19年9月晨读笔记-Diary of a wimpy kid (下)

参考 立里 肉丸子

2019.9.16 | Day 6(Page101-125):


good/ɡʊd/ ,full/fʊl/,fool/fuːl/    ʊ可发音为ə

garage美音 /ɡə'rɑʒ/


rule out=prohibit

stick my arms out to break my fall 防止摔得很重

see me humiliate/embarrass myself=put myself on the spot让自己出丑/尴尬

I fired him on the spot. 当场开除“就地正法”

chip 打破,弄缺 chip a tooth

chip in 插话;凑钱买

clip-on tie/earrings 夹上去的

have stage fright,panic attack,stomach jump 怯场,紧张

suck it up忍着,忍气吞声,逆来顺受

...and the next thing you know,...

four beats to the bar 每小节四拍

hold sth over sb's head 威胁

the words TO the song 歌词,dance TO the music 舞曲

tip off 给...提示/信息(tip n.贴士)

learn...the hard way吃了很多苦头/费一番功夫,明白/学会了...

be on and off 分分合合

cry(shout) out

If looks could kill,us trees would be dead. 眼神能杀人

in the first place当初

more often than not 经常

If one good thing came out of/in...(look on the bright side)从好的一面来看

and stuff like that等等=and whatnot

give me some big-brotherly advice

hook me up(with) 帮sb搞到sth,有应必求,介绍两人认识,在一起

in a roll连续

喋喋不休,没完没了,叨叨个没完:Don't get it started,or he'll never let me hear the end of that.

sth is basically ...kind of thing where.... 介绍sth

口语描述职业用 man,guy,dude:

Giving Tree guy,makeup guy/dude化妆师,camera guy摄影师,weatherman天气预报员

yam山药  sweetpotato红薯;山芋;甘薯

It's no lie.不是瞎说,我不骗你

eat( that stuff) up 吃这一套,budge买帐,fall for轻信

tear open the gift/wrapping paper 撕开,kick open the door 踢开

8*(读by)10 picture

be in deep water遇到麻烦

pull it off 成功做成/做得到某事,转移注意力

I can't pull it off.臣妾做不到啊。


-You really shouldn't have.But I'm so glad you did.I just love it.=太客气了,谢谢

-Just a little sth./ small token / small gesture.没什么,小小心意,小意思,客气客气

-Oh,It's not necessary.

-No.It was nothing.

19年9月晨读笔记-Diary of a wimpy kid (下)_第1张图片

parents /'pɛrənt/eat /iːt/that stuff up

肉丸子 立里

2019.9.17 | Day 7(Page126-150):

利用google image表情包学英文~

I didn't do a good job of hiding my disoppointment.

I didn't have the heart勇气 to tell Dad that I kind of lost interest in...

do some reps(representative) 表示一下 意思意思

cost a (small) fortune/'fɔrtʃən/ 花了一大笔钱= cost you an arm and a leg

I ripped open the package and pulled out my present.


throw in the towel 放弃,破罐破摔(投降,我认了,丢白毛巾)

count on you 靠你了

连读motorcycle or something

It works like a charm.真管用。=do the trick

Let me fill you in. 我来给你说说

horse/mess/fuck/moon/fool/screw around 鬼混,瞎混,玩,胡闹

Stop horsing around.The bus will come any minute.

Dont be picky eaters.别挑食。

I'm no fool.我又不傻

He's no singer.他不是唱歌的料。

that thing


crank/churn/bang out大量产出

mind went blank

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crack me up 逗得我发笑(嘴咧开)=cheer me up 使...振作,鼓励

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I tried to cash in on some of Rowley's new popularity,but it totally backfired. 沾光,蹭热度mooch off啃老,蹭饭

发国难财:He's cashing in on the national calamity.


a bust/bomb不怎么样,扫兴

The plan got busted.计划泡汤了。

got busted 干坏事被抓了

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home economics 缝纫sew,做家务

primer book 入门书籍


English 101基础英语

20/20 视力1.0

"catch-22 situation"的来历:

  来自Joseph Heller的著名小说《第二十二条军规》。




buy you popularity,buy time争取,获得,赢得

from scratch从零开始,空杯心态 from zero to hero白手起家

To make a long story short,长话短说

赶工:crashing, expediting ,work against the clock


pretty 'good 相当好

'pretty good 还行

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2019.9.17 Day8(Page151-175):

读音:plus/plʌs/ \ˈpləs\ love/lʌv/  idea/aɪ'diə/ famous/'feɪməs/

pick on 找茬=have a bone to pick with sb.: Bullies pick on younger children.

there are some openings on the Safety Patrols.~有开口(缺人,在招人)

be up for the job有资格/能胜任...

chin-up 引体向上 jumping jack开合跳

I didn't even have to lift a finger.轻而易举,不费吹灰之力=is no sweat=is a breeze(easy)=is a piece of cake

stand out in the freezing cold

perk福利,好处:free lunch/parking,bonus奖金

smell a little funny(weird)奇怪的味道 strange陌生的

身体不适:I feel a bit funny today.

sleep funny 落枕

ate up=spent:The whole trip ate up 45 minutes.

拉裤子:have an accident in one's pants=shit/crap/poop one's pants

pooped =exhausted筋疲力尽 =I really took my eyes off the ball.

Your fly is open. 裤子拉链没拉~

When I say ...I'm not kidding./I mean it.我是认真的。

slack off松懈,偷懒

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19年9月晨读笔记-Diary of a wimpy kid (下)_第11张图片

wear a cast模具(打石膏)

tick off生气,惹怒;责骂,打记号

tick me off气死我了,教训我 about...

19年9月晨读笔记-Diary of a wimpy kid (下)_第12张图片

diaper duty

psyched 高兴的=glad

My goal is to get into the "Guinness吉尼斯 Book of World Records".

We've missed our once-in-a-lifetime window of opportunity.

The window of opportunity opens only once in a lifetime.

千载难逢的机遇=once in the blue moon:原来blue moon指的是在一个月里出现第二次全月。这种现象是很少发生的,每隔32个月才出现一次,所以美国人用once in a blue moon来形容很少发生的事情。

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have a shot/chance at breaking the record

catch our breath 缓一缓

get a little free labor out of sb

Dad was already mad at me for tearing up the sod, so I knew I was in for it. 我就知道会有这么一天的!

I was in for it.必须承受(为此付出代价)

less than a minute=immediately

get a kick out of cameo客串  从中取乐,以此为乐 ...激动/兴奋/刺激/好笑/愉快 ,喜欢...对...感兴趣(get a kick out of school)被开除

The things I get the most kick out of is doing comics.

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19年9月晨读笔记-Diary of a wimpy kid (下)_第15张图片

get in an all-out fight全力以赴的

got ambushed from the street 遭伏击

a hit-and-run 骗炮,砸/吃完就跑

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hog独占/霸占 it all to himself 占为己有/用


hogging bathroom 洗澡洗很长时间

attention/limelight hog 霸占关注,爱出风头

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give him the axe解雇,炒鱿鱼 be axed from

dismiss ,fire ,sack offshow sb. the door下逐客令, lay off 裁员,get the boot ,get the heave-ho/'hi:v'həu/抛弃扔掉,kick sb. out,find a "better" job,lose one’s job,get the pink slip在美国公司老板如果要解聘员工,就在员工的工资袋里加一张“粉红纸条”,说明雇员被解雇的原因。

made sb. a celebrity

get in on...参与

left to be desired 有待提高,有很大提升空间

Don't throw in the towel when you hit the wall,You leave a lot to be desired.


team up with=partner up with 组队组团

hit(come up against/run into) a wall 碰壁,遇到挫折/瓶颈


I feel I kind of hit a wall with my English.

punch line(笑话的)包袱,梗

get bogged down 被拖延 =was holden back

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2019.9.17  Day 9(Page175-195):

decent/'diːs(ə)nt/  least relieve need

choice /tʃɔɪs/    Mojito /mə(ʊ)'hiːtəʊ/ cocktail一种鸡尾酒


deceptively easy 看似简单

got on a roll进入状态,势如破竹,才思泉涌,运气/灵感正来(“在传送带上,根本停不下来”)

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break a sweat出汗

play it cool淡定,潇洒对待

play the game 遵守规则

Girls rule!China rules.很棒,牛B

He butchered it/screwed up. 他搞砸了。


report to my office

be shaken up 震惊,吓到,受刺激

set the record straight 说明事实,澄清真相,confess坦白,说实话

I was up all night tossing and turning over this...situation....想得辗转反侧(像摊煎饼一样~...)


take one for the team 牺牲一人,成全大家

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come clean with 坦白,承认=own up to

take a nap 打盹

...situation/issue/thing/event/episode ...事件 

the morning-reading thing晨读这件小事

every once in a while 偶尔=accidently

more often than not是不是,经常

effective immediately立即生效

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  It doesn't take a...to...不是说非得是...才能...: It's easy to do or understand sth

It doesn't take a genius/detective/Sherlock/Conan/an Einstein to figure out that...很明显

It doesn't take a Shakespear to write an artice like that.写作不是非要写出像莎士比亚一样的作品。

It doesn't take a superman/hero to save the world.

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rat/sell me out 告发我 (突然想到Harry Potter-3里的老鼠斑斑就是出卖了小天狼星的小矮星彼得~人物设定妙啊~)

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Snitches get stitches.敢说出去就neng死你。

backstab 陷害,背后捅刀子,出卖

get back at ,retaliate,revenge报复

reinstate 恢复职位

give a lecture

I'm your guy/man/person.(好朋友,死党,值得信赖的人,亲信)我是你要找的人。我行,我可以。表忠心表支持:我听你的,我支持你。我随叫随到

football man喜欢足球的人(足球迷)

I'm my own man. 我自己拿主意,我自有主张(不要对我指指点点。)


If my memory serves me right,...

If I recall correctly,...

chum 朋友 n./v.

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There's no turning back.没有回头路了。

There's no stopping it.

the turning point 转折点

备胎spare tire:

a backup friend =a fallback guy =put on the back burner=3th wheel=5th wheel

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给自己留条后路: fall back on,back up on

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对sb很冷淡 give sb. a cold shoulder

the other girl/boy 第三者

pull the plug on...(拔插销断电)放弃,不再支持,停止终止

booger鼻屎 poop排便 potty chair小孩用的拉屎座椅,potty便壶

be potty about 着迷

mania ...热

maniac /'meɪnɪæk/ 狂人,疯子=nuts

I started to get the feeling that sth. was wrong.

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2019.9.17  Day10(Page196-217):

car'toonist    country/'kʌntri/

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19年9月晨读笔记-Diary of a wimpy kid (下)_第37张图片

I'm better off without him.

提分手时:You'll be better off without me. = You deserve better.

dresses like a Pilgrim/clown/sb.


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comic gold=funny有趣,有料,漫画的黄金素材

news gold=headline 头条

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foil a plan/crime/plot 阻碍/挫败

win in/by a landslide 压倒性的胜利,完胜

a landslide victory

hocus-pocus 花招

screech :


The car screeched to a halt outside the hospital. 汽车嘎地在医院外面停住。

pile out 下车、散开

She parked the van, and the kids piled out.

The crowd piled out of the theater.

egg on 鼓动,怂恿(熟词生义)

He hit the other boy again and again as his friends egged him on. 他在朋友的煽动下一次又一次地打了另一个男孩。

a good egg正人君子

与...有关 have sth to do with it

itch for/to do极度渴望,盼望...

The general was longing/yearning/itching for a fight.

hold my fist攥紧拳头

leprechaun 四叶草精灵(又丑又爱戏弄人) =obnoxious

the last thing I needed 我最不需要的

nasty=gross 讨厌,烦人,恶心的

pull the pranks/jokes 开玩笑

You pull it off.=You made it.

pull the plug on 放弃

Maybe the Cheese grew legs and walked away.

egg sb on ...怂恿sb做某事

My friends egged me on to ask for the girl's number.

It took all my self-control to keep my mouth shut.

You put two and two together and figured out that... 很明显

do the mess收拾烂摊子

once and for all 一劳永逸

But boy,was I wrong.=I was dead wrong.(倒装表强调) 我真是大错特错!

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He gets too big for his britches.他太自以为是,太嘚瑟了。


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