一起翻译一本书,公众号“追随己心”将带领大家一起翻译《Beyond Feelings: A Guide to Critical Thinking》,将学习了多年的英语真正用起来,体会原版书籍和英文的美。
Note: One of the best ways to develop your thinking (and writing) skills is to record your observations, questions, and ideas in a journal and then, as time permits, to reflect on what you have recorded—considering the meaning and application of the observations, answering the questions,elaborating onthe ideas (and, where appropriate, challenging them), and recording your insights. An inexpensive bound notebook or spiral notebook will serve the purpose. A good approach is t orecord your initial observations, questions, and ideas on the left side of the page, leaving the right side blank for your later analysis and commentary. The value of this reflective process is so great that you should consider keeping such ajournaleven if your instructor does not make it a formal part of the course.
elaborating v.详尽说明( elaborate的现在分词);变得复杂;详细制定;详尽阐述;
journal n.日报,日志,日记;定期刊物,期刊,杂志;[会计]分类账;
1. Do a brief study of attention shifts such as the one described in the chapter.Record a half-hour show. Then play the show back twice, the first time counting the number of shifts within the program, excluding commercials, and the second time counting only those within commercials. Complete the necessaryarithmeticand be prepared to share your results in class.
Arithmetic n.算术,计算;算法;
2.Reflect onyour findings in application 1. Write several paragraphs discussing the implications of those findings for education,business, and family life.
Reflect on英[riˈflekt ɔn]美[riˈflekt ɔn]仔细想;回忆;反省;
3. Many people cheerfully pay $6 or $7 a gallon for designer drinking water but moan and groan when they have to pay $3 a gallon for gasoline. Does anything you read in this chapter help you understand why this is so?
4. Imagine how different America might be if Frankl’s emphasis on self-transcendence and personal responsibility, rather than Maslow’s emphasis on self-actualization and popular culture’s emphasis on self-esteem, had been dominant for the past fifty years. List as many ways as you can in which our society might be different today and comment on whether each would be beneficial or harmful. Be prepared to explain your views in class discussion.
5. Watch one of the music video channels—MTV, VH1, CMT, BET— for at least an hour. Analyze how men and women are depicted in the videos. Note significant details. For example, observe whether men aredepictedinpower roles more than women and whether women areportrayedas objects of male desire. Decide what attitudes and values are conveyed. (You might want to record as you are watching so that you can review what you have seen, freeze significant frames for closer analysis, and keep your observations for later reference or class viewing and discussion.)
Depicted v.描绘,描画(depict的过去式和过去分词);描述;
Portrayed v.画像(portray的过去式和过去分词);描述;描绘;描画;
6. Suppose you asked a friend, “How did you acquire your particular identity—your sentiments and preferences and attitudes?” Then suppose the friend responded,“I’m an individual. No one else influences me. I do my own thing, and I select the sentiments and preferences and attitudes that suit me.” How would you explain to your friend what you learned in this chapter?
7. Ask yourself the question, Who am I? Write down ten answers to this question,each on a separate slip of paper. Use the first three paragraphs of this chapterto help you frame your answers. Arrange the pieces of paper in order of their importance to you. Then explain the arrangement—that is, which self-descriptions are most important to you, and why?
8. Identify the various positive and negative influences that have shaped you.Be sure to include the particular as well as the general and the subtle as well as the obvious influences. Which of those influences have had the greatest effect on you? Explain the effects as precisely as you can.
9. Note your immediate reaction to each of the following statements. Then apply the four guidelines given in this chapter for achieving individuality.
a.Health care workers should be required to be tested fo rHIV/AIDS.
b.Beauty contests and talent competitions for childrenshould be banned.
c.Extremist groups like the Ku Klux Klan should be allowedto holdrallieson public property orbe issued permits to holdparadeson city streets.
应当允许像三K当(Ku Klux Klan)这样的极端主义团体在公共场所举行集会或在城市的街道上游行示威。
Rallies n.集会(rally的名词复数); [网球、羽毛球]连续对打;公路汽车赛;(精神等方面)振作;
Parades n.(部队的)检阅(parade的名词复数);
d.Freshman composition should be a required course for all students.
e.High schooland college athletes should be tested for anabolicsteroiduse.
Anabolic adj.合成代谢的;
Steroid n.[生化]甾类化合物,类固醇;
f.Creationismshould be taught in high school biology classes.
g.Polygamyshould be legalized.
Polygamy n.多配偶(制),一夫多妻(制)或一妻多夫(制);多妻制;多偶制;一夫多妻制;
h.The voting age should be lowered to sixteen.
i.The prison system should give greater emphasis to the punishment ofinmatesthan to theirrehabilitation.
Inmates n.囚犯(inmate的名词复数);
Rehabilitation n.修复;复兴;复职;恢复名誉;
j.Doctors andclinicsshould be required to notify parents ofminorswhen theyprescribebirth control devices orfacilitateabortionsfor the minors.
Minors n.未成年人(minor的名词复数);副修科目;小公司;[逻辑学]小前提;
Abortionsn.小产( abortion的名词复数);小产胎儿;(计划)等中止或夭折; <生>败育;
k.A man’s self-esteem is severely injured if his wife makes more money than he makes.
l. Women like being dependent on men.
10. Group discussion exercise: Discuss several of the statements in application 9 with two or three of your classmates, applying the four guidelines presented in this chapter for developing individuality. Be prepared to share your group’s ideas with the class.
A Difference of Opinion
The following passage summarizes an important difference of opinion. After reading the statement, use the library and/or the Internet and find what knowledgeable people have said about the issue. Be sure to cover the entire range of views. Then assess the strengths and weaknesses of each. If you conclude that one view is entirely correct and the others are mistaken, explain how you reached that conclusion. If, as is more likely, you find that one view is more insightful than the others but that they all make some valid points, construct a view of your own that combines insights from all views and explain why that view is the most reasonable of all. Present your response in a composition or an oral report, as your instructor specifies.
Should captured terrorists be tried in military or criminal courts? When the United States decided to use the military base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to detain individuals captured on the battlefield in the Iraq war, many people protested the decision. Some argued that captured individuals should be considered criminals rather than prisoners of war and accorded the rights guaranteed by the U.S.Constitution to all people accused of crimes. Others argued for classifying the individuals as prisoners of war and treating them as specified in the Geneva Conventions of 1949. Supporters of the government’s decision reject both arguments, contending that captured terrorists are neither criminals nor soldiers but “unlawful combatants,” adding that any otherdesignationwould impose burdens on the United States that would make it difficult to fight terrorism and there by threaten national security.
Detain英[dɪˈteɪn]美[dɪˈteɪn] vt.留住,阻住;耽搁;拘留,扣留;
accorded[əˈkɔ:did] v.给予( accord的过去式和过去分词);使和谐一致;使符合;使适合;
Conventions英[kən'venʃnz]美[kən'venʃnz] n.(某一职业、政党等的人士召开的)大会( convention的名词复数);协议;习俗;(美国)全国代表大会;
Contending v.争夺(contend的现在分词);竞争;搏斗;争斗;
Combatantsn.战斗员,格斗者( combatant的名词复数);
Begin your analysis by conducting a Google search using the term “status captured terrorists.”