Download file from a URL using AutoIt, and run in Robot Framework. (Also can use in other application)

What need to figure out?

1.Pass Download URL from Robot Framework to AutoIt.

2.Return File Save Path from AutoIt to Robot Framework.


Step 1: Write AutoIt Script in Notepad++, save as downloadFileFromURL.au3





; Download a file in the background.

; Wait for the download to complete.


Local $FileDownloadURL = $CmdLine[1]

;Local $FileDownloadURL = ""

Local $FileSavePath = @TempDir & "\awsinstaller.exe"


; Download the file by waiting for it to complete. The option of 'get the file from the local cache' has been selected.

Local $iBytesSize = InetGet($FileDownloadURL, $FileSavePath, $INET_FORCERELOAD)


; Retrieve the filesize.

Local $iFileSize = FileGetSize($FileSavePath)


; Return with file save path



Step 2: Right Click downloadFileFromURL.au3 , select Compile Script in the list.

downloadFileFromURL.au3 will be compiled to an exe.


Step 3: Call downloadFileFromURL.exe in Robot Framework.

${fileURL} Set Variable

${exePath} Set Variable D:\\Tool\\downloadFileFromURL.exe

${result} Run Process ${exePath} ${fileURL}

log ${result.stdout}


Pass parameter from Robot Framework to AutoIt.

Use CmdLine provided by AutoIt

$CmdLine[0] ; Contains the total number of items in the array. $CmdLine[1] ; The first parameter. $CmdLine[2] ; The second parameter. ... $CmdLine[nth] ; The nth parameter e.g. 10 if the array contains 10 items.

Return Value from AutoIt to Robot Framework.

1.Use AutoIt's ConsoleWrite ,write value to stdout

2.Use ${result.stdout} returned by Robot Framework's Run Process , read value from stdout

Download file from a URL using AutoIt, and run in Robot Framework. (Also can use in other application)_第1张图片



 Compile AutoIt Script to exe

Download file from a URL using AutoIt, and run in Robot Framework. (Also can use in other application)_第2张图片



 Run exe in Robot Framework

Download file from a URL using AutoIt, and run in Robot Framework. (Also can use in other application)_第3张图片






附上完整的AutoIt脚本和Robot Framework脚本。



; Download a file in the background.
; Wait for the download to complete.

;Local $FileDownloadURL = ""
Local $FileDownloadURL = $CmdLine[1]
Local $FileName = $CmdLine[2]

Local $FileSavePath = @TempDir & "\" & $FileName

; Download the file by waiting for it to complete. The option of 'get the file from the local cache' has been selected.
Local $iBytesSize = InetGet($FileDownloadURL, $FileSavePath, $INET_FORCERELOAD)

; Retrieve the filesize.
Local $iFileSize = FileGetSize($FileSavePath)

; Return with file save path

UninstallAndInstallOfficeUS.txt in Robot Framework

*** Settings ***
Test Timeout      5 minutes
Resource          ../../../04.BasicReferenceSet/businessReferenceSet.html
Resource          ../../../04.BasicReferenceSet/publicReference.html

*** Test Cases ***
    [Tags]    InstallOfficeUS
    [Setup]    Clean And Close Current App    ${processName}
    [Timeout]    10 minutes
    Delete File From Directory    ${TEMPDIR}/prerequisite.exe
    Delete File From Directory    ${TEMPDIR}/awsinstaller.exe
    Delete File From Directory    ${TEMPDIR}/setup.exe
    Clean Process    chrome
    Clean Process    OUTLOOK
    Clean Process    Teams
    ${fileDownloadURL}    Get Installation Link
    ${installFileName}    Fetch From Right    ${fileDownloadURL}    /
    ${exePath}    Join Path    ${EXECDIR}    06.The_Attachment    Tool    downloadFileFromURL.exe
    ${result}    Run Process    ${exePath}    ${fileDownloadURL}    ${installFileName}
    ${officeUSExePath}    Set Variable    ${result.stdout}
    Run Process    ${officeUSExePath}    timeout=10
    Win Wait    Morningstar Office Prerequisite 3.19 - InstallShield Wizard    TimeOut=120
    AutoItLibrary.Send    !N
    Win Wait    Morningstar Office Prerequisite 3.19 - InstallShield Wizard    InstallShield Wizard Completed    TimeOut=10
    AutoItLibrary.Send    !C
    Run Process    ${officeUSExePath}    timeout=120
    Win Wait    Morningstar Office - InstallShield Wizard    TimeOut=10
    Sleep    1
    AutoItLibrary.Send    !N
    Sleep    1
    AutoItLibrary.Send    !N
    Sleep    1
    AutoItLibrary.Send    !N
    Sleep    1
    AutoItLibrary.Send    !I
    Win Wait    Morningstar Office - InstallShield Wizard    Installing Morningstar Office    TimeOut=10
    Win Wait Close    Morningstar Office - InstallShield Wizard    Installing Morningstar Office    TimeOut=180
    Win Wait    Morningstar Office - InstallShield Wizard    InstallShield Wizard Completed    TimeOut=10
    AutoItLibrary.Control Click    strTitle=Morningstar Office - InstallShield Wizard    strText=InstallShield Wizard Completed    strControl=[CLASSNN:Button5]
    AutoItLibrary.Send    !F
    File Should Exist    C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Morningstar\\Office\\MStarAWD.exe    Install Failed!
    [Teardown]    Clean Process    SavUI

    [Tags]    UninstallOfficeUS
    [Setup]    Clean And Close Current App    ${processName}
    Clean Process    msiexec
    AutoItLibrary.Run    C:\\Windows\\System32\\control.exe \ appwiz.cpl
    AutoItLibrary.Win Wait    Programs and Features    TimeOut=5
    AutoItLibrary.Win Activate    Programs and Features
    AutoItLibrary.Send    Morningstar Office
    AutoItLibrary.Send    {ENTER}
    Sleep    1
    AutoItLibrary.Send    !Y
    Win Wait    Morningstar Office    Please wait while Windows configures Morningstar Office    TimeOut=5
    Win Wait Close    Morningstar Office    Please wait while Windows configures Morningstar Office    TimeOut=180
    Sleep    2
    [Teardown]    Run Keywords    Win Close    Programs and Features
    ...    AND    Clean Process    Un_A

    [Tags]    UninstallOfficePrerequisite
    [Setup]    Clean And Close Current App    ${processName}
    Clean Process    msiexec
    AutoItLibrary.Run    C:\\Windows\\System32\\control.exe \ appwiz.cpl
    AutoItLibrary.Win Wait    Programs and Features
    AutoItLibrary.Win Activate    Programs and Features
    AutoItLibrary.Send    Morningstar Office Prerequisite 3.19
    AutoItLibrary.Send    {ENTER}
    Sleep    1
    AutoItLibrary.Send    !Y
    Sleep    3
    [Teardown]    Run Keywords    Win Close    Programs and Features
    ...    AND    Clean Process    Un_A


你可能感兴趣的:(Download file from a URL using AutoIt, and run in Robot Framework. (Also can use in other application))