Privacy Agreement


This User Registration Service Agreement (hereinafter referred to as "the Agreement") is a product provided by you (hereinafter referred to as the "User") and the Game Center regarding the Game Center on the web game platform of the Game Center and its affiliates. The services (including the Game Center's website and the Game Center are now providing and will provide game services and other network services to users in the future, collectively referred to as "products and services").

If the user enters the Game Center website or the user registration page of the game below, confirms that they have read, agreed to the terms of this agreement and completed the registration, or obtained and used the products and services provided by the Game Center by any other means, the user is deemed to have Read the contents of this agreement in detail and agree to abide by the terms of this agreement. Users should no longer refuse to perform this Agreement on the grounds that they do not understand the contents of this Agreement. Therefore, users are requested to read carefully and fully understand the terms and conditions, especially the terms of exemption or limitation of liability, the jurisdiction and legal application provisions, and the separate agreement to open or use a service. Restrictions, disclaimers, and other terms that require the user to focus on reading, we remind users to pay attention in orange bold form. In addition, in accordance with Article 16 of this Agreement, Game Center reserves the right to modify and update this Agreement from time to time. Please pay attention to the latest version of this Agreement.

First, the service content

1. The specific content of the game center products and services is provided by the game center according to the actual situation, such as online games, forums (BBS), chat rooms, emails, etc. Game Center reserves the right to change, discontinue or terminate some or all of the products and services at any time.

2. When the game center provides products and services, some users may be charged a certain fee. In this case, there will be a clear prompt on the relevant page. If the user does not agree to pay the fees, you may choose not to accept the corresponding products and services.

3. The game center provides products and services to users through the server-side device access to the Internet, in addition to products and services related to devices (such as computers, modems and other Internet-related devices) and the required fees ( The telephone and internet fees paid for access to the Internet shall be borne by the user.

4. Users should use genuine software to accept products and services, and the software costs are borne by the users themselves.

Second, the account name and password

1. The user reads and agrees to this agreement. After successfully completing the registration, he becomes the registered user of the game center and obtains the game center user account (hereinafter referred to as the "game center account number"). The game center account name cannot be changed after registration, and the password corresponding to the account can be modified by the customer service provided by the game center.

2. The user is fully responsible for the custody of the game center account and password and all actions taken with the account and password. It is forbidden to sell, transfer or lend game center accounts or passwords to others for use. The Game Center is not responsible for any illegal consequences of the user's game center account or password being compromised by the user's custody or any third party actions.

3. If the user finds that his game center account or password is illegally used by others or has abnormal usage, he should promptly notify the game center according to the processing method announced by the game center from time to time, and have the right to request the game center to take measures to suspend the login and use of the account. . The game center checks the result based on the user identity and decides whether to suspend the login and use of the user account.

Third, account registration information

1. Provide registration information

(1) When applying for a Game Center account (or when supplementing information after registration), the user should provide the game center with the latest, detailed and true and accurate personal registration information. The foregoing personal registration information includes: the user's game center account name, password, and all information input when registering the game center account (or supplementing and updating the account information). The user hereby promises that the user registers as the user of the game center in his true identity, and guarantees that the personal identification information provided is true, complete and valid, and bears corresponding legal responsibility for the information provided according to legal provisions and mandatory provisions. . The game center shall provide users with necessary assistance and support such as account registrant certificate, original registration information, etc., and provide relevant evidence and information to relevant administrative agencies and judicial organs as needed.

(2) All personal registration information provided by the user may be used by the game center as a basis for determining the relevance of the game center account and identifying the user's identity. The user agrees to provide proof of such information at any time in response to the requirements of the Game Center so that the Game Center can verify the identity of the user.

(3) If the information provided by the user to the game center is inaccurate, untrue, or illegal, or has been changed without being updated in time, or is misleading, the game center has the right to suspend or terminate the user's use of the game center. Any service until the user provides the required information. The game center shall suspend the user and inform the user of the suspension period. The suspension period shall be reasonable. The game center shall resume the service to the user in time when the suspension period expires.

(4) The Game Center has the right to review whether the identity information provided by the user registration is true and effective, and should actively take reasonable measures such as technology and management to ensure the security and validity of the user account; the user is obliged to keep his account and password properly, and Use your account and password correctly and securely. If any party fails to do so to cause damage to the rights of the other party or others due to loss of account password or account theft, it shall bear the legal liabilities arising therefrom.

2. Query registration information

Users have the right to access and check user registration information and personal information on the User Center page at any time by logging into the official website of the Game Center.

3. Modify registration information

At any time, the user has the right to update or modify the information provided by the user at any time by logging into the game center's official website, on the User Center page, or through other means published by the Game Center. The Game Center shall provide this service in a timely and effective manner. However, the real name, ID number, and game center account name that the user fills in when registering the game center account (or when adding information after registration), after the account registration is successful (or after the supplementary information), cannot be performed without special reasons. Modify, please carefully fill in all kinds of registration information.

4. The User agrees that all data, data and records related to his Game Center account (including but not limited to login records, post-login behavior records, point card information, etc.) are subject to the data recorded by the Game Center System.

Fourth, information disclosure and protection

1. The registration information described in Article 3 of this Agreement and the non-public information (hereinafter referred to as “User Information”) stored by the User in the control of the Game Center when using the Products and Services shall be disclosed and protected in accordance with the provisions of this Article. .

2. In order to provide users with better products and services, in the case of users voluntarily choosing to use the products and services of the Game Center, or expressly agree to provide information, the Game Center may collect user information and may Analyze and integrate. When users use Game Center products and services, the server may automatically record some of the user information, which will become part of the game center's trade secrets.

3. Protecting the privacy of users (especially minors) is a fundamental principle of the game center. The Game Center has always taken active measures in technology and management to ensure the security and confidentiality of user information.

4. Except for the four cases listed in Article 4, paragraph 4 of this Agreement, Game Center guarantees that it will not disclose or provide user information to third parties. The four exceptions are as follows:

(1) The user (or the guardian of the user) requests or agrees to the game center to disclose the user information;

(2) Relevant laws and regulations require game centers to disclose user information;

(3) The judicial organ or administrative agency requires the game center to disclose user information based on legal procedures;

(4) In order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the game center (intellectual property and other rights), it is necessary to disclose user information when filing a lawsuit or arbitration with the user;

5. In order to provide products and services to users normally, the game center may need to transmit some user information to the game center's technical service provider, game center affiliates or other third parties, and these third parties promise that they will assume at least the game center. Under the premise of equal confidentiality obligations, the Game Center will transmit user information to these third parties, and the user will understand and agree to this.

6. Under the premise of not revealing the privacy information of individual users, the game center has the right to conduct technical analysis on the entire user information database and make commercial use of the analyzed and sorted user database.

7. The Game Center will take the commercially reasonable and feasible way to protect the security of the user's personal information. The Game Center uses commonly available security technologies and procedures to protect a user's personal information from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure.

V. Basic rights of users

1. Users may use the products and services offered by Game Center in accordance with this Agreement and other rules published and changed by the Game Center from time to time.

2. The user can voluntarily choose to bind the page provided by the game center through the mobile phone, so as to obtain the game activity, the preferential information and the like provided by the game center in the first time.

3. The user has the right to supervise whether the game center and the game center staff provide products and services to the users according to the standards announced by the game center during the use of the products and services provided by the game center, and can also present products and services to the game center at any time. Relevant comments and suggestions.

4. If the user disagrees with the terms of this agreement, or disagrees with the terms modified or updated by the game center, or is dissatisfied with the products and services provided by the game center, the user may choose to stop using the products and services of the game center at any time. If the user chooses to stop using the products and services of the Game Center, the Game Center will no longer assume any obligations and responsibilities to the user.

User Code of Conduct

1. The User agrees to regulate and act in accordance with the various rules of the Game Center, which are published or changed from time to time, including this Agreement, in order to accept and use the products and services of the Game Center. The user has rights and assumes responsibility for the actions of the account held by the user after login. The User further agrees that in violation of these Rules, the consequences of violations and breach of contract shall be borne in accordance with Article 6, Section 14, Section 15, Article 14 and other relevant provisions of this Agreement.

2. During the use of the Game Center account, users must abide by the laws and regulations related to the release of Internet information and the generally applicable Internet ethics and etiquette specifications. Users will be responsible for the content of the information published by users. All types of information published by users must not contain the following:

(1) Violating the basic principles established by the Constitution;

(2) endangering national security, leaking state secrets, subverting state power, and undermining national unity;

(3) damaging national honors and interests;

(4) Inciting ethnic hatred, ethnic discrimination, and undermining national unity;

(5) Destroying the state's religious policies and promoting cults and feudal superstitions;

(6) Spreading rumors, disrupting social order and undermining social stability;

(7) disseminating obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, murder, terrorist information or abetment;

(8) insulting, slandering or maliciously attacking others with words and infringing upon the lawful rights and interests of others;

(9) infringe the intellectual property rights, copyright or public/private rights of any third party;

(10) Violation of human morality and customs;

(11) destroying the normal order of the game;

(12) Containing other content prohibited by laws and administrative regulations.

3. The name of the user's game center account and the names of characters, gangs, etc. in the game shall abide by the principles of lawfulness and health. They are not allowed to be used including but not limited to race, religion, politics, national leaders, obscenity, vulgarity, jealousy, intimidation. The name of fraudulent, offensive, humiliating, potentially misleading, illegal drugs, etc.

4. Users should be responsible for their words and deeds in the game, especially not:

(1) Disperse or spread vulgar and indecent information by any means, behavior;

(2) Spreading or disseminating false information to other users by any means, behavioral impersonation platform or game system;

(3) causing disputes by any means or means;

(4) Disperse or disseminate, use private services, Trojans, plug-ins, viruses and such information by any means, behavior;

(5) disseminate or disseminate information on the training in any way, by any means;

(6) offline transactions of game accounts, virtual currencies, and virtual items other than the trading channels provided by the game center by any means, behaviors, or behaviors;

(7) Massively disseminate the same, similar phrases or meaningless words, or any information unrelated to the game center platform and its games;

(8) Promote and encourage violence outside any virtual world of games;

(9) Disclosure of any game world and real world information of other users, non-users or game center platform employees;

(10) Propaganda or publication of illegal information, information that violates social morality, or information that is not conducive to spiritual civilization construction, including but not limited to pornography, gambling, cults, terrorism, etc.;

(11) Disperse any kind of advertising information and advertising links by any means or behavior;

(12) Issue comments or information that defame or attack the game center;

(13) Other speech or behavior that does not comply with laws and regulations, social morality or game rules.

5. Users must not interfere with or hinder the game center from providing products and services normally, especially:

(1) attacking or invading the website server of the game center or overloading the website server;

(2) Cracking and modifying the client program provided by the game center;

(3) attacking or invading the game server or game server program of the game center or overloading the game server;

(4) Unreasonably interfere with or hinder others from using the products and services provided by the Game Center;

(5) exploiting bugs and bugs in the program to disrupt the normal operation of the game or to spread the vulnerability or bug (Bug);

(6) directly or indirectly use game bugs (including loopholes or unreasonable phenomena in game systems, programs, settings, etc.), exploit vulnerabilities or disrupt game order, or use bugs and vulnerabilities to achieve personal goals;

(7) Produce, use, publish, distribute any form of auxiliary tool or program that hinders the fairness of the game (refers to any document or program used to gain an advantage in the game, but not part of the game center platform or part of each game software) , including the nature of cheating and the related auxiliary plug-ins (including but not limited to automatic Daguai, automatic leveling, automatic medication, automatic completion of tasks, acceleration of nature or beyond the scope of the game settings);

(8) The client program must not be modified to change or add or reduce the pre-set functions of the game center platform, or cause all abnormal behavior of the data sent by the client to the server.

6. Users must not disturb the order of the game, especially:

(1) Staying in special places or sensitive areas for a long time (including but not limited to event applicants, “immigration messengers”, transmitters, transfer points, etc.), interfering with other users' games;

(2) Conducting malicious PK, clearing, extortion, extortion, etc.;

(3) threatening to conduct or incite other users or non-users to participate in abnormal game content (including but not limited to parades, gathering people, etc.)

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