Netty 3.5.11 发布

netty3.5.11 final 发布了,官方消息请看这里

这是一个 bugfix 版本,重要的 bug 包括:

  • [#723] Prevent loss of events when shutdown ExecutionHandler
  • [#729] WebSocketClientHandshaker* does not handle urls with non abs_path correctly
  • [#734] NPE is thrown and ChannelFuture is NOT notified if an unsupported message type is written to the Channel
  • [#735] WebSocketClientHandshaker08 / WebSocketClientHandshaker13 may notify ChannelFuture before the right encoder is present
  • [#755] Fix header block values truncation in decompression when using SPDY
  • [#761] Fix possible NPE in cleanupWriteBuffer when closing Channel
