The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck

Chapter 8 The Importance of Saying No


1. Why saying no is important? Have you had a hard time of turning down someone’s request( for example, you wanted to say no, but what came out of your mouth was yes, and next day you kicked yourself for saying yes) ? Please include a personal story.

Because doing so might make him or someone else feel bad.

In my traditional mind, to refuse someone is impolite, so I always say yes, but sometimes I made myself very busy, especially when something was beyond my ability, even though I did it, the effect might be not satisfactory.

2. Why Saint Petersburg was one of the Mark’s favorite trips?

Because he experienced the Russian frankness and freedom, he can say whatever he thought or felt.

3. Why commitment gives you freedom?

Because you are no longer distracted by the unimportant; because it hones your attention and focus on what is most efficient at making you healthy and happy; because it makes decision making easier and removes any fear of missing out.

4. How to build trust?

Being honest. Because honesty in relationship is more important to someone than feeling good all the time.


This is why it became the norm in Western cultures to smile and say polite things even when you don’t feel like it, to tell little white lies and agree with someone whom you don’t actually agree with.


This is a cornerstone of many of the so-called positive thinking books: open yourself up to opportunities, be accepting, say yes to everything and everyone, and so on.


But we need to reject something. Otherwise, we stand for nothing.


Yes, breadth of experience is likely necessary and desirable when you’re young—after all, you have to go out there and discover what seems worth investing yourself in. 



1. It was a strange life, replete with fantastic, horizon-breaching experiences as well as superficial highs designed to numb my underlying pain.

replete with 充满的,充足的

如:The refrigerator is replete with food and drink.

2. The month I spent in Saint Petersburg went by in a blur.

in a blur 在一片模糊中

如:The next few months passed in a blur.

3. Travel is a fantastic self development tool, because it extricates you from the values of your culture

extricate yourself/sb from sth  使解脱;解救;使游离

如:How was he going to extricate himself from this situation?

4. This is self defeating, of course.

self-defeating 自掘坟墓,弄巧成拙

如:It is self-defeating to ignore the advice of parents. 

5. If two people who are close are not able to hash out their differences openly and vocally, then the relationship is based on manipulation and misrepresentation,

hash out  消除,经过长时间讨论解决一个问题

如:I know we have a lot to hash out between us.

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