

1. 爽约

    △ stand sb up

    △ didn't show up

    △ no-show n.

        John Henry Williams was a no-show at last week's game in Milwaukee.

        There were a lot of no-shows at the game.

2. 等了好久

   waited and waited/waited for ages

3. 手机 mobile phone,固定电话 landline

4. card拓展

   △ play cards right 发挥优势特长

        If Rachel plays her cards right, she’ll be a great heiress and you will benefit to. (Crazy rich Asians)

   △ play the XX card 打...牌,出...招

        You're always playing the ‘I love you’ card. 

        You're playing the 'I don't have time' card again.

    △ put/lay cards on the table 摊牌,和盘托出

5. feel like (doing) sth=have an inclination for something or some activity

     I feel like staying in bed all day

     I feel like a cup of coffee.

6. 热热(吃的)heat up

Just heat up the frozen food in the microwave. 把速冻食品放在微波炉里面热热就好。



1. d 发音不要太重,如果太重,可以舌头从上齿龈往后移一点抵硬颚的地方往下弹。

2. 所有辅音不是泾渭分明的,比如t和d在结尾的时候听不太出来,sit sid;比如t连读之后也像d,forget about

3. 两个人名的读法:

    △ David /ˈdv ɪd/ —but as a non-English name also /dæ ˈviːd/

    △ Diana 中间有加j音 /daɪ(j) ˈæn ə/

4. forgot our 连读,our弱读

5. twenty ’times 一个数字一个名词,重音一般在后面。

6. repaired them可以读成repaired em

7. DVD, BBC, VOA, PDF 读字母的时候重音在最后,不要带入中文的习惯。

8. address动词读/ə ˈdres/,作名词时,美式英语中很多人会读成/’ædres/

9. be gonna 的be在口语中会被drop掉

    I'm gonna= Imna

    What are/do/have you=watcha

10. great // grease /i:/元音不同的

11. 有些g不发音 gnaw gnarled


1. 学习的态度,对自己负责。

2. 老生常谈,一定要呀!slow is fast

If you can’ do it right slowing, you won’t be able to do it right quickly. Slow it down until it’s right; give yourself time to perfect the tongue movements and lip rounding.

3. 声音要自然,正常说话!
