一起翻译《Beyond Feelings》--2-2 Mind, Brain, or Both?

一起翻译一本书公众号追随己心将带领大家一起翻译《Beyond Feelings: A Guide to Critical Thinking》,将学习了多年的英语真正用起来,体会原版书籍和英文的美。

Mind, Brain, or Both?


Most modern researchers use the word mindsynonymouslywith brain, as if the physicalorgan that resides in the human skull weresolelyresponsible for thinking. This practice convenientlypresupposesthat a problem that has challenged the greatest thinkers for millennia—the relationship between mind and physical matter—was somehow solved when no one was looking. The problem itself and the individuals who spent their liveswrestling withit deserve better.





presupposesv.预先假定( presuppose的第三人称单数);假设;以…为先决条件;意味

Neuro sciencehas provided a numberof valuable insights into the cognitive or thinking activities of the brain. Ithas documented that the lefthemisphereof the brain deals mainly with detailed language processing and is associated with analysis and logical thinking, that the right hemisphere deals mainly with sensory images and is associated withintuitionand creative thinking, and that the small bundle of nerves that lies between the hemispheres—the corpuscallosum—integratesthe various functions.




Integrates  v.使一体化( integrate的第三人称单数);使整合;使完整;使结合成为整体;

Intuition n.直觉;凭直觉感知的知识;直觉力;

The research that produced these insights showed that the brain is necessary for thought, but it has not shown that the brain issufficientfor thought. In fact,many philosophers claim it can never show that. They argue that the mind and the brain are demonstrably different. Where as the brain is a physical entity composed of matter and therefore subject to decay, the mind is ametaphysicalentity. Examine brain cells under the most powerful microscope and you will never see an idea or concept— for example, beauty,government, equality, or love—because ideas and concepts are not materialentities and so have no physicaldimension. Where, then, do these nonmaterial things reside? In the nonmaterial mind.


Sufficient  adj.足够的;充足的;充分的;


Dimension  n.尺寸; [复]面积,范围;[物]量纲; [数]次元,度,维;

The late American philosopher William Barrett observed that “history is,fundamentally, the adventure of human consciousness” and “the fundamental history of humankind is the history of mind.” In his view, “one of the supreme ironies of modern history” is the fact that science, which owes its very existence to the human mind, has had theaudacityto denythe reality of the mind.As he put it, “the offspring denies the parent.”


fundamentally  adv.基础地;根本地;从根本上;

audacity  n.大胆;鲁莽;胆大妄为;鲁莽行为;

The argument over whether the mind is a reality is not the only issue about the mind that has been hotly debated over the centuries. One especially important issue is whether the mind ispassive, a blank slate on which experience writes, as John Locke held, oractive, a vehicle by which we take theinitiativeand exercise our free will, as G. W. Leibnitz argued. This book is based on the latter view.

关于心智是否存在的论辩,并不是几个世纪以来围绕心智而激烈争论的唯一议题。一个特别重要的议题是,心智是消极的,即像约翰·洛克 (John Locke)所主张的经验书写于其上的“白板’’,还是积极的,即像莱布尼茨(G.W.Leib nitz)所认为的我们用以采取主动并行使我们自由意志的工具。本书乃基于后面这种观点。

initiative  n.主动性;主动精神;倡议;主动权;

active  adj.积极的,活跃的,有生气的;迅速的,敏捷的;有效的,起作用的;

passive  adj.被动的;消极的;不抵抗的;冷漠的;


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