Youth Support Hub义工推荐:Fundraising Volunteer at Sherbourne Health Centre

Youth Support Hub义工推荐:Fundraising Volunteer at Sherbourne Health Centre_第1张图片

(An English version of this message follows)

Sherbourne Health Centre在2月7日有一个义卖活动,为多伦多街头无家可归的人募集善款,需要义工那天在地铁站卖丝绒帽子。这是一个锻炼public speaking, communication, interpersonal等技能的好机会。感兴趣的同学可以阅读下面的官方招聘启事。

Sherbourne Health Centre is having a fundraising event on February 7th for the  homeless of Toronto. Volunteers are needed to sell toques in the Bloor/Yonge subway station. You will work in groups. This is a great opportunity to develop public speaking, communication, and interpersonal skills. If you are interested, please see the call for volunteers below.

Youth Support Hub义工推荐:Fundraising Volunteer at Sherbourne Health Centre_第2张图片

Youth Support Hub义工推荐:Fundraising Volunteer at Sherbourne Health Centre_第3张图片
Youth Support Hub义工推荐:Fundraising Volunteer at Sherbourne Health Centre_第4张图片
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