
Web Traffic 2006-06 Top 50 Sites

01. Yahoo! Sites : search / portal
02. Time Warner Network : media / news / entertainment
03. Microsoft Sites : software / news / portal
04. Google Sites : search / blogs / videos
05. eBay : auctions / voip
06. MySpace.com : social network
07. Ask Network : search
08. Amazon Sites : ecommerce
09. New York Times Digital : media / news / entertainment
10. Verizon Communications : telephone / cell / cable
11. Weather Channel, The : weather / news
12. Apple Computer, Inc. : software / media
13. Viacom Digital : media / news / entertainment
14. CNET Networks : news
15. Adobe Sites : software
16. Expedia Inc : travel
17. Monster Worldwide : job search
18. Wikipedia Sites : encyclopedia
19. United Online, Inc : netzero / juno / classmates / mypoints
20. Wal-Mart : ecommerce
21. Gorilla Nation Media : advertising / marketing
22. Disney Online : media / news / entertainment
23. AT&T, Inc. : telephone / cell / cable
24. Lycos, Inc. : search
25. Bank of America : banking
26. Target Corporation : ecommerce
27. CBS Corporation : media / news / entertainment
28. Real.com Network : software / media
29. CareerBuilder LLC : job search
30. Gannett Sites : news / media
31. Shopzilla.com Sites : ecommerce
32. Vendare Media : advertising / marketing
33. Comcast Corporation : cable / voip
34. ESPN : sports / news
35. Cox Enterprises Inc. : cable / voip
36. ARTISTdirect Network : music / video
37. Trip Network Inc. : travel
38. WhitePages : information
39. E.W. Scripps : news / media
40. YouTube : videos
41. Weatherbug Property : weather / news
42. Orbitz : travel
43. EA Online : games / entertainment
44. Photobucket.com LLC : photo / video storage
45. iVillage.com : women news / portal
46. Capital One : banking
47. Dell : ecommerce
48. Facebook : social network
49. JPMorgan Chase Property : banking
50. Overstock.com : ecommerce
