1. 安卓系统7.0

  2. appium1.6.5

  3. 案例:

    ${process}  create dictionary androidProcess=com.tencent.mm:tools

    Open Application    http://localhost:4723/wd/hub    platformName=Android    deviceName=test    appPackage=com.tencent.mm    appActivity=.ui.LauncherUI    platformVersion=7.0 chromeOptions=${process} recreateChromeDriverSessions=true unicodekeyboard=true resetkeyboard=true

  4. Wait Until Page Contains    始终允许

  5.     click button    始终允许

  6.     click button    始终允许

  7.     click button    始终允许

  8.     Run Keyword And Ignore Error    click button    允许

  9.     click element    xpath=//*[@text="登录"]

  10.     click button    用微信号/QQ号/邮箱登录

  11.     input text    xpath=//*[@class="android.widget.EditText"][1]    1106648034

  12.     input text    xpath=(//*[@class="android.widget.EditText"])[2]    91CTT1106648034

  13.     click element    xpath=//*[@text="登录"]

  14.     Run Keyword And Ignore Error    click button    允许

  15.     Run Keyword And Ignore Error    click button    允许