
动名词Ving 当主语,宾语, 补语


不定式 (To 加原型动词)

 1, 当名词 主语 宾语 补语

2,形容词 修饰名词

3,副词修饰 动词 形容词


祈使句 Do it right now 立刻做

直述句 (Doing to do ) it right now is important .立刻做这件事情 是很重要的。



一天睡8小时有益健康。Sleep(作主语必须要有名词身份) 所以要加ing 

Sleeping eight hours a day is good for health

或者 一般外国人会这样说

Its good for health to sleep eight hours a day .



Swimming at the beach is a lot of fun.

To swim at the beach is a lot of fun .

或者 一般外国人会这样说

Its a lot of fun to swim at the beach.

It要找后面的不定式to 引导的事情


但是也有不一样的It's no use crying over spilt milk.浮水难收。Crying 只有这个谚语





You have to give up smoking .你必须要戒烟。Give up 后面一定要加Ving


I like watching baseketable games on TV我喜欢在电视上看篮球比赛。


下列动词后接Ving to V

Like . love . hate .learn srart begin 等加Ving To V 意思是不会改变的

但是也有会改变的 如 stop  后加Ving  后加toV 意思会改变的,,

Ving 是已经做的,,,, to V 还没有做的事。



下面的动词之后加Ving to V 当宾语意思会改变的

Ving 是已经做的,,,,

To V 还没有做的事。

Stop. Remember . forget .. try



The man stopped talking 这人停止说话了

The man stopped to talk to a newsboy这人停下来去和报童说话。


Im tired ,I have to stop working 我很累,我要停止工作。

Im tired. I have to stop to take a rest 我很累了我要停下来去休息

She remembered meeting him somewhere . 她记得在某地方见过他。


She remembered  to meet him at the station .她记得要去车站和他见面。



记得课前预习课后复习。Remember to preview yourl lessons before class and to review your lessons after class,


Lucy forgot sending me a car / 璐西忘记她给我寄来的卡片了/


Lucy forgot to send ma a car / l露西忘了寄卡片个给我/


不要忘记圣诞节寄卡片给我/ Don’t forget to send me a car on christmas

Try to slove the problem bfore ten oclock /  设法在.10点一前解决这个问题/ try to 设法

try knocking at the back door if noboby hear you at front door..





Mind. 介意  Enjoy 喜爱 .Finish 完成 . Practice 练习 Miss 想念. Quit停止 戒

Understand.了解 Can’t help 忍不住. Can’t stand忍不住  It’s no use 没有用

Its no good 没有用  .avoid 避免



Would you mind waiting (wait) for me? 你介意等我一会吗?

Would you mind(当动词) if I sit next to you . 如果我坐你旁边你介意吗?


I made up my mind(这个词在这里当名词)  to wait for her .我决定要等他。

I made up my mind (decide 决定的意思)


这些学生每天练习说英文。These students practice speaking english every day .


我忍不住嘲笑他。 I can’t help laughing at him .  laugh at 加人是嘲笑某人)


当介词的宾语-----介系词的后面必须接 Ving .



He is interested in playing hide one seek . 他喜欢玩躲猫猫。Be interested in 是对什么有兴趣

Youll be it 是你当鬼的意思


We re thinking about buying a wash machine .我们正在考虑买一台洗衣机。

My work is washing cars。我的工作是洗车。(已经发生的)

My work is to wash wo 我的工作要去洗车。(未发生的)


One of my hobbies is collecting stamps 我的业余爱好之一是集邮。

One of my hobbies 是好之一。 Collect 集邮

(注意)在其他句型中的Ving 后不加 s / es  go  Na(不加冠词a . an . the Ving






go  golfing (打高尔夫)      fishing (钓鱼)    skating  (溜冰)

go  Hunting   (打猎)      bouling ( 保龄球)    swimming (去游泳)

go  hiking  (徒步旅行)  sailing(去航海)  picnic-picniking (野餐)

go window shopping 看看而已    go shopping 去买东西


go  mountain climbing 去爬山       climb a mountain  是爬一座山

go  bike riding  去骑车    ride a bike  骑车

go  bird watching 去赏鸟    watch birds  赏鸟

go shopping 去买东西还没有买      do shopping 购物 (已经在做的事情)


do a lot of // a little Ving   做。。。。。。。。事情



I am busy . but I still do little painting (我很忙,但是我仍然画一点画)

Do you have to do a lot of traviling in your work?( 你的工作必须要经常去旅游吗?)


be busy忙着做什么。。    have trouble /fun有麻烦/ 玩的愉快 ……(in) Ving





My mom was busy cooking dinner . 妈妈忙着做晚餐。


I had trouble finding out the answer to the question.(我无法找出问题的答案)

I cant finding out the answer to the question . 同样

I couldnt  finding out the answer to the question 同上.


Get into trouble  找麻烦    have trouble 有麻烦  ttrouble maker 惹麻烦的人


There is no Ving ……..是没有办法做到的    在标语上There is 会省掉的

no smoking     no eating   no drinking   no parking


There is no parking a long street 这条大街是不能停车的。


There is no telling what will happen next. 我们无法得知接下来会发生什么事情。

No telling 无法得知 。

There is no knowing who did it 没有办法知道是谁做的这个。



I remember seeing ( see ) Mr smith my office before


Illremember to see(see) Mr smith tomorrow.


Would you mind  going  (go) to london on business.


Business is business 。。公事公办。。。

Go on doing (do ) the other exercise after you have finished this one


finished doing my homework 我做完了功课。

 I finished eating my dinner .  我吃完了晚饭。


I cant help (忍不住) feeling (feel)worried about his health .


Worry worried 是形容词


I apologize for not keeping (not keep) my promise 我很抱歉 ,我没有信守承诺。


Apologize 后边一定要接 for ….为什么道歉。。。。。