Cisco 1800 系列模块化固定架构——提供多种局域网和广域网选项;Cisco 1841 上的网络接口能够现场升级,提供了灵活性,支持未来技术
● 此固定配置路由器型号提供了10/100 以太网、ADSL over ISDN、ADSL over POTS,或配备集成份接
口ISDN BRI的 G.SHDSL 广域网接口(1801、1802、 1803和1812) 或模拟调制解调器(1811)备
● 1800 系列的所有型号都通过IEEE 802.11 a/b/g 提供无线局域网接入功能

HWIC-4ESW:The HWIC-4ESW provides four switching ports.

该HWIC - 4ESW提供4个交换端口。

WIC-1AM:The WIC-1AM card features dual RJ-11 connectors, which are used for basic telephone service connections. The WIC-1AM uses one port for connection to a standard telephone line, and the other port can be connected to a basic analog telephone for use when the modem is idle.

在WIC-1AM,具有双卡功能的RJ - 11连接器,它用来基本的电话服务连接。在WIC的,WIC-1AM使用一端口连接到一个标准的电话线,其他端口可以连接到一个基本模拟电话使用,当调制解调器处于空闲状态时。

WIC-1ENET:The WIC-1ENET is a single-port 10 Mbps Ethernet interface card, for use with 10BASE-T Ethernet LANs.

在WIC的- 1ENET是一个单端口10 Mbps的以太网接口卡,用于10BASE - T以太网局域网的使用。

WIC-1T:The WIC-1T provides a single port serial connection to remote sites or legacy serial network devices such as Synchronous Data Link Control (SDLC) concentrators, alarm systems, and packet over SONET (POS) devices.


WIC-2AM:The WIC-2AM card features dual RJ-11 connectors, which are used for basic telephone service connections. The WIC-2AM has two modem ports to allow multiple data communication connections.

WIC-2AM具有双卡功能的RJ - 11连接器,它是基本的电话服务连接。在WIC-2AM有两个调制解调器端口,以允许多个数据通信连接。

WIC-2T:The 2-port asynchronous/synchronous serial network module provides flexible multi-protocol support, with each port individually configurable in synchronous or asynchronous mode, offering mixed media dial support in a single chassis. Applications for asynchronous/synchronous support include: low speed WAN aggregation (up to 128 Kbps), dial-up modem support, Async or Sync connections to management ports of other equipment, and transport of legacy protocols such as Bi-sync and SDLC.

2端口异步/同步串行网络模块提供了灵活的多协议支持,每个单独的端口同步或异步模式配置,提供混合媒体在单一机箱拨号支持。异步/同步支持的应用包括:低速WAN汇聚(高达128 Kbps),受拨号调制解调器的支持,异步或同步连接到其他设备的管理端口,以及原有的运输协议,如双向同步和SDLC。

WIC cover:The WIC cover plate provides protection for the internal electronic components. It also helps maintain adequate cooling by normalizing airflow.
