带你走遍七大洲五大洋 five oceans

1.    Pacific Ocean 太平洋,pacific:adj.和平的、爱好和平的、平静的。

      (在16c20s航海家麦哲伦在一次航行中经历了38天的惊涛骇浪,他的船员在饱受了滔天巨浪之后突然发现前面是一片平静的汪洋大海,非常兴奋,于是把这篇海域称为“平静的海洋”pacific ocean太平洋。)        

       补充:Pacific Coffee太平洋咖啡;the Asia-Pacific region亚太地区;APEC the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation亚太经合组织

2.    the Atlantic Ocean大西洋,Atlantic大西洋。

       The Atlantic Ocean is one of the oceans that separate the Old World from the New. For centuries it kept the Americas from being discovered by the people of Europe.大西洋是把亚、欧、非这个旧世界与南北美洲这个新世界相隔开的一片大洋,几个世纪以来,欧洲人一直没有发现南北美洲。        

        补充:《the Atlantic Ocean》(大西洋月刊)、www.theatlantic.com

3.    Indian Ocean印度洋,

        It's the least interesting ocean, it's named simply because it is to the south of India.这个大洋的名字最普通,仅仅是因为它在印度洋的南面(所以叫印度洋)。

4.    Antarctic Ocean南冰洋,

       上周学了一个单词Antarctic南极洲,加上ocean即为南冰洋,同时它也叫the Southern Ocean南大洋。The Antarctic Ocean, also known as the Southern Ocean, is defined in opposition to the Arctic. Antarctic simply means"opposite to the Arctic".

5.    Arctic Ocean北冰洋,arctic:adj.表示北极的、冰冷的;n.表示北极圈、北极地带。

       The Arctic is the region around the North Pole.北极是指北极点周围的一圈。 North Pole:北极点;South Pole:南极点;Over the South Pole:飞跃南极。

Now we have such fast ways of traveling that these big oceans seem to have grown smaller, Columbus sailed for more than two months to cross the Atlantic Ocean, a fast modern steamship can make the trip in less than four days. Airplanes fly from New York to London in only eight hours and from South America to Africa in four.


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