需求:设备有6个千电口,2个万兆光口。 需要按类型和接口顺序排列后为它们分配网卡名称(请注意不是mac顺序,而是busid号)。
00-10-f3-ff-ff-xx-a1-35 --eth0
00-10-f3-ff-ff-xx-a1-36 --eth1
00-10-f3-ff-ff-xx-a1-37 --eth2
00-10-f3-ff-ff-xx-a1-38 --eth3
00-10-f3-ff-ff-xx-a1-39 --eth4
00-10-f3-ff-ff-xx-a1-3a --eth5
00-10-f3-ff-ff-oo-bb-97 --fb10
00-10-f3-ff-ff-oo-bb-97 --fb11
linux版本:centos6.2 32位
起初我是想通过python3的 psutil 模块 可以获得mac地址,然后将mac地址转换成十进制进行排序后对 /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules 文件修改来实现。也考虑过mac地址不能代表io顺序的问题,最后发现linux命令lspci可以获取对应关系从而放弃这个思路。
#-*-coding:utf8-*- macs=[] interface={} from psutil import net_if_addrs for k, v in net_if_addrs().items(): for item in v: address = item[1] if ":" in address and len(address) == 17: idkey = address.replace(':', '') interface.update({address:(int(address.replace(':', ''), 16))}) elif "-" in address and len(address) == 17: idkey = address.replace('-', '') interface.update({address:(int(address.replace('-', ''), 16))}) for k in sorted(interface,key=interface.__getitem__): print(k,interface[k])
lspci -D -n -v |egrep "0200|Device Serial Number"
这里是两个过滤条件,0200代表网卡,包含Device Serial Number行会显示mac地址 。
我的想法是通过busid顺序修改 “/etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules”文件的命名顺序
[root@new-b3 ~]# lspci -D -n -v |egrep "0200|Number" 0000:02:00.0 0200: 8086:150c Capabilities: [140] Device Serial Number 00-10-f3-ff-ff-xx-a1-35 0000:03:00.0 0200: 8086:150c Capabilities: [140] Device Serial Number 00-10-f3-ff-ff-xx-a1-36 0000:04:00.0 0200: 8086:150c Capabilities: [140] Device Serial Number 00-10-f3-ff-ff-xx-a1-37 0000:05:00.0 0200: 8086:150c Capabilities: [140] Device Serial Number 00-10-f3-ff-ff-xx-a1-38 0000:06:00.0 0200: 8086:150c Capabilities: [140] Device Serial Number 00-10-f3-ff-ff-xx-a1-39 0000:07:00.0 0200: 8086:150c Capabilities: [140] Device Serial Number 00-10-f3-ff-ff-xx-a1-3a 0000:09:00.0 0200: 8086:10fb (rev 01) Capabilities: [140] Device Serial Number 00-10-f3-ff-ff-oo-bb-97 0000:09:00.1 0200: 8086:10fb (rev 01) Capabilities: [140] Device Serial Number 00-10-f3-ff-ff-oo-bb-97
python通过 lspci命令 提取busid 和macimport subprocess
id = [] mac = [] x = 'lspci -D -n -v | egrep "0200|Serial"' p = subprocess.Popen(x, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) out, err = p.communicate() for i in out.splitlines(): if "\t" in i: v1 = i.replace('''\tCapabilities: [140] Device Serial Number ''', '') v2 = v1.replace("-ff-ff","") # 发现lspci提出来的mac地址多了两位 -ff-ff (00-10-f3-ff-ff-oo-bb-97) mac.append(v2.replace("-", ":")) elif "0200:" in i: v1 = i[5:12] v2 = int(v1.split(":")[0]) + int(v1.split(".")[-1]) id.append(v2) print(zip(id, mac))
[(2, '00:10:f3:xx:a1:c9'), (3, '00:10:f3:xx:a1:ca'), (4, '00:10:f3:xx:a1:cb'), (5, '00:10:f3:xx:a1:cc'), (6, '00:10:f3:xx:a1:cd'), (7, '00:10:f3:xx:a1:ce'), (9, '00:10:f3:oo:bb:c3'), (10, '00:10:f3:oo:bb:c3')]
import subprocess id = [] mac = [] x = 'lspci -D -n -v | egrep "0200|Serial"' p = subprocess.Popen(x, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) out, err = p.communicate() for i in out.splitlines(): if "\t" in i: v1 = i.replace('''\tCapabilities: [140] Device Serial Number ''', '') v2 = v1.replace("-ff-ff","") mac.append(v2.replace("-", ":")) elif "0200:" in i: v1 = i[5:12] v2 = int(v1.split(":")[0]) + int(v1.split(".")[-1]) id.append(v2) mac_dic = dict(zip(id, mac)) mac_key = sorted(mac_dic) for k in mac_key: print(mac_dic[k] )
今天还发现了有个有趣的事情,python在linux下使用 os模块的 system向系统执行命令无法使用 export 添加变量
例如在python shell下 import os模块,然后os.system('export AAA=\"hello!\“')。
执行后在系统的bash下 echo $AAA,会发现没有生效的。
原本想使用 /lib/udev/write_net_rules系统脚本添加的,发现变量不能生效就放弃了。
这些是 export 系统变量的参数,比如 添加个注释、指定网卡名称、指定对应mac地址,执行 /lib/udev/write_net_rules 后就会在 /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules 文件中添加一条规则。
# MATCHADDR MAC address used for the match
# MATCHID bus_id used for the match
# MATCHDEVID dev_id used for the match
# MATCHDRV driver name used for the match
# MATCHIFTYPE interface type match
# COMMENT comment to add to the generated rule
# INTERFACE_NAME requested name supplied by external tool
# INTERFACE_NEW new interface name returned by rule writer
#!/usr/bin/python #-*-coding:utf8-*- import subprocess import os macs = [] eth_names = [] def lspci_mac(): x = 'lspci -D -n -v | egrep "0200|Serial"' p = subprocess.Popen(x, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) out, err = p.communicate() for line in out.splitlines(): if "\t" in line: value = line.replace("-",":")[51-9:].replace(":ff:ff","") if value in macs: up = str(hex(int(value[-2:],16)+1)[-2:]) fib = value.replace(value[-2:], str(up)) macs.append(fib) else: macs.append(value) elif "0200:" in line: pass def eth_name(): for id in range(len(macs)): name = ("eth"+str(id)) if id <6: eth_names.append(name) elif name =="eth6": eth_names.append("eth10") elif name == "eth7": eth_names.append("eth11") def out_file(): path = "/etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules" os.system("rm -rf %s"%(path)) for conf_line in range(len(macs)): mac_add = macs[conf_line] ethnum = eth_names[conf_line] cfg = '''SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", DRIVERS=="?*", ATTR{address}=="%s", ATTR{type}=="1", KERNEL=="eth*", NAME="%s"\n''' %(mac_add, ethnum) f = open(path, 'aw') f.write(cfg) f.close() if __name__ == "__main__": lspci_mac() eth_name() out_file()