrorPrint('Set_Client was unable to obtain an application ID to '||
'initialize client settings');
ActionErrorPrint('No application_id was supplied and Set_Client was '||
'unable to determine this from the responsibility because multiple '||
'responsibilities with the same responsibility_id have been assigned '||
'to this user ('||l_user_name||').');
when others then
ErrorPrint(sqlerrm||' occured in Set_Client');
ActionErrorPrint('Please inform your support representative');
end Set_Client;
procedure Set_Client(p_user_name varchar2, p_resp_id number) is
Set_Client(p_user_name, p_resp_id, null, null);
end Set_Client;
procedure Set_Client(p_user_name varchar2, p_resp_id number,
p_app_id number ) is
Set_Client(p_user_name, p_resp_id, p_app_id, null);
end Set_Client;
-- Procedure Name: Get_DB_Patch_List
-- Usage:
-- a_string := Get_DB_Patch_List('heading', 'short name', 'bug number', 'start date');
-- Parameters:
-- Heading = Title to go at the top of TABLE or TEXT outputs
-- Short Name = Limits to Bugs that match this expression for the Applications Production Short Name (LIKE)
-- Bug Number = Limits to bugs that match this expression (LIKE)
-- Start Date = Limits to Bugs created after this date
-- Output:
-- An HTML table of patches applied for the application since the date
-- indicated is displayed.
-- Examples:
-- begin
-- Get_DB_Patch_List(null, 'AD','%', '03-MAR-2002', 'SILENT');
-- end;
procedure Get_DB_Patch_List (p_heading varchar2 default 'AD_BUGS'
, p_app_short_name varchar2 default '%'
, p_bug_number varchar2 default '%'
, p_start_date date default to_date('01-JAN-1960','DD-MON-YYYY')
, p_output_option varchar2 default 'TABLE') is
l_cursor integer;
l_sqltxt varchar2(5000);
l_list_out varchar2(32767);
l_hold_comma varchar2(2);
l_counter integer;
l_app_short_name varchar2(50);
l_bug_number varchar2(30);
l_creation_date date;
select count(*) into l_counter
from all_tables
where table_name = 'AD_BUGS';
if l_counter > 0 then
l_sqltxt := 'select application_short_name'
|| ' , bug_number'
|| ' , creation_date'
|| ' from ad_bugs'
|| ' where upper(application_short_name) like '''
|| upper(p_app_short_name)
|| ''' and creation_date >= '''
|| nvl(to_char(p_start_date,'DD-MON-YYYY'),'01-JAN-1960')
|| ''' and bug_number like '''||p_bug_number||'''';
Run_SQL(p_heading, l_sqltxt);
WarningPrint('Table AD_BUGS does not exist');
ActionWarningPrint('Unable to retrieve a patch list from the database as this feature is not available on this version of the applications');
end if;
end Get_DB_Patch_List;
-- Function Name: Get_RDBMS_Header
-- Usage:
-- Get_RDBMS_Header;
-- Returns:
-- Version of the Database from v$version
-- Examples:
-- declare
-- RDBMS_Ver := v$version.banner%type;
-- begin
-- RDBMS_Ver := Get_RDBMS_Header;
-- end;
Function Get_RDBMS_Header return varchar2 is
l_hold_name v$;
l_DB_Ver v$version.banner%type;
select name
into l_hold_name
from v$database;
when others then
l_hold_name := 'Not Available';
select banner
into l_DB_Ver
from v$version
where banner like 'Oracle%';
when others then
l_DB_Ver := 'Not Available';
return(l_hold_name || ' - ' || l_DB_Ver);
end Get_RDBMS_Header;
-- Function Name: Compare_Pkg_Version
-- Usage:
-- Compare_Pkg_Version('package_name','obj_type','obj_owner', 'outversvar',
-- 'reference_version');
-- Compare_Pkg_Version('package_name','obj_type', 'outversvar',
-- 'reference_version');
-- Parameters:
-- package_name - Name of the package whose version is being checked
-- obj_type - Either BODY or SPEC to determine which piece to check
-- obj_owner - The owner of the package being checked. If null or
-- not supplied the default is APPS.
-- outversvar - A text out variable to hold the actual package version
-- of the package as returned from the database
-- reference_version - A string containing the version to which the
-- package version should be compared (in
-- format ###.##, ie, in a format convertible
-- to a number. As opposed to, for example,
-- 11.5.119, use 115.119.
-- Returns:
-- 'greater' if the version of the object is greater than the reference
-- 'less' if the version of the object is less than the reference
-- 'equal' if the version of the object is equal to the reference
-- 'null' if either the reference or db version is null
-- Examples:
-- declare
-- Comparison_Var varchar2(8);
-- Package_Version varchar2(10);
-- begin
-- Comparison_Var := Compare_Pkg_Version('PA_UTILS2','BODY','APPS',
-- Package_Version, '115.13');
-- Comparison_Var := Compare_Pkg_Version('PA_UTILS2','BODY',
-- Package_Version, '115.13');
-- end;
Function Compare_Pkg_Version(
package_name in varchar2,
object_type in varchar2,
object_owner in varchar2,
version_str in out varchar2,
compare_version in varchar2)
return varchar2 is
vers_line varchar2(1000);
l_object_owner varchar2(250);
db_vers_key number;
in_vers_key number;
l_object_owner := object_owner;
if l_object_owner is null then
l_object_owner := 'APPS';
end if;
in_vers_key :=
if upper(object_type) = 'BODY' then
select text into vers_line
from dba_source
where name = package_name
and owner = l_object_owner
and text like '%$Header%'
and type = 'PACKAGE BODY';
select text into vers_line
from dba_source
where name = package_name
and owner = l_object_owner
and text like '%$Header%'
and type = 'PACKAGE';
end if;
vers_line := substr(vers_line,instr(vers_line,'$Header:')+9);
vers_line := ltrim(vers_line);
vers_line := substr(vers_line,1,instr(vers_line,' ',1,2)-1);
vers_line := substr(vers_line,instr(vers_line,' ')+1);
version_str := vers_line;
db_vers_key :=
if db_vers_key < in_vers_key then
elsif db_vers_key > in_vers_key then
elsif db_vers_key = in_vers_key then
elsif db_vers_key is null or in_vers_key is null then
end if;
exception when others then
ErrorPrint('Unable to verify package version for '||package_name||' ('||
object_type||') -- '||sqlerrm||' occured in Compare_Pkg_Version');
ActionErrorPrint('Contact your support representative and supply the '||
'above error information');
end Compare_Pkg_Version;
Function Compare_Pkg_Version(
package_name in varchar2,
object_type in varchar2,
version_str in out varchar2,
compare_version in varchar2 default null)
return varchar2 is
package_name, object_type, null, version_str,compare_version));
end Compare_Pkg_Version;
-- Procedure Name: Show_Invalids
-- Usage:
-- Show_Invalids('start string', 'include errors', 'heading');
-- Parameters:
-- start string - An string indicating the beginning of object names to
-- be included. The underscore '_' character will be
-- escaped in this string so that it does not act as a
-- wild card character. For example, 'PA_' will not match
-- 'PAY' even though it normally would in SQL*Plus.
-- include errors - Y or N to indicate whether to search on and report
-- the errors from ALL_ERRORS for each of the invalid
-- objects found. (DEFAULT = N)
-- heading - An optional heading for the table. If null the heading will
-- be "Invalid Objects (Starting with 'XXX')" where XXX is
-- the start string parameter.
-- Output:
-- A listing of invalid objects whose name starts with the 'start string'.
-- For packages, procedures, and functions, file versions will be included,
-- and when requested, error messages associated with the object will
-- be reported.
-- Examples:
-- Show_Invalids('PA_','Y');
-- Show_Invalids('GL_');
Procedure Show_Invalids (p_start_string varchar2
, p_include_errors varchar2 default 'N'
, p_heading varchar2 default null) is
l_start_string varchar2(60);
l_errors varchar2(32767);
l_file_version varchar2(100);
l_heading varchar2(500);
l_first_row boolean := true;
l_table_row V2T;
l_row_options V2T;
cursor get_invalids(c_start_string varchar2) is
select o.object_name, o.object_type, o.owner
from all_objects o
where o.status = 'INVALID'
and o.object_name like c_start_string escape '~'
order by o.object_name;
cursor get_file_version(
c_obj_name varchar2
, c_obj_type varchar2
, c_obj_owner varchar2) is
select substr(substr(s.text,instr(s.text,'$Header')+9),1,
instr(substr(s.text,instr(s.text,'$Header')+9),' ',1,2)-1) file_vers
from all_source s
where name = c_obj_name
and type = c_obj_type
and owner = c_obj_owner
and text like '%$Header%';
cursor get_errors (
c_obj_name varchar2
, c_obj_type varchar2
, c_obj_owner varchar2) is
select to_char(sequence)||') LINE: '||to_char(line)||' CHR: '||
to_char(position)||' '||text error_row
from all_errors
where name = c_obj_name
and type = c_obj_type
and owner = c_obj_owner;
l_start_string := upper(replace(p_start_string,'_','~_')) || '%';
if p_heading is null then
l_heading := 'Invalid Objects (Starting with '''||p_start_string||''')';
l_heading := p_heading;
end if;
line_out('<br><span class="BigPrint">' || l_heading || '</span>');
for inv_rec in get_invalids(l_start_string) loop
if l_first_row then
Start_Table('Invalid Objects');
if p_include_errors = 'Y' then
Show_Table_Header(V2T('Object Name','Object Type', 'Owner',
'File Version', 'Errors'));
Show_Table_Header(V2T('Object Name', 'Object Type', 'Owner',
'File Version'));
end if;
l_first_row := false;
end if;
if inv_rec.object_type like 'PACKAGE%' or
inv_rec.object_type in ('PROCEDURE','FUNCTION') then
open get_file_version(inv_rec.object_name, inv_rec.object_type,
fetch get_file_version into l_file_version;
if get_file_version%notfound then
l_file_version := null;
end if;
close get_file_version;
l_file_version := null;
end if;
if p_include_errors = 'Y' then
for err_rec in get_errors(inv_rec.object_name, inv_rec.object_type,
inv_rec.owner) loop
l_errors := l_errors||err_rec.error_row||'<br>';
end loop;
l_table_row := V2T(inv_rec.object_name, inv_rec.object_type,
inv_rec.owner, l_file_version, l_errors);
l_row_options := V2T(null,'nowrap',null,'nowrap','nowrap');
l_table_row := V2T(inv_rec.object_name, inv_rec.object_type