当需要针对F5做大批量配置时,如果直接使用bigpipe shell批量配置,很容易导致发生HA切换。针对此情况,F5提供一个bigpipe merge的命令,能快速完成大批量配置的部署,同时不会发生HA切换。


  1. bigpipe merge使用方法:

Due to this change, each time a bigpipe command is executed, all configuration object types are queried so that the parameters passed to the bigpipe utility can be validated. This results in extra time needed to run the command.


源文档 <http://support.f5.com/kb/en-us/solutions/public/10000/600/sol10654.html?sr=16337490>

Bigpipe merge is a loosely-type configuration system



  1. Bigpipe merge的解释:

Bigpipe merge不会产生任何服务中断,仅加载当前需要变更的配置,不会保存到bigip.conf文件,因此需要使用bigpipe save all或者bigpipe config sync all

Bigpipe merge:先检查配置文件的正确性,包含语法、配置冲突等,确认正确后再进行加载;若出现任何异常,则检测不通过退出。


  • Merge file implementations are fast. Almost instant and implementations / modifications can be done on numerous items at a time.
  • Non-service disruptive to other traffic or configurations
  • Allows for pre-implementation verification
  • Configurations can be exported and kept with an application in source control our used with change management processes


源文档 <http://devcentral.f5.com/Tutorials/TechTips/tabid/63/articleType/ArticleView/articleId/1086464/BIG-IP-and-Merge-File-Configuration-Changes.aspx>